贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a waif of the plains >


a waif of the plains-第25章

小说: a waif of the plains 字数: 每页4000字

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the back and shoulders of her white frock like a golden mantle; and
then turned away in the opposite direction。

He walked home in a state; as it seemed to him; of absurd
perplexity。  There were many reasons why his encounter with Susy
should have been of unmixed pleasure。  She had remembered him of
her own free will; and; in spite of the change in her fortune; had
made the first advances。  Her doubts about her future interviews
had affected him but little; still less; I fear; did he think of
the other changes in her character and disposition; for he was of
that age when they added only a piquancy and fascination to heras
of one who; in spite of her weakness of nature; was still devoted
to him!  But he was painfully conscious that this meeting had
revived in him all the fears; vague uneasiness; and sense of wrong
that had haunted his first boyhood; and which he thought he had
buried at El Refugio four years ago。  Susy's allusion to his father
and the reiteration of Peyton's skepticism awoke in his older
intellect the first feeling of suspicion that was compatible with
his open nature。  Was this recurring reticence and mystery due to
any act of his father's?  But; looking back upon it in after…years;
he concluded that the incident of that day was a premonition rather
than a recollection。


When he reached the college the Angelus had long since rung。  In
the corridor he met one of the Fathers; who; instead of questioning
him; returned his salutation with a grave gentleness that struck
him。  He had turned into Father Sobriente's quiet study with the
intention of reporting himself; when he was disturbed to find him
in consultation with three or four of the faculty; who seemed to be
thrown into some slight confusion by his entrance。  Clarence was
about to retire hurriedly when Father Sobriente; breaking up the
council with a significant glance at the others; called him back。
Confused and embarrassed; with a dread of something impending; the
boy tried to avert it by a hurried account of his meeting with
Susy; and his hopes of Father Sobriente's counsel and assistance。
Taking upon himself the idea of suggesting Susy's escapade; he
confessed the fault。  The old man gazed into his frank eyes with a
thoughtful; half…compassionate smile。  〃I was just thinking of
giving you a holiday withwith Don Juan Robinson。〃  The unusual
substitution of this final title for the habitual 〃your cousin〃
struck Clarence uneasily。  〃But we will speak of that later。  Sit
down; my son; I am not busy。  We shall talk a little。  Father Pedro
says you are getting on fluently with your translations。  That is
excellent; my son; excellent。〃

Clarence's face beamed with relief and pleasure。  His vague fears
began to dissipate。

〃And you translate even from dictation!  Good!  We have an hour to
spare; and you shall give to me a specimen of your skill。  Eh?
Good!  I will walk here and dictate to you in my poor English; and
you shall sit there and render it to me in your good Spanish。  Eh?
So we shall amuse and instruct ourselves。〃

Clarence smiled。  These sporadic moments of instruction and
admonition were not unusual to the good Father。  He cheerfully
seated himself at the Padre's table before a blank sheet of paper;
with a pen in his hand。  Father Sobriente paced the apartment; with
his usual heavy but noiseless tread。  To his surprise; the good
priest; after an exhaustive pinch of snuff; blew his nose; and
began; in his most lugubrious style of pulpit exhortation:

〃It has been written that the sins of the father shall be visited
upon the children; and the unthinking and worldly have sought
refuge from this law by declaring it harsh and cruel。  Miserable
and blind!  For do we not see that the wicked man; who in the pride
of his power and vainglory is willing to risk punishment to
HIMSELFand believes it to be couragemust pause before the awful
mandate that condemns an equal suffering to those he loves; which
he cannot withhold or suffer for?  In the spectacle of these
innocents struggling against disgrace; perhaps disease; poverty; or
desertion; what avails his haughty; all…defying spirit?  Let us
imagine; Clarence。〃

〃Sir?〃 said the literal Clarence; pausing in his exercise。

〃I mean;〃 continued the priest; with a slight cough; 〃let the
thoughtful man picture a father: a desperate; self…willed man; who
scorned the laws of God and societykeeping only faith with a
miserable subterfuge he called 'honor;' and relying only on his own
courage and his knowledge of human weakness。  Imagine him cruel and
bloodya gambler by profession; an outlaw among men; an outcast
from the Church; voluntarily abandoning friends and family;the
wife he should have cherished; the son he should have reared and
educatedfor the gratification of his deadly passions。  Yet
imagine that man suddenly confronted with the thought of that
heritage of shame and disgust which he had brought upon his
innocent offspringto whom he cannot give even his own desperate
recklessness to sustain its vicarious suffering。  What must be the
feelings of a parent〃

〃Father Sobriente;〃 said Clarence softly。

To the boy's surprise; scarcely had he spoken when the soft
protecting palm of the priest was already upon his shoulder; and
the snuffy but kindly upper lip; trembling with some strange
emotion; close beside his cheek。

〃What is it; Clarence?〃 he said hurriedly。  〃Speak; my son; without
fear!  You would ask〃

〃I only wanted to know if 'padre' takes a masculine verb here;〃
replied Clarence naively。

Father Sobriente blew his nose violently。  〃Trulythough used for
either gender; by the context masculine;〃 he responded gravely。
〃Ah;〃 he added; leaning over Clarence; and scanning his work
hastily; 〃Good; very good!  And now; possibly;〃 he continued;
passing his hand like a damp sponge over his heated brow; 〃we shall
reverse our exercise。  I shall deliver to you in Spanish what you
shall render back in English; eh?  Andlet us considerwe shall
make something more familiar and narrative; eh?〃

To this Clarence; somewhat bored by these present solemn
abstractions; assented gladly; and took up his pen。  Father
Sobriente; resuming his noiseless pacing; began:

〃On the fertile plains of Guadalajara lived a certain caballero;
possessed of flocks and lands; and a wife and son。  But; being also
possessed of a fiery and roving nature; he did not value them as he
did perilous adventure; feats of arms; and sanguinary encounters。
To this may be added riotous excesses; gambling and drunkenness;
which in time decreased his patrimony; even as his rebellious and
quarrelsome spirit had alienated his family and neighbors。  His
wife; borne down by shame and sorrow; died while her son was still
an infant。  In a fit of equal remorse and recklessness the
caballero married again within the year。  But the new wife was of a
temper and bearing as bitter as her consort。  Violent quarrels
ensued between them; ending in the husband abandoning his wife and
son; and leaving St。 LouisI should say Guadalajarafor ever。
Joining some adventurers in a foreign land; under an assumed name;
he pursued his reckless course; until; by one or two acts of
outlawry; he made his return to civilization impossible。  The
deserted wife and step…mother of his child coldly accepted the
situation; forbidding his name to be spoken again in her presence;
announced that he was dead; and kept the knowledge of his existence
from his own son; whom she placed under the charge of her sister。
But the sister managed to secretly communicate with the outlawed
father; and; under a pretext; arranged between them; of sending the
boy to another relation; actually dispatched the innocent child to
his unworthy parent。  Perhaps stirred by remorse; the infamous man〃

〃Stop!〃 said Clarence suddenly。

He had thrown down his pen; and was standing erect and rigid before
the Father。

〃You are trying to tell me something; Father Sobriente;〃 he said;
with an effort。  〃Speak out; I implore you。  I can stand anything
but this mystery。  I am no longer a child。  I have a right to know
all。  This that you are telling me is no fableI see it in your

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