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小说: fraternity 字数: 每页4000字

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look of those whom Life has squeezed into a last resort。  Within the porches lay a stagnant marsh of suppliants; through whose centre trickled to and fro that stream of ooze。  An old policeman; too; like some grey lighthouse; marked the entrance to the port of refuge。  Close to that lighthouse the old butler edged his way。  The love of regularity; and of an established order of affairs; born in him and fostered by a life passed in the service of the 〃Honorable Bateson〃 and the other gentry; made him cling instinctively to the only person in this crowd whom he could tell for certain to be on the side of law and order。  Something in his oblong face and lank; scanty hair parted precisely in the middle; something in that high collar supporting his lean gills; not subservient exactly; but as it were suggesting that he was in league against all this low…class of fellow; made the policeman say to him:

〃What's your business; daddy?〃

〃Oh!〃 the old butler answered。  〃This poor woman。  I'm a witness to her battery。〃

The policeman cast his not unkindly look over the figure of the seamstress。  〃You stand here;〃 he said; 〃 I'll pass you in directly。〃

And soon by his offices the two were passed into the port of refuge。

They sat down side by side on the edge of a long; hard; wooden bench; Creed fixing his eyes; whose colour had run into a brownish rim round their centres; on the magistrate; as in old days sun…worshippers would sit blinking devoutly at the sun; and Mrs。 Hughs fixing her eyes on her lap; while tears of agony trickled down her face。  On her unwounded arm the baby slept。  In front of them; and unregarded; filed one by one those shadows who had drunk the day before too deeply of the waters of forgetfulness。  To…day; instead; they were to drink the water of remembrance; poured out for them with no uncertain hand。  And somewhere very far away; it may have been that Justice sat with her ironic smile watching men judge their shadows。  She had watched them so long about that business。  With her elementary idea that hares and tortoises should not be made to start from the same mark she had a little given up expecting to be asked to come and lend a hand; they had gone so far beyond her。  Perhaps she knew; too; that men no longer punished; but now only reformed; their erring brothers; and this made her heart as light as the hearts of those who had been in the prisons where they were no longer punished。

The old butler; however; was not thinking of her; he had thoughts of a simpler order in his mind。  He was reflecting that he had once valeted the nephew of the late Lord Justice Hawthorn; and in the midst of this low…class business the reminiscence brought him refreshment。  Over and over to himself he conned these words: 〃I interpylated in between them; and I says; 'You ought to be ashamed of yourself; call yourself an Englishman; I says; attackin' of old men and women with cold steel; I says!'〃  And suddenly he saw that Hughs was in the dock。

The dark man stood with his hands pressed to his sides; as though at attention on parade。  A pale profile; broken by a line of black moustache; was all 〃Westminister〃 could see of that impassive face; whose eyes; fixed on the magistrate; alone betrayed the fires within。 The violent trembling of the seamstress roused in Joshua Creed a certain irritation; and seeing the baby open his black eyes; he nudged her; whispering: 〃Ye've woke the baby!〃

Responding to words; which alone perhaps could have moved her at such a moment; Mrs。 Hughs rocked this dumb spectator of the drama。  Again the old butler nudged her。

〃They want yer in the box;〃 he said。

Mrs。 Hughs rose; and took her place。

He who wished to read the hearts of this husband and wife who stood at right angles; to have their wounds healed by Law; would have needed to have watched the hundred thousand hours of their wedded life; known and heard the million thoughts and words which had passed in the dim spaces of their world; to have been cognisant of the million reasons why they neither of them felt that they could have done other than they had done。  Reading their hearts by the light of knowledge such as this; he would not have been surprised that; brought into this place of remedy; they seemed to enter into a sudden league。  A look passed between them。  It was not friendly; it had no appeal; but it sufficed。  There seemed to be expressed in it the knowledge bred by immemorial experience and immemorial time: This law before which we stand was not made by us!  As dogs; when they hear the crack of a far whip; will shrink; and in their whole bearing show wary quietude; so Hughs and Mrs。 Hughs; confronted by the questionings of Law; made only such answers as could be dragged from them。  In a voice hardly above a whisper Mrs。 Hughs told her tale。 They had fallen out。  What about?  She did not know。  Had he attacked her?  He had had it in his hand。  What then?  She had slipped; and hurt her wrist against the point。  At this statement Hughs turned his eyes on her; and seemed to say: 〃You drove me to it; I've got to suffer; for all your trying to get me out of what I've done。  I gave you one; and I don't want your help。  But I'm glad you stick to me against this Law!〃  Then; lowering his eyes; he stood motionless during her breathless little outburst。  He was her husband; she had borne him five; he had been wounded in the war。  She had never wanted him brought here。

No mention of the little model。。。。

The old butler dwelt on this reticence of Mrs。 Hughs; when; two hours afterwards; in pursuance of his instinctive reliance on the gentry; he called on Hilary。

The latter; surrounded by books and papersfor; since his dismissal of the girl; he had worked with great activitywas partaking of lunch; served to him in his study on a tray。

〃There's an old gentleman to see you; sir; he says you know him; his name is Creed。〃

〃Show him in;〃 said Hilary。

Appearing suddenly from behind the servant in the doorway; the old butler came in at a stealthy amble; he looked round; and; seeing a chair; placed his hat beneath it; then advanced; with nose and spectacles upturned; to Hilary。  Catching sight of the tray; he stopped; checked in an evident desire to communicate his soul。

〃Oh dear;〃 he said; 〃I'm intrudin' on your luncheon。  I can wait; I'll go and sit in the passage。〃

Hilary; however; shook his hand; faded now to skin and bone; and motioned him to a chair。

He sat down on the edge of it; and again said:

〃I'm intrudin' on yer。〃

〃Not at all。  Is there anything I can do?〃

Creed took off his spectacles; wiped them to help himself to see more clearly what he had to say; and put them on again。

〃It's a…concerning of these domestic matters;〃 he said。  〃I come up to tell yer; knowing as you're interested in this family。〃

〃Well;〃 said Hilary。  〃What has happened?〃

〃It's along of the young girl's having left them; as you may know。〃


〃It's brought things to a crisax;〃 explained Creed。

〃Indeed; how's that?〃

The old butler related the facts of the assault。  〃I took 'is bayonet away from him;〃 he ended; 〃he didn't frighten me。〃

〃Is he out of his mind?〃  asked Hilary。

〃I've no conscience of it;〃 replied Creed。  〃His wife; she's gone the wrong way to work with him; in my opinion; but that's particular to women。  She's a…goaded of him respecting a certain party。  I don't say but what that young girl's no better than what she ought to be; look at her profession; and her a country girl; too!  She must be what she oughtn't to。  But he ain't the sort o' man you can treat like that。  You can't get thorns from figs; you can't expect it from the lower orders。  They only give him a month; considerin' of him bein' wounded in the war。  It'd been more if they'd a…known he was a… hankerin' after that young girla married man like him; don't ye think so; sir?〃

Hilary's face had assumed its retired expression。  'I cannot go into that with you;' it seemed to say。

Quick to see the change; Creed rose。  〃But I'm intrudin' on your dinner;〃 he said〃your luncheon; I should say。  The woman goes on irritatin' of him; but he must expect of that; she bein' his wife。 But what a misfortune!  He'll be back again in no time;

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