贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the story of a pioneer >


the story of a pioneer-第38章

小说: the story of a pioneer 字数: 每页4000字

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thony's method was much the same; but very fre…

quently both of us threw over all our plans at the last

moment and spoke extemporaneously on some theme

suggested by the atmosphere of the gathering or by

the words of another speaker。

From Miss Anthony; more than from any one else;

I learned to keep cool in the face of interruptions

and of the small annoyances and disasters inevitable

in campaigning。  Often we were able to help each

other out of embarrassing situations; and one incident

of this kind occurred during our campaign in South

Dakota。  We were holding a meeting on the hottest

Sunday of the hottest month in the yearAugust

and hundreds of the natives had driven twenty;

thirty; and even forty miles across the country to

hear us。  We were to speak in a sod church; but it

was discovered that the structure would not hold half

the people who were trying to enter it; so we decided

that Miss Anthony should speak from the door; in

order that those both inside and outside might hear

her。  To elevate her above her audience; she was

given an empty dry…goods box to stand on。

This makeshift platform was not large; and men;

women; and children were seated on the ground

around it; pressing up against it; as close to the

speaker as they could get。  Directly in front of Miss

Anthony sat a woman with a child about two years

olda little boy; and this infant; like every one else

in the packed throng; was dripping with perspiration

and suffering acutely under the blazing sun。  Every

woman present seemed to have brought children with

her; doubtless because she could not leave them

alone at home; and babies were crying and fretting

on all sides。  The infant nearest Miss Anthony fretted

most strenuously; he was a sturdy little fellow with

a fine pair of lungs; and he made it very difficult for

her to lift her voice above his dismal clamor。  Sud…

denly; however; he discovered her feet on the dry…

goods box; about on a level with his head。  They

were clad in black stockings and low shoes; they

moved about oddly; they fascinated him。  With a

yelp of interest he grabbed for them and began

pinching them to see what they were。  His howls

ceased; he was happy。

Miss Anthony was not。  But it was a great relief

to have the child quiet; so she bore the infliction of

the pinching as long as she could。  When endurance

had found its limit she slipped back out of reach;

and as his new plaything receded the boy uttered

shrieks of disapproval。  There was only one way to

stop his noise; Miss Anthony brought her feet for…

ward again; and he resumed the pinching of her

ankles; while his yelps subsided to contented mur…

murs。  The performance was repeated half a dozen

times。  Each time the ankles retreated the baby

yelled。  Finally; for once at the end of her patience;

‘‘Aunt Susan'' leaned forward and addressed the

mother; whose facial expression throughout had

shown a complete mental detachment from the situa…


‘‘I think your little boy is hot and thirsty;'' she

said; gently。  ‘‘If you would take him out of the

crowd and give him a drink of water and unfasten

his clothes; I am sure he would be more comfortable。''

Before she had finished speaking the woman had

sprung to her feet and was facing her with fierce


‘‘This is the first time I have ever been insulted

as a mother;'' she cried; ‘‘and by an old maid at

that!''  Then she grasped the infant and left the

scene; amid great confusion。  The majority of those

in the audience seemed to sympathize with her。 

They had not seen the episode of the feet; and they

thought Miss Anthony was complaining of the child's

crying。  Their children were crying; too; and they

felt that they had all been criticized。  Other women

rose and followed the irate mother; and many men

gallantly followed them。  It seemed clear that

motherhood had been outraged。

Miss Anthony was greatly depressed by the epi…

sode; and she was not comforted by a prediction one

man made after the meeting。

‘‘You've lost at least twenty votes by that little

affair;'' he told her。

‘‘Aunt Susan'' sighed。  ‘‘Well;'' she said; ‘‘if those

men knew how my ankles felt I would have won

twenty votes by enduring the torture as long as I did。''

The next day we had a second meeting。  Miss

Anthony made her speech early in the evening; and

by the time it was my turn to begin all the children

in the audienceand there were manywere both

tired and sleepy。  At least half a dozen of them

were crying; and I had to shout to make my voice

heard above their uproar。  Miss Anthony remarked

afterward that there seemed to be a contest between

me and the infants to see which of us could make

more noise。  The audience was plainly getting rest…

less under the combined effect; and finally a man in

the rear rose and added his voice to the tumult。

‘‘Say; Miss Shaw;'' he yelled; ‘‘don't you want

these children put out?''

It was our chance to remove the sad impression

of yesterday; and I grasped it。

‘‘No; indeed;'' I yelled back。  ‘‘Nothing inspires

me like the voice of a child!''

A handsome round of applause from mothers and

fathers greeted this noble declaration; after which

the blessed babies and I resumed our joint vocal

efforts。  When the speech was finished and we were

alone together; Miss Anthony put her arm around

my shoulder and drew me to her side。

‘‘Well; Anna;'' she said; gratefully; ‘‘you've cer…

tainly evened us up on motherhood this time。''

That South Dakota campaign was one of the

most difficult we ever made。  It extended over nine

months; and it is impossible to describe the poverty

which prevailed throughout the whole rural com…

munity of the State。  There had been three con…

secutive years of drought。  The sand was like pow…

der; so deep that the wheels of the wagons in which

we rode ‘‘across country'' sank half…way to the

hubs; and in the midst of this dry powder lay with…

ered tangles that had once been grass。  Every one

had the forsaken; desperate look worn by the pioneer

who has reached the limit of his endurance; and the

great stretches of prairie roads showed innumerable

canvas…covered wagons; drawn by starved horses;

and followed by starved cows; on their way ‘‘Back

East。''  Our talks with the despairing drivers of

these wagons are among my most tragic memories。

They had lost everything except what they had with

them; and they were going East to leave ‘‘the wom…

an'' with her father and try to find work。  Usually;

with a look of disgust at his wife; the man would

say:  ‘‘I wanted to leave two years ago; but the

woman kept saying; ‘Hold on a little longer。' ''

Both Miss Anthony and I gloried in the spirit of

these pioneer women; and lost no opportunity to

tell them so; for we realized what our nation owes

to the patience and courage of such as they were。 

We often asked them what was the hardest thing to

bear in their pioneer life; and we usually received

the same reply:

‘‘To sit in our little adobe or sod houses at night

and listen to the wolves howl over the graves of our

babies。  For the howl of the wolf is like the cry of

a child from the grave。''

Many days; and in all kinds of weather; we rode

forty and fifty miles in uncovered wagons。  Many

nights we shared a one…room cabin with all the mem…

bers of the family。  But the greatest hardship we

suffered was the lack of water。  There was very

little good water in the state; and the purest water

was so brackish that we could hardly drink it。  The

more we drank the thirstier we became; and when

the water was made into tea it tasted worse than

when it was clear。  A bath was the rarest of luxuries。 

The only available fuel was buffalo manure; of which

the odor permeated all our food。  But despite these

handicaps we were happy in our work; for we had

some great meetings and 

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