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first epilogue-第16章

小说: first epilogue 字数: 每页4000字

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would not be understood or approved by her husband。

  She had wanted to conceal what she was writing from him; but at

the same time was glad he had surprised her at it and that she would

now have to tell him。

  〃A diary; Nicholas;〃 she replied; handing him a blue exercise book

filled with her firm; bold writing。

  〃A diary?〃 Nicholas repeated with a shade of irony; and he took up

the book。

  It was in French。

  December 4。 Today when Andrusha (her eldest boy) woke up he did

not wish to dress and Mademoiselle Louise sent for me。 He was

naughty and obstinate。 I tried threats; but he only grew angrier。 Then

I took the matter in hand: I left him alone and began with nurse's

help to get the other children up; telling him that I did not love

him。 For a long time he was silent; as if astonished; then he jumped

out of bed; ran to me in his shirt; and sobbed so that I could not

calm him for a long time。 It was plain that what troubled him most was

that he had grieved me。 Afterwards in the evening when I gave him

his ticket; he again began crying piteously and kissing me。 One can do

anything with him by tenderness。

  〃What is a 'ticket'?〃 Nicholas inquired。

  〃I have begun giving the elder ones marks every evening; showing how

they have behaved。〃

  Nicholas looked into the radiant eyes that were gazing at him; and

continued to turn over the pages and read。 In the diary was set down

everything in the children's lives that seemed noteworthy to their

mother as showing their characters or suggesting general reflections

on educational methods。 They were for the most part quite

insignificant trifles; but did not seem so to the mother or to the

father either; now that he read this diary about his children for

the first time。

  Under the date 〃5〃 was entered:

  Mitya was naughty at table。 Papa said he was to have no pudding。

He had none; but looked so unhappily and greedily at the others

while they were eating! I think that punishment by depriving

children of sweets only develops their greediness。 Must tell

Nicholas this。

  Nicholas put down the book and looked at his wife。 The radiant

eyes gazed at him questioningly: would he approve or disapprove of her

diary? There could be no doubt not only of his approval but also of

his admiration for his wife。

  Perhaps it need not be done so pedantically; thought Nicholas; or

even done at all; but this untiring; continual spiritual effort of

which the sole aim was the children's moral welfare delighted him。 Had

Nicholas been able to analyze his feelings he would have found that

his steady; tender; and proud love of his wife rested on his feeling

of wonder at her spirituality and at the lofty moral world; almost

beyond his reach; in which she had her being。

  He was proud of her intelligence and goodness; recognized his own

insignificance beside her in the spiritual world; and rejoiced all the

more that she with such a soul not only belonged to him but was part

of himself。

  〃I quite; quite approve; my dearest!〃 said he with a significant

look; and after a short pause he added: 〃And I behaved badly today。

You weren't in the study。 We began disputing… Pierre and I… and I lost

my temper。 But he is impossible: such a child! I don't know what would

become of him if Natasha didn't keep him in hand。。。。 Have you any idea

why he went to Petersburg? They have formed。。。〃

  〃Yes; I know;〃 said Countess Mary。 〃Natasha told me。〃

  〃Well; then; you know;〃 Nicholas went on; growing hot at the mere

recollection of their discussion; 〃he wanted to convince me that it is

every honest man's duty to go against the government; and that the

oath of allegiance and duty。。。 I am sorry you weren't there。 They

all fell on me… Denisov and Natasha。。。 Natasha is absurd。 How she

rules over him! And yet there need only be a discussion and she has no

words of her own but only repeats his sayings。。。〃 added Nicholas;

yielding to that irresistible inclination which tempts us to judge

those nearest and dearest to us。 He forgot that what he was saying

about Natasha could have been applied word for word to himself in

relation to his wife。

  〃Yes; I have noticed that;〃 said Countess Mary。

  〃When I told him that duty and the oath were above everything; he

started proving goodness knows what! A pity you were not there… what

would you have said?〃

  〃As I see it you were quite right; and I told Natasha so。 Pierre

says everybody is suffering; tortured; and being corrupted; and that

it is our duty to help our neighbor。 Of course he is right there;〃

said Countess Mary; 〃but he forgets that we have other duties nearer

to us; duties indicated to us by God Himself; and that though we might

expose ourselves to risks we must not risk our children。〃

  〃Yes; that's it! That's just what I said to him;〃 put in Nicholas;

who fancied he really had said it。 〃But they insisted on their own

view: love of one's neighbor and Christianity… and all this in the

presence of young Nicholas; who had gone into my study and broke all

my things。〃

  〃Ah; Nicholas; do you know I am often troubled about little

Nicholas;〃 said Countess Mary。 〃He is such an exceptional boy。 I am

afraid I neglect him in favor of my own: we all have children and

relations while he has no one。 He is constantly alone with his


  〃Well; I don't think you need reproach yourself on his account。

All that the fondest mother could do for her son you have done and are

doing for him; and of course I am glad of it。 He is a fine lad; a fine

lad! This evening he listened to Pierre in a sort of trance; and

fancy… as we were going in to supper I looked and he had broken

everything on my table to bits; and he told me of it himself at

once! I never knew him to tell an untruth。 A fine lad; a fine lad!〃

repeated Nicholas; who at heart was not fond of Nicholas Bolkonski but

was always anxious to recognize that he was a fine lad。

  〃Still; I am not the same as his own mother;〃 said Countess Mary。 〃I

feel I am not the same and it troubles me。 A wonderful boy; but I am

dreadfully afraid for him。 It would be good for him to have


  〃Well it won't be for long。 Next summer I'll take him to

Petersburg;〃 said Nicholas。 〃Yes; Pierre always was a dreamer and

always will be;〃 he continued; returning to the talk in the study

which had evidently disturbed him。 〃Well; what business is it of

mine what goes on there… whether Arakcheev is bad; and all that?

What business was it of mine when I married and was so deep in debt

that I was threatened with prison; and had a mother who could not

see or understand it? And then there are you and the children and

our affairs。 Is it for my own pleasure that I am at the farm or in the

office from morning to night? No; but I know I must work to comfort my

mother; to repay you; and not to leave the children such beggars as

I was。〃

  Countess Mary wanted to tell him that man does not live by bread

alone and that he attached too much importance to these matters。 But

she knew she must not say this and that it would be useless to do

so。 She only took his hand and kissed it。 He took this as a sign of

approval and a confirmation of his thoughts; and after a few

minutes' reflection continued to think aloud。

  〃You know; Mary; today Elias Mitrofanych〃 (this was his overseer)

〃came back from the Tambov estate and told me they are already

offering eighty thousand rubles for the forest。〃

  And with an eager face Nicholas began to speak of the possibility of

repurchasing Otradnoe before long; and added: 〃Another ten years of

life and I shall leave the children。。。 in an excellent position。〃

  Countess Mary listened to her husband and understood all that he

told her。 She knew that when he thought aloud in this way he would

sometimes ask her what he had been saying; and be vexed if he

noticed that she had been thinking about something else。 But she had

to force herself to attend; for what he was 

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