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stones and other baubles; but then he always gave the water…carrier in

lieu magnificent jewels of massy gold; of five times the size; with

which the latter was heartily content。 They took care not to linger

within reach of accidents; but made off to enjoy their wealth

undisturbed in other countries。 The Moor returned to Africa; to his

native city of Tangiers; and the Gallego; with his wife; his children;

and his donkey; made the best of his way to Portugal。 Here; under

the admonition and tuition of his wife; he became a personage of

some consequence; for she made the worthy little man array his long

body and short legs in doublet and hose; with a feather in his hat and

a sword by his side; and laying aside his familiar appellation of

Peregil; assume the more sonorous title of Don Pedro Gil: his

progeny grew up a thriving and merry…hearted; though short and

bandy…legged generation; while Senora Gil; befringed; belaced; and

betasselled from her head to her heels; with glittering rings on every

finger; became a model of slattern fashion and finery。

  As to the alcalde and his adjuncts; they remained shut up under

the great Tower of the Seven Floors; and there they remain spell…bound

at the present day。 Whenever there shall be a lack in Spain of pimping

barbers; sharking alguazils; and corrupt alcaldes; they may be

sought after; but if they have to wait until such time for their

deliverance; there is danger of their enchantment enduring until


               The Tower of Las Infantas。

  IN AN evening's stroll up a narrow glen; overshadowed by fig

trees; pomegranates; and myrtles; which divides the lands of the

fortress from those of the Generalife; I was struck with the

romantic appearance of a Moorish tower in the outer wall of the

Alhambra; rising high above the tree…tops; and catching the ruddy rays

of the setting sun。 A solitary window at a great height commanded a

view of the glen; and as I was regarding it; a young female looked

out; with her head adorned with flowers。 She was evidently superior to

the usual class of people inhabiting the old towers of the fortress;

and this sudden and picturesque glimpse of her reminded me of the

descriptions of captive beauties in fairy tales。 These fanciful

associations were increased on being informed by my attendant Mateo;

that this was the Tower of the Princesses (la Torre de las

Infantas); so called; from having been; according to tradition; the

residence of the daughters of the Moorish kings。 I have since

visited the tower。 It is not generally shown to strangers; though well

worthy attention; for the interior is equal; for beauty of

architecture; and delicacy of ornament; to any part of the palace。 The

elegance of the central hall; with its marble fountain; its lofty

arches; and richly fretted dome; the arabesques and stucco…work of the

small but well…proportioned chambers; though injured by time and

neglect; all accord with the story of its being anciently the abode of

royal beauty。

  The little old fairy queen who lives under the staircase of the

Alhambra; and frequents the evening tertulias of Dame Antonia; tells

some fanciful traditions about three Moorish princesses; who were once

shut up in this tower by their father; a tyrant king of Granada; and

were only permitted to ride out at night about the hills; when no

one was permitted to come in their way under pain of death。 They

still; according to her account; may be seen occasionally when the

moon is in the full; riding in lonely places along the mountain

side; on palfreys richly caparisoned and sparkling with jewels; but

they vanish on being spoken to。

  But before I relate any thing further respecting these princesses;

the reader may be anxious to know something about the fair

inhabitant of the tower with her head dressed with flowers; who looked

out from the lofty window。 She proved to be the newly…married spouse

of the worthy adjutant of invalids; who; though well stricken in

years; had had the courage to take to his bosom a young and buxom

Andalusian damsel。 May the good old cavalier be happy in his choice;

and find the Tower of the Princesses a more secure residence for

female beauty than it seems to have proved in the time of the Moslems;

if we may believe the following legend!

            Legend of the Three Beautiful Princesses。

  IN OLD times there reigned a Moorish king in Granada; whose name was

Mohamed; to which his subjects added the appellation of El Hayzari; or

〃The Left…handed。〃 Some say he was so called on account of his being

really more expert with his sinister than his dexter hand; others;

because he was prone to take every thing by the wrong end; or in other

words; to mar wherever he meddled。 Certain it is; either through

misfortune or mismanagement; he was continually in trouble: thrice was

he driven from his throne; and; on one occasion; barely escaped to

Africa with his life; in the disguise of a fisherman。* Still he was as

brave as he was blundering; and though left…handed; wielded his

cimeter to such purpose; that he each time re…established himself upon

his throne by dint of hard fighting。 Instead; however; of learning

wisdom from adversity; he hardened his neck; and stiffened his left

arm in wilfulness。 The evils of a public nature which he thus

brought upon himself and his kingdom may be learned by those who

will delve into the Arabian annals of Granada; the present legend

deals but with his domestic policy。

  * The reader will recognize the sovereign connected with the

fortunes of the Abencerrages。 His story appears to be a little

fictionized in the legend。

  As this Mohamed was one day riding forth with a train of his

courtiers; by the foot of the mountain of Elvira; he met a band of

horsemen returning from a foray into the land of the Christians。

They were conducting a long string of mules laden with spoil; and many

captives of both sexes; among whom the monarch was struck with the

appearance of a beautiful damsel; richly attired; who sat weeping on a

low palfrey; and heeded not the consoling words of a duenna who rode

beside her。

  The monarch was struck with her beauty; and; on inquiring of the

captain of the troop; found that she was the daughter of the alcayde

of a frontier fortress; that had been surprised and sacked in the

course of the foray。 Mohamed claimed her as his royal share of the

booty; and had her conveyed to his harem in the Alhambra。 There

every thing was devised to soothe her melancholy; and the monarch;

more and more enamored; sought to make her his queen。 The Spanish maid

at first repulsed his addresses… he was an infidel… he was the open

foe of her country… what was worse; he was stricken in years!

  The monarch; finding his assiduities of no avail; determined to

enlist in his favor the duenna; who had been captured with the lady。

She was an Andalusian by birth; whose Christian name is forgotten;

being mentioned in Moorish legends by no other appellation than that

of the discreet Kadiga… and discreet in truth she was; as her whole

history makes evident。 No sooner had the Moorish king held a little

private conversation with her; than she saw at once the cogency of his

reasoning; and undertook his cause with her young mistress。

  〃Go to; now!〃 cried she; 〃what is there in all this to weep and wail

about? Is it not better to be mistress of this beautiful palace;

with all its gardens and fountains; than to be shut up within your

father's old frontier tower? As to this Mohamed being an infidel; what

is that to the purpose? You marry him; not his religion: and if he

is waxing a little old; the sooner will you be a widow; and mistress

of yourself; at any rate; you are in his power; and must either be a

queen or a slave。 When in the hands of a robber; it is better to

sell one's merchandise for a fair price; than to have it taken by main


  The arguments of the discreet Kadiga prevailed。 The Span

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