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the dark flower-第15章

小说: the dark flower 字数: 每页4000字

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morrow!  She decided on black。  In black she knew that her neck
looked whiter; and the colour of her eyes and hair stranger。  She
put on no jewellery; did not even pin a rose at her breast; took
white gloves。  Since her husband did not come to her room; she went
up the little stairway to his。  She surprised him ready dressed;
standing by the fireplace; smiling faintly。  What was he thinking
of; standing there with that smile?  Was there blood in him at all?

He inclined his head slightly and said:

〃Good!  Chaste as the night!  Black suits you。  Shall we find our
way down to these savage halls?〃

And they went down。

Everyone was already there; waiting。  A single neighbouring squire
and magistrate; by name Trusham; had been bidden; to make numbers

Dinner was announced; they went in。  At the round table in a
dining…room; all black oak; with many candles; and terrible
portraits of departed ancestors; Anna sat between the magistrate
and Gordy。  Mark was opposite; between a quaint…looking old lady
and a young girl who had not been introduced; a girl in white; with
very fair hair and very white skin; blue eyes; and lips a little
parted; a daughter evidently of the faded Mrs。 Doone。  A girl like
a silvery moth; like a forget…me…not!  Anna found it hard to take
her eyes away from this girl's face; not that she admired her
exactly; pretty she wasyes; but weak; with those parted lips and
soft chin; and almost wistful look; as if her deep…blue half…eager
eyes were in spite of her。  But she was youngso young!  That was
why not to watch her seemed impossible。  〃Sylvia Doone?〃  Indeed!
Yes。  A soft name; a pretty nameand very like her!  Every time
her eyes could travel away from her duty to Squire Trusham; and to
Gordy (on both of whom she was clearly making an impression); she
gazed at this girl; sitting there by the boy; and whenever those
two young things smiled and spoke together she felt her heart
contract and hurt her。  Was THIS why that something had gone out of
his eyes?  Ah; she was foolish!  If every girl or woman the boy
knew was to cause such a feeling in her; what would life be like?
And her will hardened against her fears。  She was looking brilliant
herself; and she saw that the girl in her turn could not help
gazing at her eagerly; wistfully; a little bewilderedhatefully
young。  And the boy?  Slowly; surely; as a magnet draws; Anna could
feel that she was drawing him; could see him stealing chances to
look at her。  Once she surprised him full。  What troubled eyes!  It
was not the old adoring face; yet she knew from its expression that
she could make him want hermake him jealouseasily fire him with
her kisses; if she would。

And the dinner wore to an end。  Then came the moment when the girl
and she must meet under the eyes of the mother; and that sharp;
quaint…looking old governess。  It would be a hard moment; that!
And it camea hard moment and a long one; for Gordy sat full span
over his wine。  But Anna had not served her time beneath the gaze
of upper Oxford for nothing; she managed to be charming; full of
interest and questions in her still rather foreign accent。  Miss
Doonesoon she became Sylviamust show her all the treasures and
antiquities。  Was it too dark to go out just to look at the old
house by night?  Oh; no。  Not a bit。  There were goloshes in the
hall。  And they went; the girl leading; and talking of Anna knew
not what; so absorbed was she in thinking how for a moment; just a
moment; she could contrive to be with the boy alone。

It was not remarkable; this old house; but it was his homemight
some day perhaps be his。  And houses at night were strangely alive
with their window eyes。

〃That is my room;〃 the girl said; 〃where the jessamine isyou can
just see it。  Mark's is abovelook; under where the eave hangs
out; away to the left。  The other night〃

〃Yes; the other night?〃

〃Oh; I don't!  Listen。  That's an owl。  We have heaps of owls。
Mark likes them。  I don't; much。〃

Always Mark!

〃He's awfully keen; you see; about all beasts and birdshe models
them。  Shall I show you his workshop?it's an old greenhouse。
Here; you can see in。〃

There through the glass Anna indeed could just see the boy's quaint
creations huddling in the dark on a bare floor; a grotesque company
of small monsters。  She murmured:

〃Yes; I see them; but I won't really look unless he brings me

〃Oh; he's sure to。  They interest him more than anything in the

For all her cautious resolutions Anna could not for the life of her
help saying:

〃What; more than you?〃

The girl gave her a wistful stare before she answered:

〃Oh! I don't count much。〃

Anna laughed; and took her arm。  How soft and young it felt!  A
pang went through her heart; half jealous; half remorseful。

〃Do you know;〃 she said; 〃that you are very sweet?〃

The girl did not answer。

〃Are you his cousin?〃

〃No。  Gordy is only Mark's uncle by marriage; my mother is Gordy's
sisterso I'm nothing。〃


〃I seejust what you English call 'a connection。'〃

They were silent; seeming to examine the night; then the girl said:

〃I wanted to see you awfully。  You're not like what I thought。〃

〃Oh!  And what DID you think?〃

〃I thought you would have dark eyes; and Venetian red hair; and not
be quite so tall。  Of course; I haven't any imagination。〃

They were at the door again when the girl said that; and the hall
light was falling on her; her slip of a white figure showed clear。
Younghow young she looked!  Everything she saidso young!

And Anna murmured: 〃And you aremore than I thought; too。〃

Just then the men came out from the dining…room; her husband with
the look on his face that denoted he had been well listened to;
Squire Trusham laughing as a man does who has no sense of humour;
Gordy having a curly; slightly asphyxiated air; and the boy his
pale; brooding look; as though he had lost touch with his
surroundings。  He wavered towards her; seemed to lose himself; went
and sat down by the old governess。  Was it because he did not dare
to come up to her; or only because he saw the old lady sitting
alone?  It might well be that。

And the evening; so different from what she had dreamed of; closed
in。  Squire Trusham was gone in his high dog…cart; with his famous
mare whose exploits had entertained her all through dinner。  Her
candle had been given her; she had said good…night to all but Mark。
What should she do when she had his hand in hers?  She would be
alone with him in that grasp; whose strength no one could see。  And
she did not know whether to clasp it passionately; or to let it go
coolly back to its owner; whether to claim him or to wait。  But she
was unable to help pressing it feverishly。  At once in his face she
saw again that troubled look; and her heart smote her。  She let it
go; and that she might not see him say good…night to the girl;
turned and mounted to her room。

Fully dressed; she flung herself on the bed; and there lay; her
handkerchief across her mouth; gnawing at its edges。


Mark's nineteenth birthday rose in grey mist; slowly dropped its
veil to the grass; and shone clear and glistening。  He woke early。
From his window he could see nothing in the steep park but the soft
blue…grey; balloon…shaped oaks suspended one above the other among
the round…topped boulders。  It was in early morning that he always
got his strongest feeling of wanting to model things; then and
after dark; when; for want of light; it was no use。  This morning
he had the craving badly; and the sense of not knowing how weighed
down his spirit。  His drawings; his modelsthey were all so bad;
so fumbly。  If only this had been his twenty…first birthday; and he
had his money; and could do what he liked。  He would not stay in
England。  He would be off to Athens; or Rome; or even to Paris; and
work till he COULD do something。  And in his holidays he would
study animals and birds in wild countries where there were plenty
of them; and you could watch them in their haunts。  It was stupid
having to stay in a place like Oxford; but at the thought of what
Oxford meant; his roaming fancy; like a bird hypnotized by a haw

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