贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > fraternity >



小说: fraternity 字数: 每页4000字

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he saw a shadow dart forth along the grass; and to her fright a voice rose; tremulous and clear; seeming to seek enfranchisement beyond the barrier of the dark trees: 〃My brain is clouded。  Great Universe!  I cannot write!  I can no longer discover to my brothers that they are one。  I am not worthy to stay here。  Let me pass into You; and die!〃

Bianca saw her father's fragile arms stretch out into the night through the sleeves of his white garment; as though expecting to be received at once into the Universal Brotherhood of the thin air。

There ensued a moment; when; by magic; every little dissonance in all the town seemed blended into a harmony of silence; as it might be the very death of self upon the earth。

Then; breaking that trance; Mr。 Stone's voice rose again; trembling out into the night; as though blown through a reed。

〃Brothers!〃 he said。

Behind the screen of lilac bushes at the gate Bianca saw the dark helmet of a policeman。  He stood there staring steadily in the direction of that voice。  Raising his lantern; he flashed it into every corner of the garden; searching for those who had been addressed。  Satisfied; apparently; that no one was there; he moved it to right and left; lowered it to the level of his breast; and walked slowly on。


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