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and caused two little images to be made and dedicated to her; one of
silver and the other of brass。 Moreover; that on the second day of
Gorpiaeus; which is sacred to Ariadne; they have this ceremony among
their sacrifices; to have a youth lie down and with his voice and
gesture represent the pains of a woman in travail; and that the
Amathusians call the grove in which they show her tomb; the grove of
Venus Ariadne。
  Differing yet from this account; some of the Naxians write that
there were two Minoses and two Ariadnes; one of whom; they say; was
married to Bacchus; in the isle of Naxos; and bore the children
Staphylus and his brother; but that the other; of a later age; was
carried off by Theseus; and; being afterwards deserted by him; retired
to Naxos; with her nurse Corcyna; whose grave they yet show。 That this
Ariadne also died there; and was worshipped by the island; but in a
different manner from the former; for her day is celebrated with
general joy and revelling; but all the sacrifices performed to the
latter are attended with mourning and gloom。
  Now Theseus; in his return from Crete; put in at Delos; and having
sacrificed to the god of the island; dedicated to the temple the image
of Venus which Ariadne had given him; and danced with the young
Athenians a dance that; in memory of him; they say is still
preserved among the inhabitants of Delos; consisting in certain
measured turnings and returnings; imitative of the windings and
twistings of the labyrinth。 And this dance; as Dicaearchus writes;
is called among the Delians the Crane。 This he danced around the
Ceratonian Altar; so called from its consisting of horns taken from
the left side of the head。 They say also that he instituted games in
Delos; where he was the first that began the custom of giving a palm
to the victors。
  When they were come near the coast of Attica; so great was the joy
for the happy success of their voyage; that neither Theseus himself
nor the pilot remembered to hang out the sail which should have been
the token of their safety to Aegeus; who; in despair at the sight;
threw himself headlong from a rock; and perished in the sea。 But
Theseus being arrived at the port of Phalerum; paid there the
sacrifices which he had vowed to the gods at his setting out to sea;
and sent a herald to the city to carry the news of his safe return。 At
his entrance; the herald found the people for the most part full of
grief for the loss of their king; others; as may well be believed;
as full of joy for the tidings that he brought; and eager to welcome
him and crown him with garlands for his good news; which he indeed
accepted of; but hung them upon his herald's staff; and thus returning
to the seaside before Theseus had finished his libation to the gods;
he stayed apart for fear of disturbing the holy rites; but; as soon as
the libation was ended; went up and related the king's death; upon the
hearing of which; with great lamentations and a confused tumult of
grief; they ran with all haste to the city。 And from hence; they
say; it comes that at this day; in the feast of Oschophoria; the
herald is not crowned; but his staff; and all who are present at the
libation cry out eleleu; iou; iou; the first of which confused
sounds is commonly used by men in haste; or at a triumph; the other is
proper to people in consternation or disorder of mind。
  Theseus; after the funeral of his father; paid his vows to Apollo
the seventh day of Pyanepsion; for on that day the youth that returned
with him safe from Crete made their entry into the city。 They say;
also; that the custom of boiling pulse at this feast is derived from
hence; because the young men that escaped put all that was left of
their provision together; and; boiling it in one common pot; feasted
themselves with it; and ate it all up together。 Hence; also; they
carry in procession an olive branch bound about with wool (such as
they then made use of in their supplications); which they call
Eiresione; crowned with all sorts of fruits; to signify that
scarcity and barrenness was ceased; singing in their procession this

        〃Eiresione bring figs; and Eiresione bring loaves;
        Bring us boney in pints; and oil to rub on our bodies;
        And a strong flagon of wine; for all to go mellow to bed on。〃

Although some hold opinion that this ceremony is retained in memory of
the Heraclidae; who were thus entertained and brought up by the
Athenians。 But most are of the opinion which we have given above。
  The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned had thirty
oars; and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of
Demetrius Phalereus; for they took away the old planks as they
decayed; putting in new and stronger timber in their place; insomuch
that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers; for
the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the
ship remained the same; and the other contending that it was not the
  The feast called Oschophoria; or the feast of boughs; which to
this day the Athenians celebrate; was then first instituted by
Theseus。 For he took not with him the full number of virgins which
by lot were to be carried away; but selected two youths of his
acquaintance; of fair and womanish faces; but of a manly and forward
spirit; and having; by frequent baths; and avoiding the heat and
scorching of the sun; with a constant use of all the ointments and
washes and dresses that serve to the adorning of the head or smoothing
the skin or improving the complexion; in a manner changed them from
what they were before; and having taught them farther to counterfeit
the very voice and carriage and gait of virgins so that there could
not be the least difference perceived; he; undiscovered by any; put
them into the number of the Athenian maids designed for Crete。 At
his return; he and these two youths led up a solemn procession; in the
same habit that is now worn by those who carry the vine…branches。
Those branches they carry in honour of Bacchus and Ariadne; for the
sake of their story before related; or rather because they happened to
return in autumn; the time of gathering the grapes。 The women; whom
they call Deipnopherae; or supper…carriers; are taken into these
ceremonies; and assist at the sacrifice; in remembrance and
imitation of the mothers of the young men and virgins upon whom the
lot fell; for thus they ran about bringing bread and meat to their
children; and because the women then told their sons and daughters
many tales and stories; to comfort and encourage them under the danger
they were going upon; it has still continued a custom that at this
feast old fables and tales should be told。 For these particularities
we are indebted to the history of Demon。 There was then a place chosen
out; and a temple erected in it to Theseus; and those families out
of whom the tribute of the youth was gathered were appointed to pay
tax to the temple for sacrifices to him。 And the house of the
Phytalidae had the overseeing of these sacrifices; Theseus doing
them that honour in recompense of their former hospitality。
  Now; after the death of his father Aegeus; forming in his mind a
great and wonderful design; he gathered together all the inhabitants
of Attica into one town; and made them one people of one city; whereas
before they lived dispersed; and were not easy to assemble upon any
affair for the common interest。 Nay; differences and even wars often
occurred between them; which he by his persuasions appeased; going
from township to township; and from tribe to tribe。 And those of a
more private and mean condition readily embracing such good advice; to
those of greater power he promised a commonwealth without monarchy;
a democracy; or people's government; in which he should only be
continued as their commander in war and the protector of their laws;
all things else being equally distributed among them;… and by this
means brought a part of them over to his proposal。 The rest; fearing
his power; which was already grown very formidable; and knowing his
courage and resolution; chose rather to be persuaded than forced
into a compliance。 He

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