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the life of flavius josephus-第4章

小说: the life of flavius josephus 字数: 每页4000字

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pure for their use; he would provide a sufficient quantity of
such oil for them; lest they should be forced to make use of oil
that came from the Greeks; and thereby transgress their own laws。
Now this was said by John; not out of his regard to religion; but
out of his most flagrant desire of gain; for he knew that two
sextaries were sold with them of Caesarea for one drachma; but
that at Gischala fourscore sextaxies were sold for four
sextaries。 So he gave order that all the oil which was there
should be carried away; as having my permission for so doing;
which yet I did not grant him voluntarily; but only out of fear
of the multitude; since; if I had forbidden him; I should have
been stoned by them。 When I had therefore permitted this to be
done by John; he gained vast sums of money by this his knavery。

14。 But when I had dismissed my fellow legates; and sent them
back to Jerusalem; I took care to have arms provided; and the
cities fortified。 And when I had sent for the most hardy among
the robbers; I saw that it was not in my power to take their arms
from them; but I persuaded the multitude to allow them money as
pay; and told them it was better for them to give them a little
willingly; rather than to 'be forced to' overlook them when they
plundered their goods from them。 And when I had obliged them to
take an oath not to come into that country; unless they were
invited to come; or else when they had not their pay given them;
I dismissed them; and charged them neither to make an expedition
against the Romans; nor against those their neighbors that lay
round about them; for my first care was to keep Galilee in peace。
So I was willing to have the principal of the Galileans; in all
seventy; as hostages for their fidelity; but still under the
notion of friendship。 Accordingly; I made them my friends and
companions as I journeyed; and set them to judge causes; and with
their approbation it was that I gave my sentences; while I
endeavored not to mistake what justice required; and to keep my
hands clear of all bribery in those determinations。

15。 I was now about the thirtieth year of my age; in which time
of life it is a hard thing for any one to escape the calumnies of
the envious; although he restrain himself from fulfilling any
unlawful desires; especially where a person is in great
authority。 Yet did I preserve every woman free from injuries; and
as to what presents were offered me; I despised them; as not
standing in need of them。 Nor indeed would I take those tithes;
which were due to me as a priest; from those that brought them。
Yet do I confess; that I took part of the spoils of those Syrians
which inhabited the cities that adjoined to us; when I had
conquered them; and that I sent them to my kindred at Jerusalem;
although; when I twice took Sepphoris by force; and Tiberias four
times; and Gadara once; and when I had subdued and taken John;
who often laid treacherous snares for me; I did not punish 'with
death' either him or any of the people forenamed; as the progress
of this discourse will show。 And on this account; I suppose; it
was that God; (10) who is never unacquainted with those that do
as they ought to do; delivered me still out of the hands of these
my enemies; and afterwards preserved me when I fell into those
many dangers which I shall relate hereafter。

16。 Now the multitude of the Galileans had that great kindness
for me; and fidelity to me; that when their cities were taken by
force; and their wives and children carried into slavery; they
did not so deeply lament for their own calamities; as they were
solicitous for my preservation。 But when John saw this; he envied
me; and wrote to me; desiring that I would give him leave to come
down; and make use of the hot…baths of Tiberias for the recovery
of the health of his body。 Accordingly; I did not hinder him; as
having no suspicion of any wicked designs of his; and I wrote to
those to whom I had committed the administration of the affairs
of Tiberius by name; that they should provide a lodging for John;
and for such as should come with him; and should procure him what
necessaries soever he should stand in need of。 Now at this time
my abode was in a village of Galilee; which is named Cans。

17。 But when John was come to the city of Tiberias; he persuaded
the men to revolt from their fidelity to me; and to adhere to
him; and many of them gladly received that invitation of his; as
ever fond of innovations; and by nature disposed to changes; and
delighting in seditions; but they were chiefly Justus and his
father Pistus; that were earnest for their revolt from me; and
their adherence to John。 But I came upon them; and prevented
them; for a messenger had come to me from Silas; whom I had made
governor of Tiberias; as I have said already; and had told me of
the inclinations of the people of Tiberias; and advised me to
make haste thither; for that; if I made any delay; the city would
come under another's jurisdiction。 Upon the receipt of this
letter of Silas; I took two hundred men along with me; and
traveled all night; having sent before a messenger to let the
people of Tiberias know that I was coming to them。 When I came
near to the city; which was early in the morning; the multitude
came out to meet me; and John came with them; and saluted me; but
in a most disturbed manner; as being afraid that my coming was to
call him to an account for what I was now sensible he was doing。
So he; in great haste; went to his lodging。 But when I was in the
open place of the city; having dismissed the guards I had about
me; excepting one; and ten armed men that were with him; I
attempted to make a speech to the multitude of the people of
Tiberias: and; standing on a certain elevated place; I entreated
them not to be so hasty in their revolt; for that such a change
in their behavior would be to their reproach; and that they would
then justly be suspected by those that should be their governors
hereafter; as if they were not likely to be faithful to them

18。 But before I had spoken all I designed; I heard one of my own
domestics bidding me come down; for that it was not a proper time
to take care of retaining the good…will of the people of
Tiberias; but to provide for my own safety; and escape my enemies
there; for John had chosen the most trusty of those armed men
that were about him out of those thousand that he had with him;
and had given them orders when he sent them; to kill me; having
learned that I was alone; excepting some of my domestics。 So
those that were sent came as they were ordered; and they had
executed what they came about; had I not leaped down from the
elevation I stood on; and with one of my guards; whose name was
James; been carried 'out of the crowd' upon the back of one Herod
of Tiberias; and guided by him down to the lake; where I seized a
ship; and got into it; and escaped my enemies unexpectedly; and
came to Tarichese。

19。 Now; as soon as the inhabitants of that city understood the
perfidiousness of the people of Tiberias; they were greatly
provoked at them。 So they snatched up their arms; and desired me
to be their leader against them; for they said they would avenge
their commander's cause upon them。 They also carried the report
of what had been done to me to all the Galileans; and eagerly
endeavored to irritate them against the people of Tiberias; and
desired that vast numbers of them would get together; and come to
them; that they might act in concert with their commander; what
should be determined as fit to be done。 Accordingly; the
Galileans came to me in great numbers; from all parts; with their
weapons; and besought me to assault Tiberias; to take it by
force; and to demolish it; till it lay even with the ground; and
then to make slaves of its inhabitants; with their wives and
children。 Those that were Josephus's friends also; and had
escaped out of Tiberias; gave him the same advice。 But I did not
comply with them; thinking it a terrible thing to begin a civil
war among them; for I thought that this contention ought not to
proceed further than words; nay; I told them that it was not for
their own advantage to do

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