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小说: 把时间当作朋友 字数: 每页4000字

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6 Life is about choice。
7 Knowledge and decision, by Thomas Sowell, p。98。
8 2000年7月13日,CNN曾做过一个关于此事的,标题为The debate goes on的专题报道。
9 Scientific American
10 这一点上,孔子很厉害,在那样的年代里竟然可以做到清楚“怪力乱神”的无聊。不过,2006年的某期《光明日报》上,有人说,其实应该这样断句:“子不语,怪力乱神”,意思是说,“孔子不说话了,惟恐用力分散影响集中精神。” 
11 这个故事经查证,大抵上应该是一个teaching aids story而已。David Gardner在fool上的评价颇有意味:Dan recently had forwarded to him one of those extremely amusing (and enlightening) Psych 101 experiment stories that makes its own important point。 As this was forwarded to him, neither he nor I could verify the exact study; but even if it never occurred (and I like to think it did); there is spiritual truth here; dear Fools … and I regard spiritual truth as a deeper thing; in its own way, than scientific truth。
12 《新周刊》2007年第16期总第257期。
13 其实心理学家们早就开始研究这个领域了。有必要认识一下这个人:马丁 塞利格曼Positive Psychology的鼻祖。最近哈佛大学里窜红的那个”快乐学“教授,就可以算作是塞利格曼的传人。
14 http://en。wikipedia/wiki/Case_study
15 事实上,这句话是断章取义,原话应该是:天才就是99%的汗水再加1%的灵感,但这1%的灵感远远比99%的汗水重要。甚至有人怀疑,爱迪生到底有没有说过这句话……
16 奈特就是那个早在 1923年就指出所谓“市场有效性”是个无用的、臆造的概念的那个经济学家。“… ownership of personal or material productive capacity is based upon a plex mixture of inheritance, luck and effort, probably in that order of relative importance” (Knight, 1923)。 
17 关于这个调查的出处,我已经找不到了。有趣的是,在整理这本书稿的时候,正好看到刚刚发行的电影《美国黑帮》(American Gangster),其中罗素·克劳扮演的“Richie”在对白中就提到这件事。
18 Cherry, E。 C。 (1953) Some experiments on the recognition of speech, with one and with two ears。 Journal of Acoustical Society of America 25(5), 975…979。 
19 http://dv。ouou/play/v_38d7f4baf30ff。html
20 他还写过另外一本有趣的书,Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking
21 The Road Less Traveled, by M。 Scott Peck
22 Henri Poincaré,1854 … 1912 
23 Edward Lorenz ,born May 23, 1917
24 Many people would sooner die than think。 In fact they do。 … Bertrand Russell
25 We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them。 … Albert Einstein

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