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                                  by Plutarch

                           translated by John Dryden

  As geographers; Sosius; crowd into the edges of their maps parts
of the world which they do not know about; adding notes in the
margin to the effect; that beyond this lies nothing but the sandy
deserts full of wild beasts; unapproachable bogs; Scythian ice; or a
frozen sea; so in this work of mine; in which I have compared the
lives of the greatest men with one another; after passing through
those periods which probable reasoning can reach to and real history
find a footing in; I might very well say of those that are farther
off: 〃Beyond this there is nothing but prodigies and fictions; the
only inhabitants are the poets and inventors of fables; there is no
credit; or certainty any farther。〃 Yet; after publishing an account of
Lycurgus the lawgiver and Numa the king; I thought I might; not
without reason; ascend as high as to Romulus; being brought by my
history so near to his time。 Considering therefore with myself…

        〃Whom shall I set so great a man to face?
        Or whom oppose? Who's equal to the place?〃

(as Aeschylus expresses it); I found none so fit as him that peopled
the beautiful and far…famed city of Athens; to be set in opposition
with the father of the invincible and renowned city of Rome。 Let us
hope that Fable may; in what shall follow; so submit to the
purifying processes of Reason as to take the character of exact
history。 In any case; however; where it shall be found
contumaciously slighting credibility and refusing to be reduced to
anything like probable fact; we shall beg that we may meet with candid
readers; and such as will receive with indulgence the stories of
  Theseus seemed to me to resemble Romulus in many particulars。 Both
of them; born out of wedlock and of uncertain parentage; had the
repute of being sprung from the gods。

        〃Both warriors; that by all the world's allowed。〃

Both of them united with strength of body an equal vigour of mind; and
of the two most famous cities of the world; the one built Rome; and
the other made Athens be inhabited。 Both stand charged with the rape
of women; neither of them could avoid domestic misfortunes nor
jealousy at home; but towards the close of their lives are both of
them said to have incurred great odium with their countrymen; if; that
is; we may take the stories least like poetry as our guide to the
  The lineage of Theseus; by his father's side; ascends as high as
to Erectheus and the first inhabitants of Attica。 By his mother's side
he was descended of Pelops。 For Pelops was the most powerful of all
the kings of Peloponnesus; not so much by the greatness of his
riches as the multitude of his children; having married many daughters
to chief men; and put many sons in places of command in the towns
round about him。 One of whom named Pittheus; grandfather to Theseus;
was governor of the small city of the Troezenians and had the repute
of a man of the greatest knowledge and wisdom of his time; which then;
it seems; consisted chiefly in grave maxims; such as the poet Hesiod
got his great fame by; in his book of Works and Days。 And; indeed;
among these is one that they ascribe to Pittheus;…

        〃Unto a friend suffice
        A stipulated price;〃

which; also; Aristotle mentions。 And Euripides; by calling
Hippolytus 〃scholar of the holy Pittheus;〃 shows the opinion that
the world had of him。 Aegeus; being desirous of children; and
consulting the oracle of Delphi; received the celebrated answer
which forbade him the company of any woman before his return to
Athens。 But the oracle being so obscure as not to satisfy him that
he was clearly forbid this; he went to Troezen; and communicated to
Pittheus the voice of the god; which was in this manner;…

        〃Loose not the wine…skin foot; thou chief of men;
        Until to Athens thou art come again。〃

  Pittheus; therefore; taking advantage from the obscurity of the
oracle; prevailed upon him; it is uncertain whether by persuasion or
deceit; to lie with his daughter Aethra。 Aegeus afterwards; knowing
her whom he had lain with to be Pittheus's daughter; and suspecting
her to be with child by him; left a sword and a pair of shoes;
hiding them under a great stone that had a hollow in it exactly
fitting them; and went away making her only privy to it; and
commanding her; if she brought forth a son who; when he came to
man's estate; should be able to lift up the stone and take away what
he had left there; she should send him way to him with those things
with all secrecy; and with injunctions to him as much as possible to
conceal his journey from every one; for he greatly feared the
Pallantidae; who were continually mutinying against him; and
despised him for his want of children; they themselves being fifty
brothers; all sons of Pallas。
  When Aethra was delivered of a son; some say that he was immediately
named Theseus; from the tokens which his father had put under the
stone; others that he had received his name afterwards at Athens; when
Aegeus acknowledged him for his son。 He was brought up under his
grandfather Pittheus; and had a tutor and attendant set over him named
Connidas; to whom the Athenians even to this time; the day before
the feast that is dedicated to Theseus; sacrifice a ram; giving this
honour to his memory upon much juster grounds than to Silanio and
Parrhasius for making; pictures and statues of Theseus。 There being
then a custom for the Grecian youth; upon their first coming to
man's estate; to go to Delphi and offer first…fruits of their hair
to the god; Theseus also went thither; and a place there to this day
is yet named Thesea; as it is said; from him。 He clipped only the fore
part of his head; as Homer says the Abantes did。 And this sort of
tonsure was from him named Theseus。 The Abantes first used it; not
in imitation of the Arabians; as some imagine; nor of the Mysians; but
because they were a warlike people; and used to close fighting; and
above all other nations accustomed to engage hand to hand; as
Archilochus testifies in these verses:…

        〃Slings shall not whirl; nor many arrows fly;
          When on the plain the battle joins; but swords;
        Man against man; the deadly conflict try
          As is the practice of Euboea's lords
        Skilled with the spear。…〃

  Therefore that they might not give their enemies a hold by their
hair; they cut it in this manner。 They write also that this was the
reason why Alexander gave command to his captains that all the
beards of the Macedonians should be shaved; as being the readiest hold
for an enemy。
  Aethra for some time concealed the true parentage of Theseus; and
a report was given out by Pittheus that he was begotten by Neptune;
for the Troezenians pay Neptune the highest veneration。 He is their
tutelar god; to him they offer all their first…fruits; and in his
honour stamp their money with a trident。
  Theseus displaying not only great strength of body; but equal
bravery; and a quickness alike and force of understanding; his
mother Aethra conducting him to the stone; and informing him who was
his true father; commanded him to take from thence the tokens that
Aegeus had left; and sail to Athens。 He without any difficulty set
himself to the stone and lifted it up; but refused to take his journey
by sea; though it was much the safer way; and though his mother and
grandfather begged him to do so。 For it was at that time very
dangerous to go by land on the road to Athens; no part of it being
free from robbers and murderers。 That age produced a sort of men; in
force of hand; and swiftness of foot; and strength of body;
excelling the ordinary rate and wholly incapable of fatigue; making
use; however; of these gifts of nature to no good or profitable
purpose for mankind; but rejoicing and priding themselves in
insolence; and taking the benefit of their superior strength in the
exercise of inhumanity and cruelty; and in seizing; forcing; and
committing all manner of ou

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