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the frozen deep-第3章

小说: the frozen deep 字数: 每页4000字

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bashfulness about him。 He confused and puzzled me。 He never spoke
out。 He seemed to treat me as if our future lives had been
provided for while we were
 children。 What could I do; Lucy?〃

〃Do? You could have asked your father to end the difficulty for

〃Impossible! You forget what I have just told you。 My father was
suffering at that time under the illness which afterward caused
his death。 He was quite unfit to interfere。〃

〃Was there no one else who could help you?〃

〃No one。〃

〃No lady in whom you could confide?〃

〃I had acquaintances among the ladies in the neighborhood。 I had
no friends。〃

〃What did you do; then?〃

〃Nothing。 I hesitated; I put off coming to an explanation with
him; unfortunately; until it was too late。〃

〃What do you mean by too late?〃

〃You shall hear。 I ought to have told you that Richard Wardour is
in the navy〃

〃Indeed! I am more interested in him than ever。 Well?〃

〃One spring day Richard came to our house to take leave of us
before he joined his ship。 I thought he was gone; and I went into
the next room。 It was my own sitting…room; and it opened on to
the garden。〃


〃Richard must have been watching me。 He suddenly appeared in the
garden。 Without waiting for me to invite him; he walked into the
room。 I was a little startled as well as surprised; but I managed
to hide it。 I said; 'What is it; Mr。 Wardour?' He stepped close
up to me; he said; in his quick; rough way: 'Clara! I am going to
the African coast。 If I live; I shall come back promoted; and we
both know what will happen then。' He kissed me。 I was half
frightened; half angry。 Before I could compose myself to say a
word; he was out in the garden againhe was gone! I ought to
have spoken; I know。 It was not honorable; not kind toward him。
You can't reproach me for my want of courage and frankness more
bitterly than I reproach myself!〃

〃My dear child; I don't reproach you。 I only think you might have
written to him。〃

〃I did write。〃


〃Yes。 I told him in so many words that he was deceiving himself;
and that I could never marry him。〃

〃Plain enough; in all conscience! Having said that; surely you
are not to blame。 What are you fretting about now?〃

〃Suppose my letter has never reached him?〃

〃Why should you suppose anything of the sort?〃

〃What I wrote required an answer; Lucy_asked_ for an answer。
The answer has never come。 What is the plain conclusion? My
letter has never reached him。 And the _Atalanta_ is expected
back! Richard Wardour is returning to EnglandRichard Wardour
will claim me as his wife! You wondered just now if I really
meant what I said。 Do you doubt it still?〃

Mrs。 Crayford leaned back absently in her chair。 For the first
time since the conversation had begun; she let a question pass
without making a reply。 The truth is; Mrs。 Crayford was thinking。

She saw Clara's position plainly; she understood the disturbing
effect of it on the mind of a young girl。 Still; making all
allowances; she felt quite at a loss; so far; to account for
Clara's excessive agitation。 Her quick observing faculty had just
detected that Clara's face showed no signs of relief; now that
she had unburdened herself of her secret。 There was something
clearly under the surface heresomething of importance that
still remained to be discovered。 A shrewd doubt crossed Mrs。
Crayford's mind; and inspired the next words which she addressed
to her young friend。

〃My dear;〃 she said abruptly; 〃have you told me all?〃

Clara started as if the question terrified her。 Feeling sure that
she now had the clew in her hand; Mrs。 Crayford deliberately
repeated her question; in another form of words。 Instead of
answering; Clara suddenly looked up。 At the same moment a faint
flush of color appeared in her face for the first time。

Looking up instinctively on her side; Mrs。 Crayford became aware
of the presence; in the conservatory; of a young gentleman who
was claiming Clara as his partner in the coming waltz。 Mrs。
Crayford fell into thinking once more。 Had this young gentleman
(she asked herself) anything to do with the untold end of the
story? Was this the true secret of Clara Burnham's terror at the
impending return of Richard Wardour? Mrs。 Crayford decided on
putting her doubts to the test。

〃A friend of yours; my dear?〃 she asked; innocently。 〃Suppose you
introduce us to each other。〃

Clara confusedly introduced the young gentleman。

〃Mr。 Francis Aldersley; Lucy。 Mr。 Aldersley belongs to the Arctic

〃Attached to the expedition?〃 Mrs。 Crayford repeated。 〃I am
attached to the expedition tooin my way。 I had better introduce
myself; Mr。 Aldersley; as Clara seems to have forgotten to do it
for me。 I am Mrs。 Crayford。 My husband is Lieutenant Crayford; of
the _Wanderer_。 Do you belong to that ship?〃

〃I have not the honor; Mrs。 Crayford。 I belong to the _Sea…mew_。〃

Mrs。 Crayford's superb eyes looked shrewdly backward and forward
between Clara and Francis Aldersley; and saw the untold sequel to
Clara's story。 The young officer was a bright; handsome;
gentleman…like lad。 Just the person to seriously complicate the
difficulty with Richard Wardour! There was no time for making any
further inquiries。 The band had begun the prelude to the waltz;
and Francis Aldersley was waiting for his partner。 With a word of
apology to the young man; Mrs。 Crayford drew Clara aside for a
moment; and spoke to her in a whisper。

〃One word; my dear; before you return to the ball…room。 It may
sound conceited; after the little you have told me; but I think I
understand your position _now_; better than you do yourself。 Do
you want to hear my opinion?〃

〃I am longing to hear it; Lucy! I want your opinion; I want your

〃You shall have both in the plainest and fewest words。 First; my
opinion: You have no choice but to come to an explanation with
Mr。 Wardour as soon as he returns。 Second; my advice: If you wish
to make the explanation easy to both sides; take care that you
make it in the character of a free woman。〃

She laid a strong emphasis on the last three words; and looked
pointedly at Francis Aldersley as she pronounced them。 〃I won't
keep you from your partner any longer; Clara;〃 she resumed; and
led the way back to the ball…room。

Chapter 3。

The burden on Clara's mind weighs on it more heavily than ever;
after what Mrs。 Crayford has said to her。 She is too unhappy to
feel the inspiriting influence of the dance。 After a turn round
the room; she complains of fatigue。 Mr。 Francis Aldersley looks
at the conservatory (still as invitingly cool and empty as ever);
leads her back to it; and places her on a seat among the shrubs。
She triesvery feeblyto dismiss him。

〃Don't let me keep you from dancing; Mr。 Aldersley。〃

He seats himself by her side; and feasts his eyes on the lovely
downcast face that dares not turn toward him。 He whispers to her:

〃Call me Frank。〃

She longs to call him Frankshe loves him with all her heart。
But Mrs。 Crayford's warning words are still in her mind。 She
never opens her lips。 Her lover moves a little closer; and asks
another favor。 Men are all alike on these occasions。 Silence
invariably encourages them to try again。

〃Clara! have you forgotten what I said at the concert yesterday?
May I say it again?〃


〃We sail to…morrow for the Arctic seas。 I may not return for
years。 Don't send me away without hope! Think of the long; lonely
time in the dark North! Make it a happy time for _me_。〃

Though he speaks with the fervor of a man; he is little more than
a lad: he is only twenty years old; and he is going to risk his
young life on the frozen deep! Clara pities him as she never
pitied any human creature before。 He gently takes her hand。 She
tries to release it。

〃What! not even that little favor on the last night?〃

Her faithful heart takes his part; in spite of her。 Her hand
remains in his; and feels its soft persuasive pressure。 She is a
lost woman。 It is only a question of time now!

〃Clara! do you love me?〃

There is a pause。 She shrinks from looking at himshe trembles
with strange contradictory sensations of pleasure and pain。 His
arm ste

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