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小说: fraternity 字数: 每页4000字

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mouth that you can tell she's bad by。  Let her keep to her professionsitting naked's what she's fit forcoming here to decent folk…〃  And holding out her wrists to Thyme; who had shrunk back; she cried: 〃He's never struck me before。  I got these all because of her new clothes!〃

Hearing his mother speak with such strange passion; the baby howled。 Mrs。 Hughs stopped; and took him up。  Pressing him close to her thin bosom; she looked above his little dingy head at the two young people。

〃I got my wrists like this last night; wrestling with him。  He swore he'd go and leave me; but I held him; I did。  And don't you ever think that I'll let him go to that young girlnot if he kills me first!〃

With those words the passion in her face died down。  She was again a meek; mute woman。

During this outbreak; Thyme; shrinking; stood by the doorway with lowered eyes。  She now looked up at Martin; clearly asking him to come away。  The latter had kept his gaze fixed on Mrs。 Hughs; smoking silently。  He took his pipe out of his mouth; and pointed with it at the baby。

〃This gentleman;〃 he said; 〃can't stand too much of that。〃

In silence all three bent their eyes on the baby。  His little fists; and nose; and forehead; even his little naked; crinkled feet; were thrust with all his feeble strength against his mother's bosom; as though he were striving to creep into some hole away from life。 There was a sort of dumb despair in that tiny pushing of his way back to the place whence he had come。  His head; covered with dingy down; quivered with his effort to escape。  He had been alive so little; that little had sufficed。  Martin put his pipe back into his mouth。

〃This won't do; you know;〃 he said。  〃He can't stand it。  And look here!  If you stop feeding him; I wouldn't give that for him tomorrow!〃  He held up the circle of his thumb and finger。  〃You're the best judge of what sort of chance you've got of going on in your present state of mind!〃  Then; motioning to Thyme; he went down the stairs。



Spring was in the hearts of men; and their tall companions; trees。 Their troubles; the stiflings of each other's growth; and all such things; seemed of little moment。  Spring had them by the throat。  It turned old men round; and made them stare at women younger than themselves。  It made young men and women walking side by side touch each other; and every bird on the branches tune his pipe。  Flying sunlight speckled the fluttered leaves; and gushed the cheeks of crippled boys who limped into the Gardens; till their pale Cockney faces shone with a strange glow。

In the Broad Walk; beneath those dangerous trees; the elms; people sat and took the suncheek by jowl; generals and nursemaids; parsons and the unemployed。  Above; in that Spring wind; the elm…tree boughs were swaying; rustling; creaking ever so gently; carrying on the innumerable talk of treestheir sapient; wordless conversation over the affairs of men。  It was pleasant; too; to see and hear the myriad movement of the million little separate leaves; each shaped differently; flighting never twice alike; yet all obedient to the single spirit of their tree。

Thyme and Martin were sitting on a seat beneath the largest of all the elms。  Their manner lacked the unconcern and dignity of the moment; when; two hours before; they had started forth on their discovery from the other end of the Broad Walk。  Martin spoke:

〃It's given you the hump!  First sight of blood; and you're like all the rest of them!〃

〃I'm not; Martin。  How perfectly beastly of you!〃

〃Oh yes; you are。  There's plenty of aestheticism about you and your peopleplenty of good intentionsbut not an ounce of real business!〃

〃Don't abuse my people; they're just as kind as you!〃

〃Oh; they're kind enough; and they can see what's wrong。  It's not that which stops them。  But your dad's a regular official。  He's got so much sense of what he ought not to do that he never does anything; Just as Hilary's got so much consciousness of what he ought to do that be never does anything。  You went to that woman's this morning with your ideas of helping her all cut and dried; and now that you find the facts aren't what you thought; you're stumped!〃

〃One can't believe anything they say。  That's what I hate。  I thought Hughs simply knocked her about。  I didn't know it was her jealousy〃

〃Of course you didn't。  Do you imagine those people give anything away to our sort unless they're forced?  They know better。〃

〃Well; I hate the whole thingit's all so sordid!〃

〃O Lord!〃

〃Well; it is!  I don't feel that I want to help a woman who can say and feel such horrid things; or the girl; or any of them。〃

〃Who cares what they say or feel? that's not the point。  It's simply a case of common sense: Your people put that girl there; and they must get her to clear out again sharp。  It's just a question of what's healthy。〃

〃Well; I know it's not healthy for me to have anything to do with; and I won't!  I don't believe you can help people unless they want to be helped。〃

Martin whistled。

〃You're rather a brute; I think;〃 said Thyme。

〃A brute; not rather a brute。  That's all the difference。〃

〃For the worse!〃

〃I don't think so; Thyme!〃

There was no answer。

〃Look at me。〃

Very slowly Thyme turned her eyes。


〃Are you one of us; or are you not?〃

〃Of course I am。〃

〃You're not!〃

〃I am。〃

〃Well; don't let's fight about it。  Give me your hand。〃

He dropped his hand on hers。  Her face had flushed rose colour。 Suddenly she freed herself。  〃Here's Uncle Hilary!〃

It was indeed Hilary; with Miranda; trotting in advance。  His hands were crossed behind him; his face bent towards the ground。  The two young people on the bench sat looking at him。

〃Buried in self…contemplation;〃 murmured Martin; 〃that's the way he always walks。  I shall tell him about this!〃

The colour of Thyme's face deepened from rose to crimson。


〃Why not?〃

〃Wellthose new…〃  She could not bring out that word 〃clothes。〃 It would have given her thoughts away。

Hilary seemed making for their seat; but Miranda; aware of Martin; stopped。  〃A man of action!〃 she appeared to say。  〃The one who pulls my ears。〃  And turning; as though unconscious; she endeavoured to lead Hilary away。  Her master; however; had already seen his niece。 He came and sat down on the bench beside her。

〃We wanted you!〃 said Martin; eyeing him slowly; as a young dog will eye another of a different age and breed。  〃Thyme and I have been to see the Hughs in Hound Street。  Things are blowing up for a mess。 You; or whoever put the girl there; ought to get her away again as quick as possible。〃

Hilary seemed at once to withdraw into himself。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃let us hear all about it。〃

〃The woman's jealous of her: that's all the trouble!〃

〃Oh!〃 said Hilary; 〃that's all the trouble?〃

Thyme murmured: 〃I don't see a bit why Uncle Hilary should bother。 If they will be so horridI didn't think the poor were like that。 I didn't think they had it in them。  I'm sure the girl isn't worth it; or the woman either!〃

〃I didn't say they were;〃 growled Martin。  〃It's a question of what's healthy。〃

Hilary looked from one of his young companions to the other。

〃I see;〃 he said。  〃I thought perhaps the matter was more delicate。〃

Martin's lip curled。'

〃Ah; your precious delicacy!  What's the good of that?  What did it ever do?  It's the curse that you're all suffering from。  Why don't you act?  You could think about it afterwards。〃

A flush came into Hilary's sallow cheeks。

〃Do you never think before you act; Martin?〃

Martin got up and stood looking down on Hilary。

〃Look here!〃 he said; 〃I don't go in for your subtleties。  I use my eyes and nose。  I can see that the woman will never be able to go on feeding the baby in the neurotic state she's in。  It's a matter of health for both of them。〃

〃Is everything a matter of health with you?〃

〃It is。  Take any subject that you like。  Take the poor themselves… what's wanted?  Health。  Nothing on earth but health!  The discoveries and inventions of the last century have knocked the floor out of the old order; we've got to put a new one in; and we'r

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