贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10-the child from egg >


10-the child from egg-第3章

小说: 10-the child from egg 字数: 每页4000字

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her。  Their hopes faded as they gazed; but their mothers
whispered together; saying; 'Surely this is our lost princess!'

The young king did not know her again; but he never left her side
nor took his eyes from her。  And at midnight a strange thing
happened。  A thick cloud suddenly filled the hall; so that for a
moment all was dark。  Then the mist suddenly grew bright; and
Dotterine's godmother was seen standing there。

'This;' she said; turning to the king; 'is the girl whom you have
always believed to be your sister; and who vanished during the
siege。  She is not your sister at all; but the daughter of the
king of a neighbouring country; who was given to your mother to
bring up; to save her from the hands of a wizard。'

Then she vanished; and was never seen again; nor the
wonder…working basket either; but now that Dotterine's troubles
were over she could get on without them; and she and the young
king lived happily together till the end of their days。

'Ehstnische Marchen。'

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