贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > part07 >



小说: part07 字数: 每页4000字

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  The arguments of the discreet Kadiga prevailed。 The Spanish lady

dried her tears; and became the spouse of Mohamed the Left…handed; she

even conformed; in appearance; to the faith of her royal husband;

and her discreet duenna immediately became a zealous convert to the

Moslem doctrines: it was then the latter received the Arabian name

of Kadiga; and was permitted to remain in the confidential employ of

her mistress。

  In due process of time the Moorish king was made the proud and happy

father of three lovely daughters; all born at a birth: he could have

wished they had been sons; but consoled himself with the idea that

three daughters at a birth were pretty well for a man somewhat

stricken in years; and left…handed!

  As usual with all Moslem monarchs; he summoned his astrologers on

this happy event。 They cast the nativities of the three princesses;

and shook their heads。 〃Daughters; O king!〃 said they; 〃are always

precarious property; but these will most need your watchfulness when

they arrive at a marriageable age; at that time gather them under your

wings; and trust them to no other guardianship。〃

  Mohamed the Left…handed was acknowledged to be a wise king by his

courtiers; and was certainly so considered by himself。 The

prediction of the astrologers caused him but little disquiet; trusting

to his ingenuity to guard his daughters and outwit the Fates。

  The three…fold birth was the last matrimonial trophy of the monarch;

his queen bore him no more children; and died within a few years;

bequeathing her infant daughters to his love; and to the fidelity of

the discreet Kadiga。

  Many years had yet to elapse before the princesses would arrive at

that period of danger… the marriageable age: 〃It is good; however;

to be cautious in time;〃 said the shrewd monarch; so he determined

to have them reared in the royal castle of Salobrena。 This was a

sumptuous palace; incrusted; as it were; in a powerful Moorish

fortress on the summit of a hill overlooking the Mediterranean sea。 It

was a royal retreat; in which the Moslem monarchs shut up such of

their relatives; as might endanger their safety; allowing them all

kinds of luxuries and amusements; in the midst of which they passed

their lives in voluptuous indolence。

  Here the princesses remained; immured from the world; but surrounded

by enjoyment; and attended by female slaves who anticipated their

wishes。 They had delightful gardens for their recreation; filled

with the rarest fruits and flowers; with aromatic groves and

perfumed baths。 On three sides the castle looked down upon a rich

valley; enamelled with all kinds of culture; and bounded by the lofted

Alpuxarra mountains; on the other side it overlooked the broad sunny


  In this delicious abode; in a propitious climate; and under a

cloudless sky; the three princesses grew up into wondrous beauty; but;

though all reared alike; they gave early tokens of diversity of

character。 Their names were Zayda; Zorayda; and Zorahayda; and such

was their order of seniority; for there had been precisely three

minutes between their births。

  Zayda; the eldest; was of an intrepid spirit; and took the lead of

her sisters in every thing; as she had done in entering into the

world。 She was curious and inquisitive; and fond of getting at the

bottom of things。

  Zorayda had a great feeling for beauty; which was the reason; no

doubt; of her delighting to regard her own image in a mirror or a

fountain; and of her fondness for flowers; and jewels; and other

tasteful ornaments。

  As to Zorahayda; the youngest; she was soft and timid; and extremely

sensitive; with a vast deal of disposable tenderness; as was evident

from her number of pet…flowers; and pet…birds; and pet…animals; all of

which she cherished with the fondest care。 Her amusements; too; were

of a gentle nature; and mixed up with musing and reverie。 She would

sit for hours in a balcony; gazing on the sparkling stars of a

summer's night; or on the sea when lit up by the moon; and at such

times; the song of a fisherman; faintly heard from the beach; or the

notes of a Moorish flute from some gliding bark; sufficed to elevate

her feelings into ecstasy。 The least uproar of the elements;

however; filled her with dismay; and a clap of thunder was enough to

throw her into a swoon。

  Years rolled on smoothly and serenely; the discreet Kadiga; to

whom the princesses were confided; was faithful to her trust; and

attended them with unremitting care。

  The castle of Salobrena; as has been said; was built upon a hill

on the seacoast。 One of the exterior walls straggled down the

profile of the hill; until it reached a jutting rock overhanging the

sea; with a narrow sandy beach at its foot; laved by the rippling

billows。 A small watchtower on this rock had been fitted up as a

pavilion; with latticed windows to admit the sea…breeze。 Here the

princesses used to pass the sultry hours of mid…day。

  The curious Zayda was one day seated at a window of the pavilion; as

her sisters; reclining on ottomans; were taking the siesta or noontide

slumber。 Her attention was attracted to a galley which came coasting

along; with measured strokes of the oar。 As it drew near; she observed

that it was filled with armed men。 The galley anchored at the foot

of the tower: a number of Moorish soldiers landed on the narrow beach;

conducting several Christian prisoners。 The curious Zayda awakened her

sisters; and all three peeped cautiously through the close jalousies

of the lattice which screened them from sight。 Among the prisoners

were three Spanish cavaliers; richly dressed。 They were in the

flower of youth; and of noble presence; and the lofty manner in

which they carried themselves; though loaded with chains and

surrounded with enemies; bespoke the grandeur of their souls。 The

princesses gazed with intense and breathless interest。 Cooped up as

they had been in this castle among female attendants; seeing nothing

of the male sex but black slaves; or the rude fishermen of the

sea…coast; it is not to be wondered at that the appearance of three

gallant cavaliers; in the pride of youth and manly beauty; should

produce some commotion in their bosom。

  〃Did ever nobler being tread the earth than that cavalier in

crimson?〃 cried Zayda; the eldest of the sisters。 〃See how proudly

he bears himself; as though all around him were his slaves!〃

  〃But notice that one in green!〃 exclaimed Zorayda。 〃What grace! what

elegance! what spirit!〃

  The gentle Zorahayda said nothing; but she secretly gave

preference to the cavalier in blue。

  The princesses remained gazing until the prisoners were out of

sight; then heaving long…drawn sighs; they turned round; looked at

each other for a moment; and sat down; musing and pensive; on their


  The discreet Kadiga found them in this situation; they related

what they had seen; and even the withered heart of the duenna was

warmed。 〃Poor youths!〃 exclaimed she; 〃I'll warrant their captivity

makes many a fair and high…born lady's heart ache in their native

land! Ah my children; you have little idea of the life these cavaliers

lead in their own country。 Such prankling at tournaments! such

devotion to the ladies! such courting and serenading!〃

  The curiosity of Zayda was fully aroused; she was insatiable in

her inquiries; and drew from the duenna the most animated pictures

of the scenes of her youthful days and native land。 The beautiful

Zorayda bridled up; and slyly regarded herself in a mirror; when the

theme turned upon the charms of the Spanish ladies; while Zorahayda

suppressed a struggling sigh at the mention of moonlight serenades。

  Every day the curious Zayda renewed her inquiries; and every day the

sage duenna repeated her stories; which were listened to with profound

interest; though with frequent sighs; by her gentle auditors。 The

discreet old woman awoke at length to the mischief she might be doing。

She had be

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