贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the life of flavius josephus >


the life of flavius josephus-第12章

小说: the life of flavius josephus 字数: 每页4000字

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think fit to disbelieve。 However; they desired me to lodge some
where else; because the next day was the sabbath; and that it was
not fit the city of Tiberias should be disturbed 'on that day'。

54。 So I suspected nothing; and went away to Tarichese; yet did I
withal leave some to make inquiry in the city how matters went;
and whether any thing was said about me: I also set many persons
all the way that led from Tarichese to Tiberias; that they might
communicate from one to another; if they learned any news from
those that were left in the city。 On the next day; therefore;
they all came into the Proseucha; (22) it was a large edifice;
and capable of receiving a great number of people; thither
Jonathan went in; and though he durst not openly speak of a
revolt; yet did he say that their city stood in need of a better
governor than it then had。 But Jesus; who was the ruler; made no
scruple to speak out; and said openly;〃 O fellow citizens! it is
better for you to be in subjection to four than to one; and those
such as are of high birth; and not without reputation for their
wisdom;〃 and pointed to Jonathan and his colleagues。 Upon his
saying this; Justus came in and commended him for what he had
said; and persuaded some of the people to be of his mind also。
But the multitude were not pleased with what was said; and had
certainly gone into a tumult; unless the sixth hour; which was
now come; had dissolved the assembly; at which hour our laws
require us to go to dinner on sabbath days; so Jonathan and his
colleagues put off their council till the next day; and went off
without success。 When I was informed of these affairs; I
determined to go to the city of Tiberias in the morning。
Accordingly; on the next day; about the first hour of the day; I
came from Tarichee; and found the multitude already assembled in
the Proseucha; but on what account they were gotten together;
those that were assembled did not know。 But when Jonathan and his
colleagues saw me there unexpectedly; they were in disorder;
after which they raised a report of their own contrivance; that
Roman horsemen were seen at a place called Union; in the borders
of Galilee; thirty furlongs distant from the city。 Upon which
report; Jonathan and his colleagues cunningly exhorted me not to
neglect this matter; nor to suffer the land to be spoiled by the
enemy。 And this they said with a design to remove me out of the
city; under the pretense of the want of extraordinary assistance;
while they might dispose the city to be my enemy。

55。 As for myself; although I knew of their design; yet did I
comply with what they proposed; lest the people of Tiberias
should have occasion to suppose that I was not careful of their
security。 I therefore went out; but; when I was at the place; I
found not the least footsteps of any enemy; so I returned as fast
as ever I could; and found the whole council assembled; and the
body of the people gotten together; and Jonathan and his
colleagues bringing vehement accusations against me; as one who
had no concern to ease them of the burdens of war; and as one
that lived luxuriously。 And as they were discoursing thus; they
produced four letters; as written to them from some people that
lived at the borders of Galilee; imploring that they would come
to their assistance; for that there was an army of Romans; both
horsemen and footmen; who would come and lay waste the country on
the third day; they desired them also to make haste; and not to
overlook them。 When the people of Tiberias heard this; they
thought they spake truth; and made a clamor against me; and said
I ought not to sit still; but to go away to the assistance of
their countrymen。 Hereupon I said (for I understood the meaning
of Jonathan and his colleagues) that I was ready to comply with
what they proposed; and without delay to march to the war which
they spake of; yet did I advise them; at the same time; that
since these letters declared that the Romans would make their
assault in four several places; they should part their forces
into five bodies; and make Jonathan and his colleagues generals
of each body of them; because it was fit for brave men; not only
to give counsel; but to take the place of leaders; and assist
their countrymen when such a necessity pressed them; for; said I;
it is not possible for me to lead more than one party。 This
advice of mine greatly pleased the multitude; so they compelled
them to go forth to the war。 But their designs were put into very
much disorder; because they had not done what they had designed
to do; on account of my stratagem; which was opposite to their

56。 Now there was one whose name was Ananias (a wicked man he
was; and very mischievous); he proposed that a general religious
fast (23) should be appointed the next day for all the people;
and gave order that at the same hour they should come to the same
place; without any weapons; to make it manifest before God; that
while they obtained his assistance; they thought all these
weapons useless。 This he said; not out of piety; but that they
might catch me and my friends unarmed。 Now; I was hereupon forced
to comply; lest I should appear to despise a proposal that tended
to piety。 As soon; therefore; as we were gone home; Jonathan and
his colleagues wrote to John to come to them in the morning; and
desiring him to come with as many soldiers as he possibly could;
for that they should then be able easily to get me into their
hands; and to do all they desired to do。 When John had received
this letter; he resolved to comply with it。 As for myself; on the
next day; I ordered two of the guards of my body; whom I esteemed
the most courageous and most faithful; to hide daggers under
their garments; and to go along with me; that we might defend
ourselves; if any attack should be made upon us by our enemies。 I
also myself took my breastplate; and girded on my sword; so that
it might be; as far as it was possible; concealed; and came into
the Proseucha。

57。 Now Jesus; who was the ruler; commanded that they should
exclude all that came with me; for he kept the door himself; and
suffered none but his friends to go in。 And while we were engaged
in the duties of the day; and had betaken ourselves to our
prayers; Jesus got up; and inquired of me what was become of the
vessels that were taken out of the king's palace; when it was
burnt down 'and' of that uncoined silver; and in whose possession
they now were? This he said; in order to drive away time till
John should come。 I said that Capellus; and the ten principal men
of Tiberias; had them all; and I told him that they might ask
them whether I told a lie or not。 And when they said they had
them; he asked me; What is become of those twenty pieces of gold
which thou didst receive upon the sale of a certain weight of
uncoined money? I replied; that I had given them to those
ambassadors of theirs; as a maintenance for them; when they were
sent by them to Jerusalem。 So Jonathan and his colleagues said
that I had not done well to pay the ambassadors out of the public
money。 And when the multitude were very angry at them for this;
for they perceived the wickednes of the men; I understood that a
tumult was going to arise; and being desirous to provoke the
people to a greater rage against the men; I said; 〃But if I have
not done well in paying our ambassadors out of the public stock;
leave off your anger at me; for I will repay the twenty pieces of
gold myself。〃

58。 When I had said this; Jonathan and his colleagues held their
peace; but the people were still more irritated against them;
upon their openly showing their unjust ill…will to me。 When Jesus
saw this change in file people; he ordered them to depart; but
desired the senate to stay; for that they could not examine
things of such a nature in a tumult: and as the people were
crying out that they would not leave me alone; there came one and
told Jesus and his friends privately; that John and his armed men
were at hand: whereupon Jonathan and his colleagues; being able
to contain themselves no longer; (and perhaps the providence of
God hereby procuring my deliverance; for had not this b

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