贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the frozen deep >


the frozen deep-第20章

小说: the frozen deep 字数: 每页4000字

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task is done。 The struggle is over。〃

His last reserves of strength had been given to Frank。 He
stoppedhe staggeredhis hands waved feebly in search of
support。 But for one faithful friend he would have fallen。
Crayford caught him。 Crayford laid his old comrade gently on some
sails strewn in a corner; and pillowed Wardour's weary head on
his own bosom。 The tears streamed over his face。 〃Richard! dear
Richard!〃 he said。 〃Rememberand forgive me。〃

Richard neither heeded nor heard him。 His dim eyes still looked
across the room at Clara and Frank。

〃I have made _her_ happy!〃 he murmured。 〃I may lay down my weary
head now on the mother earth that hushes all her children to rest
at last。 Sink; heart! sink; sink to rest! Oh; look at them!〃 he
said to Crayford; with a burst of grief。 〃They have forgotten
_me_ already。〃

It was true! The interest was all with the two lovers。 Frank was
young and handsome and popular。 Officers; passengers; and
sailors; they all crowded round Frank。 They all forgot the
martyred man who had saved himthe man who was dying in
Crayford's arms。

Crayford tried once more to attract his attentionto win his
recognition while there was yet time。 〃Richard; speak to me!
Speak to your old friend!〃

He look round; he vacantly repeated Crayford's last word。

〃Friend?〃 he said。 〃My eyes are dim; friendmy mind is dull。 I
have lost all memories but the memory of _her_。 Dead
thoughtsall dead thoughts but that one! And yet you look at me
kindly! Why has your face gone down with the wreck of all the

He paused; his face changed; his thoughts drifted back from
present to past; he looked at Crayford vacantly; lost in the
terrible remembrances that were rising in him; as the shadows
rise with the coming night。

〃Hark ye; friend;〃 he whispered。 〃Never let Frank know it。 There
was a time when the fiend within me hungered for his life。 I had
my hands on the boat。 I heard the voice of the Tempter speaking
to me: Launch it; and leave him to die! I waited with my hands on
the boat; and my eyes on the place where he slept。 'Leave him!
leave him!' the voice whispered。 'Love him!' the lad's voice
answered; moaning and murmuring in his sleep。 'Love him; Clara;
for helping _me!_' I heard the morning wind come up in the
silence over the great deep。 Far and near; I heard the groaning
of the floating ice; floating; floating to the clear water and
the balmy air。 And the wicked Voice floated away with itaway;
away; away forever! 'Love him! love him; Clara; for helping
_me!_' No wind could float that away! 'Love him; Clara'〃

His voice sank into silence; his head dropped on Crayford's
breast。 Frank saw it。 Frank struggled up on his bleeding feet and
parted the friendly throng round him。 Frank had not forgotten the
man who had saved him。

〃Let me go to him!〃 he cried。 〃I must and will go to him! Clara;
come with me。〃

Clara and Steventon supported him between them。 He fell on his
knees at Wardour's s ide; he put his hand on Wardour's bosom。


The weary eyes opened again。 The sinking voice was heard feebly
once more。

〃Ah! poor Frank。 I didn't forget you; Frank; when I came here to
beg。 I remembered you lying down outside in the shadow of the
boats。 I saved you your share of the food and drink。 Too weak to
get at it now! A little rest; Frank! I shall soon be strong
enough to carry you down to the ship。〃

The end was near。 They all saw it now。 The men reverently
uncovered their heads in the presence of Death。 In an agony of
despair; Frank appealed to the friends round him。

〃Get something to strengthen him; for God's sake! Oh; men! men! I
should never have been here but for him! He has given all his
strength to my weakness; and now; see how strong I am; and how
weak _he_ is! Clara; I held by his arm all over the ice and snow。
_He_ kept watch when I was senseless in the open boat。 _His_ hand
dragged me out of the waves when we were wrecked。 Speak to him;
Clara! speak to him!〃 His voice failed him; and his head dropped
on Wardour's breast。

She spoke; as well as her tears would let her。

〃Richard; have you forgotten me?〃

He rallied at the sound of that beloved voice。 He looked up at
her as she knelt at his head。

〃Forgotten you?〃 Still looking at her; he lifted his hand with an
effort; and laid it on Frank。 〃Should I have been strong enough
to save him; if I could have forgotten you?〃 He waited a moment
and turned his face feebly toward Crayford。 〃Stay!〃 he said。
〃Someone was here and spoke to me。〃 A faint light of recognition
glimmered in his eyes。 〃Ah; Crayford! I recollect now。 Dear
Crayford! come nearer! My mind clears; but my eyes grow dim。 You
will remember me kindly for Frank's sake? Poor Frank! why does he
hide his face? Is he crying? Nearer; ClaraI want to look my
last at _you_。 My sister; Clara! Kiss me; sister; kiss me before
I die!〃

She stooped and kissed his forehead。 A faint smile trembled on
his lips。 It passed away; and stillness possessed the facethe
stillness of Death。

Crayford's voice was heard in the silence。

〃The loss is ours;〃 he said。 〃The gain is his。 He has won the
greatest of all conqueststhe conquest of himself。 And he has
died in the moment of victory。 Not one of us here but may live to
envy _his_ glorious death。〃

The distant report of a gun came from the ship in the offing; and
signaled the return to England and to home。


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