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the darwinian hypothesis-第4章

小说: the darwinian hypothesis 字数: 每页4000字

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If he wish to perpetuate the difference; to form a breed with the
peculiarity in question strongly marked; he selects such male and
female individuals as exhibit the desired character; and breeds from
them。  Their offspring are then carefully examined; and those which
exhibit the peculiarity the most distinctly are selected for breeding;
and this operation is repeated until the desired amount of divergence
from the primitive stock is reached。  It is then found that by
continuing the process of selectionalways breeding; that is; from
well…marked forms; and allowing no impure crosses to interfere;a race
may be formed; the tendency of which to reproduce itself is exceedingly
strong; nor is the limit to the amount of divergence which may be thus
produced known; but one thing is certain; that; if certain breeds of
dogs; or of pigeons; or of horses; were known only in a fossil state;
no naturalist would hesitate in regarding them as distinct species。

But; in all these cases we have 'human interference'。  Without the
breeder there would be no selection; and without the selection no
race。  Before admitting the possibility of natural species having
originated in any similar way; it must be proved that there is in nature
some power which takes the place of man; and performs a selection 'sua
sponte'。  It is the claim of Mr。  Darwin that he professes to have
discovered the existence and the 'modus operandi' of this natural
selection; as he terms it; and; if he be right; the process is perfectly
simple and comprehensible; and irresistibly deducible from very
familiar but well nigh forgotten facts。

Who; for instance; has duly reflected upon all the consequences of the
marvellous struggle for existence which is daily and hourly going on
among living beings?  Not only does every animal live at the expense of
some other animal or plant; but the very plants are at war。  The ground
is full of seeds that cannot rise into seedlings; the seedlings rob one
another of air; light and water; the strongest robber winning the day;
and extinguishing his competitors。  Year after year; the wild animals
with which man never interferes are; on the average; neither more nor
less numerous than they were; and yet we know that the annual produce of
every pair is from one to perhaps a million young;so that it is
mathematically certain that; on the average; as many are killed by
natural causes as are born every year; and those only escape which
happen to be a little better fitted to resist destruction than those
which die。  The individuals of a species are like the crew of a
foundered ship; and none but good swimmers have a chance of reaching
the land。

Such being unquestionably the necessary conditions under which living
creatures exist; Mr。  Darwin discovers in them the instrument of
natural selection。  Suppose that in the midst of this incessant
competition some individuals of a species (A) present accidental
variations which happen to fit them a little better than their fellows
for the struggle in which they are engaged; then the chances are in
favour; not only of these individuals being better nourished than the
others; but of their predominating over their fellows in other ways; and
of having a better chance of leaving offspring; which will of course
tend to reproduce the peculiarities of their parents。  Their offspring
will; by a parity of reasoning; tend to predominate over their
contemporaries; and there being (suppose) no room for more than one
species such as A; the weaker variety will eventually be destroyed by
the new destructive influence which is thrown into the scale; and the
stronger will take its place。  Surrounding conditions remaining
unchanged; the new variety (which we may call B)supposed; for
argument's sake; to be the best adapted for these conditions which can
be got out of the original stockwill remain unchanged; all accidental
deviations from the type becoming at once extinguished; as less fit for
their post than B itself。  The tendency of B to persist will grow with
its persistence through successive generations; and it will acquire all
the characters of a new species。

But; on the other hand; if the conditions of life change in any degree;
however slight; B may no longer be that form which is best adapted to
withstand their destructive; and profit by their sustaining; influence;
in which case if it should give rise to a more competent variety (C);
this will take its place and become a new species; and thus; by
'natural selection'; the species B and C will be successively derived
from A。

That this most ingenious hypothesis enables us to give a reason for many
apparent anomalies in the distribution of living beings in time and
space; and that it is not contradicted by the main phenomena of life
and organization appear to us to be unquestionable; and so far it must
be admitted to have an immense advantage over any of its predecessors。
But it is quite another matter to affirm absolutely either the truth or
falsehood of Mr。 Darwin's views at the present stage of the inquiry。
Goethe has an excellent aphorism defining that state of mind which he
calls 'Thatige Skepsis'aactive doubt。  It is doubt which so loves
truth that it neither dares rest in doubting; nor extinguish itself by
unjustified belief; and we commend this state of mind to students of
species; with respect to Mr。 Darwin's or any other hypothesis; as to
their origin。 The combined investigations of another 20 years may;
perhaps; enable naturalists to say whether the modifying causes and the
selective power; which Mr。 Darwin has satisfactorily shown to exist in
nature; are competent to produce all the effects he ascribes to them;
or whether; on the other hand; he has been led to over…estimate the
value of his principle of natural selection; as greatly as Lamarck
overestimated his vera causa of modification by exercise。

But there is; at all events; one advantage possessed by the more recent
writer over his predecessor。  Mr。 Darwin abhors mere speculation as
nature abhors a vacuum。  He is as greedy of cases and precedents as any
constitutional lawyer; and all the principles he lays down are capable
of being brought to the test of observation and experiment。  The path
he bids us follow professes to be; not a mere airy track; fabricated of
ideal cobwebs; but a solid and broad bridge of facts。  If it be so; it
will carry us safely over many a chasm in our knowledge; and lead us to
a region free from the snares of those fascinating but barren Virgins;
the Final Causes; against whom a high authority has so justly warned us。
〃My sons; dig in the vineyard;〃 were the last words of the old man in
the fable; and; though the sons found no treasure; they made their
fortunes by the grapes。


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