贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the dark flower >


the dark flower-第50章

小说: the dark flower 字数: 每页4000字

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hollow…cheeked; patient; dark of eye。  He; too; should be well
tipped!  And that poor; over…hatted lady; eating her frugal meal
to her; at all events; a look of kindness。  For all desperate
creatures he must feel; this desperate night!  And suddenly he
thought of Oliver。  Another desperate one!  What should he say to
Oliver at this dancehe; aged forty…seven; coming there without
his wife!  Some imbecility; such as: 'Watching the human form
divine in motion;' 'Catching sidelights on Nell for the statuette'
some cant; it did not matter!  The wine was drawn; and he must

It was still early when he left the restauranta dry night; very
calm; not cold。  When had he danced last?  With Olive Cramier;
before he knew he loved her。  Well; THAT memory could not be
broken; for he would not dance to…night!  Just watch; sit with the
girl a few minutes; feel her hand cling to his; see her eyes turned
back to him; andcome away!  And thenthe future!  For the wine
was drawn!  The leaf of a plane…tree; fluttering down; caught on
his sleeve。  Autumn would soon be gone; and after Autumnonly
Winter!  She would have done with him long before he came to
Winter。  Nature would see to it that Youth called for her; and
carried her away。  Nature in her courses!  But just to cheat Nature
for a little while!  To cheat Naturewhat greater happiness!

Here was the place with red…striped awning; carriages driving away;
loiterers watching。  He turned in with a beating heart。  Was he
before her?  How would she come to this first dance?  With Oliver
alone?  Or had some chaperon been found?  To have come because she
this child so lovely; born 'outside'might have need of
chaperonage; would have been some comfort to dignity; so wistful;
so lost as his。  But; alas! he knew he was only there because he
could not keep away!

Already they were dancing in the hall upstairs; but not she; yet;
and he stood leaning against the wall where she must pass。  Lonely
and out of place he felt; as if everyone must know why he was
there。  People stared; and he heard a girl ask: 〃Who's that against
the wall with the hair and dark moustache?〃and her partner
murmuring his answer; and her voice again: 〃Yes; he looks as if he
were seeing sand and lions。〃  For whom; then; did they take him?
Thank heaven!  They were all the usual sort。  There would be no one
that he knew。  Suppose Johnny Dromore himself came with Nell!  He
was to be back on Saturday!  What could he say; then?  How meet
those doubting; knowing eyes; goggling with the fixed philosophy
that a man has but one use for woman?  God! and it would be true!
For a moment he was on the point of getting his coat and hat; and
sneaking away。  That would mean not seeing her till Monday; and he
stood his ground。  But after to…night there must be no more such
riskstheir meetings must be wisely planned; must sink
underground。  And then he saw her at the foot of the stairs in a
dress of a shell…pink colour; with one of his flowers in her light…
brown hair and the others tied to the handle of a tiny fan。  How
self…possessed she looked; as if this were indeed her native
elementher neck and arms bare; her cheeks a deep soft pink; her
eyes quickly turning here and there。  She began mounting the
stairs; and saw him。  Was ever anything so lovely as she looked
just then?  Behind her he marked Oliver; and a tall girl with red
hair; and another young man。  He moved deliberately to the top of
the stairs on the wall side; so that from behind they should not
see her face when she greeted him。  She put the little fan with the
flowers to her lips; and; holding out her hand; said; quick and low:

〃The fourth; it's a polka; we'll sit out; won't we?〃

Then swaying a little; so that her hair and the flower in it almost
touched his face; she passed; and there in her stead stood Oliver。

Lennan had expected one of his old insolent looks; but the young
man's face was eager and quite friendly。

〃It was awfully good of you to come; Mr。 Lennan。  Is Mrs。 Lennan〃

And Lennan murmured:

〃She wasn't able; she's not quite〃 and could have sunk into the
shining floor。  Youth with its touching confidence; its eager
trust!  This was the way he was fulfilling his duty towards Youth!

When they had passed into the ballroom he went back to his position
against the wall。  They were dancing Number Three; his time of
waiting; then; was drawing to a close。  From where he stood he
could not see the dancersno use to watch her go round in someone
else's arms。

Not a true waltzsome French or Spanish pavement song played in
waltz time; bizarre; pathetic; whirling after its own happiness。
That chase for happiness!  Well; life; with all its prizes and its
possibilities; had nothing that quite satisfiedsave just the
fleeting moments of passion!  Nothing else quite poignant enough to
be called pure joy!  Or so it seemed to him。

The waltz was over。  He could see her now; on a rout seat against
the wall with the other young man; turning her eyes constantly as
if to make sure that he was still standing there。  What subtle fuel
was always being added to the fire by that flattery of her
inexplicable adorationof those eyes that dragged him to her; yet
humbly followed him; too!  Five times while she sat there he saw
the red…haired girl or Oliver bring men up; saw youths cast longing
glances; saw girls watching her with cold appraisement; or with a
touching; frank delight。  From the moment that she came in; there
had been; in her father's phrase; 'only one in it。'  And she could
pass all this by; and still want him。  Incredible!

At the first notes of the polka he went to her。  It was she who
found their place of refugea little alcove behind two palm…
plants。  But sitting there; he realized; as never before; that
there was no spiritual communion between him and this child。  She
could tell him her troubles or her joys; he could soothe or
sympathize; but never would the gap between their natures and their
ages be crossed。  His happiness was only in the sight and touch of
her。  But that; God knew; was happiness enougha feverish; craving
joy; like an overtired man's thirst; growing with the drink on
which it tries to slake itself。  Sitting there; in the scent of
those flowers and of some sweet essence in her hair; with her
fingers touching his; and her eyes seeking his; he tried loyally
not to think of himself; to grasp her sensations at this her first
dance; and just help her to enjoyment。  But he could not
paralyzed; made drunk by that insensate longing to take her in his
arms and crush her to him as he had those few hours back。  He could
see her expanding like a flower; in all this light; and motion; and
intoxicating admiration round her。  What business had he in her
life; with his dark hunger after secret hours; hea coin worn thin
alreadya destroyer of the freshness and the glamour of her youth
and beauty!

Then; holding up the flowers; she said:

〃Did you give me these because of the one I gave you?〃


〃What did you do with that?〃

〃Burned it。〃

〃Oh! but why?〃

〃Because you are a witchand witches must be burned with all their

〃Are you going to burn me?〃

He put his hand on her cool arm。

〃Feel!  The flames are lighted。〃

〃You may!  I don't care!〃

She took his hand and laid her cheek against it; yet; to the music;
which had begun again; the tip of her shoe was already beating
time。  And he said:

〃You ought to be dancing; child。〃

〃Oh; no!  Only it's a pity you don't want to。〃

〃Yes!  Do you understand that it must all be secretunderground?〃

She covered his lips with the fan; and said: 〃You're not to think;
you're not to thinknever!  When can I come?〃

〃I must find the best way。  Not to…morrow。  Nobody must know; Nell
for your sakefor hersnobody!〃

She nodded; and repeated with a soft; mysterious wisdom: 〃Nobody。〃
And then; aloud: 〃Here's Oliver!  It was awfully good of you to
come。  Good…night!〃

And as; on Oliver's arm; she left their little refuge; she looked

He lingeredto watch her through this one dance。  How they made
all the other couples sink into insignificance; with that something
in them both t

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