贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a waif of the plains >


a waif of the plains-第7章

小说: a waif of the plains 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Who trembled with fear at my frown?〃 shrilled Susy。  〃I forget er
rest。  Wait!  I kin sing〃

〃Praise God;〃 suggested Clarence。

〃Yes。〃  Here Susy; a regular attendant in camp and prayer…meetings;
was on firmer ground。

Promptly lifting her high treble; yet with a certain acquired
deliberation; she began; 〃Praise God; from whom all blessings
flow。〃  At the end of the second line the whispering and laughing
ceased。  A deep voice to the right; that of the champion poker
player; suddenly rose on the swell of the third line。  He was
instantly followed by a dozen ringing voices; and by the time the
last line was reached it was given with a full chorus; in which the
dull chant of teamsters and drivers mingled with the soprano of
Mrs。 Peyton and Susy's childish treble。  Again and again it was
repeated; with forgetful eyes and abstracted faces; rising and
falling with the night wind and the leap and gleam of the camp
fires; and fading again like them in the immeasurable mystery of
the darkened plain。

In the deep and embarrassing silence that followed; at last the
party hesitatingly broke up; Mrs。 Peyton retiring with Susy after
offering the child to Clarence for a perfunctory 〃good…night〃 kiss;
an unusual proceeding; which somewhat astonished them bothand
Clarence found himself near Mr。 Peyton。

〃I think;〃 said Clarence timidly; 〃I saw an Injin to…day。〃

Mr。 Peyton bent down towards him。  〃An Injinwhere?〃 he asked
quickly; with the same look of doubting interrogatory with which he
had received Clarence's name and parentage。

The boy for a moment regretted having spoken。  But with his old
doggedness he particularized his statement。  Fortunately; being
gifted with a keen perception; he was able to describe the stranger
accurately; and to impart with his description that contempt for
its subject which he had felt; and which to his frontier auditor
established its truthfulness。  Peyton turned abruptly away; but
presently returned with Harry and another man。

〃You are sure of this?〃 said Peyton; half…encouragingly。

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃As sure as you are that your father is Colonel Brant and is dead?〃
said Harry; with a light laugh。

Tears sprang into the boy's lowering eyes。  〃I don't lie;〃 he said

〃I believe you; Clarence;〃 said Peyton quietly。  〃But why didn't
you say it before?〃

〃I didn't like to say it before Susy andher!〃 stammered the boy。


〃Yes; sirMrs。 Peyton;〃 said Clarence blushingly。

〃Oh;〃 said Harry sarcastically; 〃how blessed polite we are!〃

〃That'll do。  Let up on him; will you?〃 said Peyton; roughly; to
his subordinate。  〃The boy knows what he's about。  But;〃 he
continued; addressing Clarence; 〃how was it the Injin didn't see

〃I was very still on account of not waking Susy;〃 said Clarence;
〃and〃  He hesitated。

〃And what?〃

〃He seemed more keen watching what YOU were doing;〃 said the boy

〃That's so;〃 broke in the second man; who happened to be
experienced; 〃and as he was to wind'ard o' the boy he was off HIS
scent and bearings。  He was one of their rear scouts; the rest o'
them's ahead crossing our track to cut us off。  Ye didn't see
anything else?〃

〃I saw a coyote first;〃 said Clarence; greatly encouraged。

〃Hold on!〃 said the expert; as Harry turned away with a sneer。
〃That's a sign; too。  Wolf don't go where wolf hez been; and coyote
don't foller Injinsthere's no pickin's!  How long afore did you
see the coyote?〃

〃Just after we left the wagon;〃 said Clarence。

〃That's it;〃 said the man; thoughtfully。  〃He was driven on ahead;
or hanging on their flanks。  These Injins are betwixt us and that
ar train; or following it。〃

Peyton made a hurried gesture of warning; as if reminding the
speaker of Clarence's presencea gesture which the boy noticed and
wondered at。  Then the conversation of the three men took a lower
tone; although Clarence distinctly heard the concluding opinion of
the expert。

〃It ain't no good now; Mr。 Peyton; and you'd be only exposing
yourself on their ground by breakin' camp agin to…night。  And you
don't know that it ain't US they're watchin'。  You see; if we
hadn't turned off the straight road when we got that first scare
from these yer lost children; we might hev gone on and walked plump
into some cursed trap of those devils。  To my mind; we're just in
nigger luck; and with a good watch and my patrol we're all right to
be fixed where we be till daylight。〃

Mr。 Peyton presently turned away; taking Clarence with him。  〃As
we'll be up early and on the track of your train to…morrow; my boy;
you had better turn in now。  I've put you up in my wagon; and as I
expect to be in the saddle most of the night; I reckon I won't
trouble you much。〃  He led the way to a second wagondrawn up
beside the one where Susy and Mrs。 Peyton had retiredwhich
Clarence was surprised to find fitted with a writing table and
desk; a chair; and even a bookshelf containing some volumes。  A
long locker; fitted like a lounge; had been made up as a couch for
him; with the unwonted luxury of clean white sheets and pillow…
cases。  A soft matting covered the floor of the heavy wagon bed;
which; Mr。 Peyton explained; was hung on centre springs to prevent
jarring。  The sides and roof of the vehicle were of lightly paneled
wood; instead of the usual hooked canvas frame of the ordinary
emigrant wagon; and fitted with a glazed door and movable window
for light and air。  Clarence wondered why the big; powerful man;
who seemed at home on horseback; should ever care to sit in this
office like a merchant or a lawyer; and if this train sold things
to the other trains; or took goods; like the peddlers; to towns on
the route; but there seemed to be nothing to sell; and the other
wagons were filled with only the goods required by the party。  He
would have liked to ask Mr。 Peyton who HE was; and have questioned
HIM as freely as he himself had been questioned。  But as the
average adult man never takes into consideration the injustice of
denying to the natural and even necessary curiosity of childhood
that questioning which he himself is so apt to assume without
right; and almost always without delicacy; Clarence had no
recourse。  Yet the boy; like all children; was conscious that if he
had been afterwards questioned about THIS inexplicable experience;
he would have been blamed for his ignorance concerning it。  Left to
himself presently; and ensconced between the sheets; he lay for
some moments staring about him。  The unwonted comfort of his couch;
so different from the stuffy blanket in the hard wagon bed which he
had shared with one of the teamsters; and the novelty; order; and
cleanliness of his surroundings; while they were grateful to his
instincts; began in some vague way to depress him。  To his loyal
nature it seemed a tacit infidelity to his former rough companions
to be lying here; he had a dim idea that he had lost that
independence which equal discomfort and equal pleasure among them
had given him。  There seemed a sense of servitude in accepting this
luxury which was not his。  This set him endeavoring to remember
something of his father's house; of the large rooms; drafty
staircases; and far…off ceilings; and the cold formality of a life
that seemed made up of strange faces; some strangerhis parents;
some kinderthe servants; particularly the black nurse who had him
in charge。  Why did Mr。 Peyton ask him about it?  Why; if it were
so important to strangers; had not his mother told him more of it?
And why was she not like this good woman with the gentle voice who
was so kind toto Susy?  And what did they mean by making HIM so
miserable?  Something rose in his throat; but with an effort he
choked it back; and; creeping from the lounge; went softly to the
window; opened it to see if it 〃would work;〃 and looked out。  The
shrouded camp fires; the stars that glittered but gave no light;
the dim moving bulk of a patrol beyond the circle; all seemed to
intensify the darkness; and changed the current of his thoughts。
He remembered what Mr。 Peyton had said of him when they first met。
〃Suthin of a pup; ain't he?〃  Surely that meant something that was
not bad!  He crep

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