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the querist-第17章

小说: the querist 字数: 每页4000字

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whether this privileges) did not rise to near 2000 per cent must
be ascribed to real advantages of trade; or to mere frenzy?

96 Whether; from first to last; there were not fabricated bank
bills; of one kind or other; to the value of more than two
thousand and six hundred millions of livres; or one hundred and
thirty millions sterling?

97 Whether the credit of the bank did not decline from its union
with the Indian Company?

98 Whether; notwithstanding all the above…mentioned extraordinary
measures; the bank bills did not still pass at par with gold and
silver to May; 1720; when the French king thought fit; by a new
act of council; to make a reduction of their value; which proved
a fatal blow; the effects whereof; though soon retracted; no
subsequent skill or management could ever repair?

99 Whether; what no reason; reflexion; or foresight could do;
this simple matter of fact (the most powerful argument with the
multitude) did not do at once; to wit; open the eyes of the

100 Whether the dealers in that sort of ware had ever troubled
their heads with the nature of credit; or the true use and end of
banks; but only considered their bills and actions as things; to
which the general demand gave a price?

101 Whether the Government was not in great perplexity to
contrive expedients for the getting rid of those bank bills;
which had been lately multiplied with such an unlimited passion?

102 Whether notes to the value of about ninety millions were not
sunk by being paid off in specie; with the cash of the Compagnie
des Indes; with that of the bank; and that of the Hotels des
Monnoyes? Whether five hundred and thirty millions were not
converted into annuities at the royal treasury? Whether several
hundred millions more in bank bills were not extinguished and
replaced by annuities on the City of Paris; on taxes throughout
the provinces; &c。; &c?

103 Whether; after all other shifts; the last and grand resource
for exhausting that ocean; was not the erecting of a compte en
banc in several towns of France?

104 Whether; when the imagination of a people is thoroughly
wrought upon and heated by their own example; and the arts of
designing men; this doth not produce a sort of enthusiasm which
takes place of reason; and is the most dangerous distemper in a

105 Whether this epidemical madness should not be always before
the eyes of a legislature; in the framing of a national bank?

106 Whether; therefore; it may not be fatal to engraft trade on a
national bank; or to propose dividends on the stock thereof?

108 Whether it may not be as useful a lesson to consider the bad
management of some as the good management of others?

109 Whether the rapid and surprising success of the schemes of
those who directed the French bank did not turn their brains?

110 Whether the best institutions may not be made subservient to
bad ends?

111 Whether; as the aim of industry is power; and the aim of a
bank is to circulate and secure this power to each individual; it
doth not follow that absolute power in one hand is inconsistent
with a lasting and a flourishing bank?

115 Whether the mistaking of the means for the end was not a
fundamental error in the French councils?

123 Whether there should not be a constant care to keep the bills
at par?

124 Whether; therefore; bank bills should at any time be
multiplied but as trade and business were also multiplied?

125 Whether it was not madness in France to mint bills and
actions; merely to humour the people and rob them of their cash?

126 Whether we may not profit by their mistakes; and as some
things are to be avoided; whether there may not be others worthy
of imitation in the conduct of our neighbours?

127 Whether the way be not clear and open and easy; and whether
anything but the will is wanting to our legislature?

128 Whether jobs and tricks are not detested on all hands; but
whether it be not the joint interest of prince and people to
promote industry?

129 Whether; all things considered; a national bank be not the
most practicable; sure; and speedy method to mend our affairs;
and cause industry to flourish among us?

130 Whether a compte en banc or current bank bills would best
answer our occasions?

131 Whether a public compte en banc; where effects are received;
and accounts kept with particular persons; be not an excellent
expedient for a great city?

132 What effect a general compte en banc would have in the
metropolis of this kingdom with one in each province subordinate

133 Whether it may not be proper for a great kingdom to unite
both expedients; to wit; bank notes and a compte en banc?

134 Whether; nevertheless; it would be advisable to begin with
both at once; or rather to proceed first with the bills; and
afterwards; as business multiplied; and money or effects flowed
in; to open the compte en banc?

135 Whether; for greater security; double books of compte en banc
should not be kept in different places an d hands?

136 Whether it would not be right to build the compters and
public treasuries; where books and bank notes are kept; without
wood; all arched and floored with brick or stone; having chests
also and cabinets of iron?

137 Whether divers registers of the bank notes should not be kept
in different hands?

138 Whether there should not be great discretion in the uttering
of bank notes; and whether the attempting to do things per saltum
be not often the way to undo them?

139 Whether the main art be not by slow degrees and cautious
measures to reconcile the bank to the public; to wind it
insensibly into the affections of men; and interweave it with the

141 Whether a national bank may not prevent the drawing of specie
out of the country (where it circulates in small payments); to be
shut up in the chests of particular persons?

143 Whether tenants or debtors could have cause to complain of
our monies being reduced to the English value if it were withal
multiplied in the same; or in a greater proportion? and whether
this would not be the consequence of a nation al bank?

144 If there be an open sure way to thrive; without hazard to
ourselves or prejudice to our neighbours; what should hinder us
from putting it in practice?

145 Whether in so numerous a Senate; as that of this kingdom; it
may not be easie to find men of pure hands and clear heads fit to
contrive and model a public bank?

146 Whether a view of the precipice be not sufficient; or whether
we must tumble headlong before we are roused?

147 Whether in this drooping and dispirited country; men are
quite awake?

156 Whether; if we do not reap the benefits that may be made of
our country and government; want of will in the lower people; or
want of wit in the upper; be most in fault?

165 Whether an assembly of freethinkers; petit maitres; and smart
fellows; would not make an admirable Senate?

175 Whether there be really among us any parents so silly; as to
encourage drinking in their children?

176 Whence it is; that our ladies are more alive; and bear age so
much better than our gentlemen?

185 Whether this be altogether their own fault?

197 Whether it may not be right to appoint censors in every
parish to observe and make returns of the idle hands?

198 Whether a register or history of the idleness and industry of
a people would be an useless thing?

199 Whether we are apprized; of all the uses that may be made of
political arithmetic?

207 Why the workhouse in Dublin; with so good an endowment;
should yet be of so little use? and whether this may not be owing
to that very endowment?

208 Whether that income might not; by this time; have gone
through the whole kingdom; and erected a dozen workhouses in
every county?

210 Whether the tax on chairs or hackney coaches be not paid;
rather by the country gentlemen; than the citizens of Dublin?

227 Whether there should not be a difference between the
treatment of criminals and that of other slaves?

251 Whether when a motion was made once upon a time to establish
a private bank in this kingdom by public authority; divers
gentlemen did not shew themse

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