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the frozen deep-第2章

小说: the frozen deep 字数: 每页4000字

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anxieties。 Yes! yes! Plain enough now。 A disappointment in
loveeh; Mrs。 Crayford?〃

〃I don't know; Captain Helding; I am quite in the dark。 Clara's
confidence in mein other matters unboundedis; in this matter
of her (supposed) anxieties; a confidence still withheld。 In all
else we are like sisters。 I sometimes fear there may indeed be
some trouble preying secretly on her mind。 I sometimes feel a
little hurt at her incomprehensible silence。〃

Captain Helding was ready with his own practical remedy for this

〃Encouragement is all she wants; ma'am。 Take my word for it; this
matter rests entirely with you。 It's all in a nutshell。 Encourage
her to confide in youand she _will_ confide。〃

〃I am waiting to encourage her; captain; until she is left alone
with meafter you have all sailed for the Arctic seas。 In the
meantime; will you consider what I have said to you as intended
for your ear only? And will you forgive me; if I own that the
turn the subject has taken does not tempt me to pursue it any

The captain took the hint。 He instantly changed the subject;
choosing; on this occasion; safe professional topics。 He spoke of
ships that were ordered on foreign service; and; finding that
these as subjects failed to interest Mrs。 Crayford; he spoke next
of ships that were ordered home again。 This last experiment
produced its effectan effect which the captain had not
bargained for。

〃Do you know;〃 he began; 〃that the _Atalanta_ is expected back
from the West Coast of Africa every day? Have you any
acquaintances among the officers of that ship?〃

As it so happened; he put those questions to Mrs。 Crayford while
they were engaged in one of the figures of the dance which
brought them within hearing of the opposite couple。 At the same
momentto the astonishment of her friends and admirersMiss
Clara Burnham threw the quadrille into confusion by making a
mistake! Everybody waited to see her set the mistake right。 She
made no attempt to set it rightshe turned deadly pale and
caught her partner by the arm。

〃The heat!〃 she said; faintly。 〃Take me awaytake me into the

Lieutenant Crayford instantly led her out of the dance; and took
her into the cool and empty conservatory; at the end of the room。
As a matter of course; Captain Helding and Mrs。 Crayford left the
quadrille at the same time。 The captain saw his way to a joke。

〃Is this the trance coming on?〃 he whispered。 〃If it is; as
commander of the Arctic expedition; I have a particular request
to make。 Will the Second Sight oblige me by seeing the shortest
way to the Northwest Passage; before we leave England?〃

Mrs。 Crayford declined to humor the joke。 〃If you will excuse my
leaving you;〃 she said quietly; 〃I will try and find out what is
the matter with Miss Burnham。〃

At the entrance to the conservatory; Mrs。 Crayford encountered
her husband。 The lieutenant was of middle age; tall and comely。 A
man with a winning simplicity and gentleness in his manner; and
an irresistible kindness in his brave blue eyes。 In one word; a
man whom everybody lovedincluding his wife。

〃Don't be alarmed;〃 said the lieutenant。 〃The heat has overcome
herthat's all。〃

Mrs。 Crayford shook her head; and looked at her husband; half
satirically; half fondly。

〃You dear old innocent!〃 she exclaimed; 〃that excuse may do for
_you_。 For my part; I don't believe a word of it。 Go and get
another partner; and leave Clara to me。〃

She entered the conservatory and seated herself by Clara's side。

Chapter 2。

〃Now; my dear!〃 Mrs。 Crayford began; 〃what does this mean?〃


〃That won't do; Clara。 Try again。〃

〃The heat of the room〃

〃That won't do; either。 Say that you choose to keep your own
secrets; and I shall understand what you mean。〃

Clara's sad; clear gray eyes looked up for the first time in Mrs。
Crayford's face; and suddenly became dimmed with tears。

〃If I only dared tell you!〃 she murmured。 〃I hold so to your good
opinion of me; Lucyand I am so afraid of losing it。〃

Mrs。 Crayford's manner changed。 Her eyes rested gravely and
anxiously on Clara's face。

〃You know as well as I do that nothing can shake my affection for
you;〃 she said。 〃Do justice; my child; to your old friend。 There
is nobody here to listen to what we say。 Open your heart; Clara。
I see you are in trouble; and I want to comfort you。〃

Clara began to yield。 In other words; she began to make

〃Will you promise to keep what I tell you a secret from every
living creature?〃 she began。

Mrs。 Crayford met that question; by putting a question on her

〃Does 'every living creature' include my husband?〃

〃Your husband more than anybody! I love him; I revere him。 He is
so noble; he is so good! If I told him what I am going to tell
you; he would despise me。 Own it plainly; Lucy; if I am asking
too much in asking you to keep a secret from your husband。〃

〃Nonsense; child! When you are married; you will know that the
easiest of all secrets to keep is a secret from your husband。 I
give you my promise。 Now begin!〃

Clara hesitated painfully。

〃I don't know how to begin!〃 she exclaimed; with a burst of
despair。 〃The words won't come to me。〃

〃Then I must help you。 Do you feel ill tonight? Do you feel as
you felt that day when you were with my sister and me in the

〃Oh no。〃

〃You are not ill; you are not really affected by the heatand
yet you turn as pale as ashes; and you are obliged to leave the
quadrille! There must be some reason for this。〃

〃There is a reason。 Captain Helding〃

〃Captain Helding! What in the name of wonder has the captain to
do with it?〃

〃He told you something about the _Atalanta_。 He said the
_Atalanta_ was expected back from Africa immediately。〃

〃Well; and what of that? Is there anybody in whom you are
interested coming home in the ship?〃

〃Somebody whom I am afraid of is coming home in the ship。〃

Mrs。 Crayford's magnificent black eyes opened wide in amazement。

〃My dear Clara! do you really mean what you say?〃

〃Wait a little; Lucy; and you shall judge for yourself。 We must
go backif I am to make you understand meto the year before we
knew each otherto the last year of my father's life。 Did I ever
tell you that my father moved southward; for the sake of his
health; to a house in Kent that was lent to him by a friend?〃

〃No; my dear; I don't remember ever hearing of the house in Kent。
Tell me about it。〃

〃There is nothing to tell; except this: the new house was near a
fine country…seat standing in its own park。 The owner of the
place was a gentleman named Wardour。 He; too; was one of my
father's Kentish friends。 He had an only son。〃

She paused; and played nervously with her fan。 Mrs。 Crayford
looked at her attentively。 Clara's eyes remained fixed on her
fanClara said no more。 〃What was the son's name?〃 asked Mrs。
Crayford; quietly。


〃Am I right; Clara; in suspecting that Mr。 Richard Wardour
admired you?〃

The question produced its intended effect。 The question helped
Clara to go on。

〃I hardly knew at first;〃 she said; 〃whether he admired me or
not。 He was very strange in his waysheadstrong; terribly
headstrong and passionate; but generous and affectionate in spite
of his faults of temper。 Can you understand such a character?〃

〃Such characters exist by thousands。 I have my faults of temper。
I begin to like Richard already。 Go on。〃

〃The days went by; Lucy; and the weeks went by。 We were thrown
very much together。 I began; little by little; to have some
suspicion of the truth。〃

〃And Richard helped to confirm your suspicions; of course?

〃No。 He was notunhappily for mehe was not that sort of man。
He never spoke of the feeling with which he regarded me。 It was I
who saw it。 I couldn't help seeing it。 I did all I could to show
that I was willing to be a sister to him; and that I could never
be anything else。 He did not understand me; or he would not; I
can't say which。〃

〃'Would not;' is the most likely; my dear。 Go on。〃

〃It might have been as you say。 There was a strange; rough
bashfulness about him。 He confused and puzzled me。 He never spoke
out。 He seemed to treat me as

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