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the story of a pioneer-第18章

小说: the story of a pioneer 字数: 每页4000字

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had been given a check for seventy…eight dollars;

and from this; she explained; my allowance would

be paid in weekly instalments。  I took the money

very gratefully; and a few years later I returned

the amount to the Missionary Society; but I never

learned the identity of my benefactor。  Her three

dollars and a half a week; added to the weekly two

dollars I was allowed for room rent; at once solved

the problem of living; and now that meal…hours

had a meaning in my life; my health improved and

my horizon brightened。  I spent most of my evenings

in study; and my Sundays in the churches of Phil…

lips Brooks and James Freeman Clark; my favorite

ministers。  Also; I joined the university's praying…

band of students; and took part in the missionary…

work among the women of the streets。  I had never

forgotten my early friend in Lawrence; the beautiful

‘‘mysterious lady'' who had loved me as a child;

and; in memory of her; I set earnestly about the

effort to help unfortunates of her class。  I went

into the homes of these women; followed them to

the streets and the dance…halls; talked to them;

prayed with them; and made friends among them。 

Some of them I was able to help; but many were

beyond help; and I soon learned that the effective

work in that field is the work which is done for

women before; not after; they have fallen。

During my vacation in the summer of 1876 I went

to Cape Cod and earned my expenses by substituting

in local pulpits。  Here; at East Dennis; I formed the

friendship which brought me at once the greatest

happiness and the deepest sorrow of that period of

my life。  My new friend was a widow whose name

was Persis Addy; and she was also the daughter of

Captain Prince Crowell; then the most prominent

man in the Cape Cod communitya bank president;

a railroad director; and a citizen of wealth; as wealth

was rated in those days。  When I returned to the

theological school in the autumn Mrs。 Addy came

to Boston with me; and from that time until her

death; two years later; we lived together。  She was

immensely interested in my work; and the friendly

part she took in it diverted her mind from the be…

reavement over which she had brooded for years;

while to me her coming opened windows into a new

world。  I was no longer lonely; and though in my

life with her I paid my way to the extent of my

small income; she gave me my first experience of an

existence in which comfort and culture; recreation;

and leisurely reading were cheerful commonplaces。 

For the first time I had some one to come home to;

some one to confide in; some one to talk to; listen

to; and love。  We read together and went to con…

certs together; and it was during this winter that I

attended my first theatrical performance。  The star

was Mary Anderson; in ‘‘Pygmalion and Galatea;''

and play and player charmed me so utterly that I

saw them every night that week; sitting high in the

gallery and enjoying to the utmost the unfolding of

this new delight。  It was so glowing a pleasure that

I longed to make some return to the giver of it; but

not until many years afterward; when I met Ma…

dame Navarro in London; was I able to tell her

what the experience had been and to thank her

for it。

I did not long enjoy the glimpses into my new

world; for soon; and most tragically; it was closed

to me。  In the spring following our first Boston

winter together Mrs。 Addy and I went to Hingham;

Massachusetts; where I had been appointed tempo…

rary pastor of the Methodist Church。  There Mrs。

Addy was taken ill; and as she grew steadily worse

we returned to Boston to live near the best availa…

ble physicians; who for months theorized over her

malady without being able to diagnose it。  At last

her father; Captain Crowell; sent to Paris for Dr。

Brown…Sequard; then the most distinguished special…

ist of his day; and Dr。 Brown…Sequard; when he

arrived and examined his patient; discovered that

she had a tumor on the brain。  She had had a great

shock in her lifethe tragic death of her husband

at sea during their wedding tour around the world

and it was believed that her disease dated from that

time。  Nothing could be done for her; and she failed

daily during our second year together; and died in

March; 1878; just before I finished my theological

course and while I was still temporary pastor of the

church at Hingham。  Every moment I could take

from my parish and my studies I spent with her; and

those were sorrowful months。  In her poor; tortured

brain the idea formed that I; not she; was the sick

person in our family of two; and when we were at

home together she insisted that I must lie down and

let her nurse me; then for hours she brooded over

me; trying to relieve the agony she believed I was

experiencing。  When at last she was at peace her

father and I took her home to Cape Cod and laid

her in the graveyard of the little church where we

had met at the beginning of our brief and beautiful

friendship; and the subsequent loneliness I felt

was far greater than any I had ever suffered in the

past; for now I had learned the meaning of com…


Three months after Mrs。 Addy's death I grad…

uated。  She had planned to take me abroad; and

during our first winter together we had spent count…

less hours talking and dreaming of our European

wanderings。  When she found that she must die she

made her will and left me fifteen hundred dollars

for the visit to Europe; insisting that I must carry

out the plan we had made; and during her conscious

periods she constantly talked of this and made me

promise that I would go。  After her death it seemed

to me that to go without her was impossible。  Every…

thing of beauty I looked upon would hold memories

of her; keeping fresh my sorrow and emphasizing

my loneliness; but it was her last expressed desire

that I should go; and I went。

First; however; I had graduatedclad in a brand…

new black silk gown; and with five dollars in my

pocket; which I kept there during the graduation

exercises。  I felt a special satisfaction in the pos…

session of that money; for; notwithstanding the

handicap of being a woman; I was said to be the

only member of my class who had worked during

the entire course; graduated free from debt; and

had a new outfit as well as a few dollars in cash。

I graduated without any special honors。  Pos…

sibly I might have won some if I had made the effort;

but my graduation year; as I have just explained;

had been very difficult。  As it was; I was merely a

good average student; feeling my isolation as the

only woman in my class; but certainly not spurring

on my men associates by the display of any brilliant

gifts。  Naturally; I missed a great deal of class

fellowship and class support; and throughout my

entire course I rarely entered my class…room with…

out the abysmal conviction that I was not really

wanted there。  But some of the men were good…

humoredly cordial; and several of them are among

my friends to…day。  Between myself and my family

there still existed the breach I had created when

I began to preach。  With the exception of Mary and

James; my people openly regarded me; during my

theological course; as a dweller in outer darkness;

and even my mother's love was clouded by what

she felt to be my deliberate and persistent flouting

of her wishes。

Toward the end of my university experience; how…

ever; an incident occurred which apparently changed

my mother's viewpoint。  She was now living with

my sister Mary; in Big Rapids; Michigan; and; on

the occasion of one of my rare and brief visits to

them I was invited to preach in the local church。 

Here; for the first time; my mother heard me。 

Dutifully escorted by one of my brothers; she at…

tended church that morning in a state of shivering

nervousness。  I do not know what she expected me

to do or say; but toward the end of 

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