贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > part07 >



小说: part07 字数: 每页4000字

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remained a Christian in my heart; and am resolved to return to the

faith。 I have talked on the subject with Hussein Baba; who is a

Spaniard by birth; and comes from a place not far from my native town。

He is equally anxious to see his own country; and to be reconciled

to the church; and the cavaliers have promised; that; if we are

disposed to become man and wife; on returning to our native land; they

will provide for us handsomely。〃

  In a word; it appeared that this extremely discreet and provident

old woman had consulted with the cavaliers and the renegado; and had

concerted the whole plan of escape。 The eldest princess immediately

assented to it; and her example; as usual; determined the conduct of

her sisters。 It is true; the youngest hesitated; for she was gentle

and timid of soul; and there was a struggle in her bosom between

filial feeling and youthful passion: the latter; however; as usual;

gained the victory; and with silent tears; and stifled sighs; she

prepared herself for flight。

  The rugged hill on which the Alhambra is built was; in old times;

perforated with subterranean passages; cut through the rock; and

leading from the fortress to various parts of the city; and to distant

sally…ports on the banks of the Darro and the Xenil。 They had been

constructed at different times by the Moorish kings; as means of

escape from sudden insurrections; or of secretly issuing forth on

private enterprises。 Many of them are now entirely lost; while

others remain; partly choked with rubbish; and partly walled up;

monuments of the jealous precautions and warlike stratagems of the

Moorish government。 By one of these passages; Hussein Baba had

undertaken to conduct the princesses to a sally…port beyond the

walls of the city; where the cavaliers were to be ready with fleet

steeds; to bear the whole party over the borders。

  The appointed night arrived: the tower of the princesses had been

locked up as usual; and the Alhambra was buried in deep sleep。 Towards

midnight; the discreet Kadiga listened from the balcony of a window

that looked into the garden。 Hussein Baba; the renegado; was already

below; and gave the appointed signal。 The duenna fastened the end of a

ladder of ropes to the balcony; lowered it into the garden and

descended。 The two eldest princesses followed her with beating hearts;

but when it came to the turn of the youngest princess; Zorahayda;

she hesitated; and trembled。 Several times she ventured a delicate

little foot upon the ladder; and as often drew it back; while her poor

little heart fluttered more and more the longer she delayed。 She

cast a wistful look back into the silken chamber; she had lived in it;

to be sure; like a bird in a cage; but within it she was secure; who

could tell what dangers might beset her; should she flutter forth into

the wide world! Now she bethought her of the gallant Christian

lover; and her little foot was instantly upon the ladder; and anon she

thought of her father; and shrank back。 But fruitless is the attempt

to describe the conflict in the bosom of one so young and tender and

loving; but so timid; and so ignorant of the world。

  In vain her sisters implored; the duenna scolded; and the renegado

blasphemed beneath the balcony; the gentle little Moorish maid stood

doubting and wavering on the verge of elopement; tempted by the

sweetness of the sin; but terrified at its perils。

  Every moment increased the danger of discovery。 A distant tramp

was heard。 〃The patrols are walking their rounds;〃 cried the renegado;

〃if we linger; we perish。 Princess; descend instantly; or we leave


  Zorahayda was for a moment in fearful agitation; then loosening

the ladder of ropes; with desperate resolution; she flung it from

the balcony。

  〃It is decided!〃 cried she; 〃flight is now out of my power! Allah

guide and bless ye; my dear sisters!〃

  The two eldest princesses were shocked at the thoughts of leaving

her behind; and would fain have lingered; but the patrol was

advancing; the renegado was furious; and they were hurried away to the

subterraneous passage。 They groped their way through a fearful

labyrinth; cut through the heart of the mountain; and succeeded in

reaching; undiscovered; an iron gate that opened outside of the walls。

The Spanish cavaliers were waiting to receive them; disguised as

Moorish soldiers of the guard; commanded by the renegado。

  The lover of Zorahayda was frantic; when he learned that she had

refused to leave the tower; but there was no time to waste in

lamentations。 The two princesses were placed behind their lovers;

the discreet Kadiga mounted behind the renegado; and they all set

off at a round pace in the direction of the Pass of Lope; which

leads through the mountains towards Cordova。

  They had not proceeded far when they heard the noise of drums and

trumpets from the battlements of the Alhambra。

  〃Our flight is discovered!〃 said the renegado。

  〃We have fleet steeds; the night is dark; and we may distance all

pursuit;〃 replied the cavaliers。

  They put spurs to their horses; and scoured across the Vega。 They

attained the foot of the mountain of Elvira; which stretches like a

promontory into the plain。 The renegado paused and listened。 〃As yet;〃

said he; 〃there is no one on our traces; we shall make good our escape

to the mountains。〃 While he spoke; a light blaze sprang up on the

top of the watchtower of the Alhambra。

  〃Confusion!〃 cried the renegado; 〃that bale fire will put all the

guards of the passes on the alert。 Away! away! Spur like mad… there is

no time to be lost。〃

  Away they dashed… the clattering of their horses' hoofs echoed

from rock to rock; as they swept along the road that skirts the

rocky mountain of Elvira。 As they galloped on; the bale fire of the

Alhambra was answered in every direction; light after light blazed

on the atalayas; or watchtowers of the mountains。

  〃Forward! forward!〃 cried the renegado; with many an oath; 〃to the

bridge… to the bridge; before the alarm has reached there!〃

  They doubled the promontory of the mountains; and arrived in sight

of the famous Bridge of Pinos; that crosses a rushing stream often

dyed with Christian and Moslem blood。 To their confusion; the tower on

the bridge blazed with lights and glittered with armed men。 The

renegado pulled up his steed; rose in his stirrups and looked about

him for a moment; then beckoning to the cavaliers; he struck off

from the road; skirted the river for some distance; and dashed into

its waters。 The cavaliers called upon the princesses to cling to them;

and did the same。 They were borne for some distance down the rapid

current; the surges roared round them; but the beautiful princesses

clung to their Christian knights; and never uttered a complaint。 The

cavaliers attained the opposite bank in safety; and were conducted

by the renegado; by rude and unfrequented paths; and wild barrancos;

through the heart of the mountains; so as to avoid all the regular

passes。 In a word; they succeeded in reaching the ancient city of

Cordova; where their restoration to their country and friends was

celebrated with great rejoicings; for they were of the noblest

families。 The beautiful princesses were forthwith received into the

bosom of the Church; and; after being in all due form made regular

Christians; were rendered happy wives。

  In our hurry to make good the escape of the princesses across the

river; and up the mountains; we forgot to mention the fate of the

discreet Kadiga。 She had clung like a cat to Hussein Baba in the

scamper across the Vega; screaming at every bound; and drawing many an

oath from the whiskered renegado; but when he prepared to plunge his

steed into the river; her terror knew no bounds。 〃Grasp me not so

tightly;〃 cried Hussein Baba; 〃hold on by my belt and fear nothing。〃

She held firmly with both hands by the leathern belt that girded the

broad…backed renegado; but when he halted with the cavaliers to 

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