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the story of a pioneer-第13章

小说: the story of a pioneer 字数: 每页4000字

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time twenty…three years old。E。 J。

The little notice had something of the effect of

a lighted match applied to gunpowder。  An ex…

plosion of public sentiment followed it; the entire

community arose in consternation; and I became a

bone of contention over which friends and strangers

alike wrangled until they wore themselves out。 

The members of my family; meeting in solemn

council; sent for me; and I responded。  They had

a proposition to make; and they lost no time in put…

ting it before me。  If I gave up my preaching they

would send me to college and pay for my entire

course。  They suggested Ann Arbor; and Ann Arbor

tempted me sorely; but to descend from the pulpit

I had at last enteredthe pulpit I had visualized

in all my childish dreamswas not to be considered。 

We had a long evening together; and it was a very

unhappy one。  At the end of it I was given twenty…

four hours in which to decide whether I would choose

my people and college; or my pulpit and the arctic

loneliness of a life that held no family…circle。  It

did not require twenty…four hours of reflection to

convince me that I must go my solitary way。

That year I preached thirty…six times; at each of

the presiding elder's appointments; and the follow…

ing spring; at the annual Methodist Conference of

our district; held at Big Rapids; my name was pre…

sented to the assembled ministers as that of a can…

didate for a license to preach。  There was unusual

interest in the result; and my father was among those

who came to the Conference to see the vote taken。 

During these Conferences a minister voted affirma…

tively on a question by holding up his hand; and

negatively by failing to do so。  When the question

of my license came up the majority of the ministers

voted by raising both hands; and in the pleasant

excitement which followed my father slipped away。

Those who saw him told me he looked pleased; but

he sent me no message showing a change of view…

point; and the gulf between the family and its black

sheep remained unbridged。  Though the warmth of

Mary's love for me had become a memory; the

warmth of her hearthstone was still offered me。  I

accepted it; perforce; and we lived together like

shadows of what we had been。  Two friends alone

of all I had made stood by me without qualification

Miss Foot and Clara Osborn; the latter my

‘‘chum'' at Big Rapids and a dweller in my heart

to this day。

In the mean time my preaching had not inter…

fered with my studies。  I was working day and night;

but life was very difficult; for among my school…

mates; too; there were doubts and much head…shaking

over this choice of a career。  I needed the sound of

friendly voices; for I was very lonely; and suddenly;

when the pressure from all sides was strongest and

I was going down physically under it; a voice was

raised that I had never dared to dream would speak

for me。  Mary A。 Livermore came to Big Rapids;

and as she was then at the height of her career; the

entire countryside poured in to hear her。  Far back

in the crowded hall I sat alone and listened to her;

thrilled by the lecture and tremulous with the hope

of meeting the lecturer。  When she had finished

speaking I joined the throng that surged forward

from the body of the hall; and as I reached her and

felt the grasp of her friendly hand I had a sudden

conviction that the meeting was an epoch in my life。

I was right。  Some one in the circle around us told

her that I wanted to preach; and that I was meeting

tremendous opposition。  She was interested at once。 

She looked at me with quickening sympathy; and

then; suddenly putting an arm around me; drew me

close to her side。

‘‘My dear;'' she said; quietly; ‘‘if you want to

preach; go on and preach。  Don't let anybody stop

you。  No matter what people say; don't let them

stop you!''

For a moment I was too overcome to answer her。 

These were almost my first encouraging words; and

the morning stars singing together could not have

made sweeter music for my ears。  Before I could

recover a woman within hearing spoke up。

‘‘Oh; Mrs。 Livermore;'' she exclaimed; ‘‘don't say

that to her!  We're all trying to stop her。  Her peo…

ple are wretched over the whole thing。  And don't

you see how ill she is?  She has one foot in the grave

and the other almost there!''

Mrs。 Livermore turned upon me a long and deeply

thoughtful look。  ‘‘Yes;'' she said at last; ‘‘I see she

has。  But it is better that she should die doing the

thing she wants to do than that she should die

because she can't do it。''

Her words were a tonic which restored my voice。 

‘‘So they think I'm going to die!'' I cried。  ‘‘Well;

I'm not!  I'm going to live and preach!''

I have always felt since then that without the

inspiration of Mrs。 Livermore's encouragement I

might not have continued my fight。  Her sanction

was a shield; however; from which the criticisms of

the world fell back。  Fate's more friendly interest

in my affairs that year was shown by the fact that

she sent Mrs。 Livermore into my life before I had

met Anna Dickinson。  Miss Dickinson came to us

toward spring and lectured on Joan of Arc。  Never

before or since have I been more deeply moved by a

speaker。  When she had finished her address I made

my happy way to the front of the hall with the others

who wished to meet the distinguished guest。  It

was our local manager who introduced me; and he

said; ‘‘This is our Anna Shaw。  She is going to be

a lecturer; too。''

I looked up at the brilliant Miss Dickinson with

the trustfulness of youth in my eyes。  I remem…

bered Mrs。 Livermore and I thought all great wom…

en were like her; but I was now to experience a bitter

disillusionment。  Miss Dickinson barely touched

the tips of my fingers as she looked indifferently

past the side of my face。  ‘‘Ah;'' she said; icily;

and turned away。  In later years I learned how

impossible it is for a public speaker to leave a

gracious impression on every life that for a moment

touches her own; but I have never ceased to be

thankful that I met Mrs。 Livermore before I met

Miss Dickinson at the crisis in my career。

In the autumn of 1873 I entered Albion College;

in Albion; Michigan。  I was twenty…five years of

age; but I looked much youngerprobably not more

than eighteen to the casual glance。  Though I had

made every effort to save money; I had not been

successful; for my expenses constantly outran my

little income; and my position as preacher made it

necessary for me to have a suitable wardrobe。 

When the time came to enter college I had exactly

eighteen dollars in the world; and I started for

Albion with this amount in my purse and without

the slightest notion of how I was to add to it。  The

money problem so pressed upon me; in fact; that

when I reached my destination at midnight and dis…

covered that it would cost fifty cents to ride from

the station to the college; I saved that amount by

walking the entire distance on the railroad tracks;

while my imagination busied itself pleasantly with

pictures of the engine that might be thundering upon

me in the rear。  I had chosen Albion because Miss

Foot had been educated there; and I was encouraged

by an incident that happened the morning after my

arrival。  I was on the campus; walking toward the

main building; when I saw a big copper penny lying

on the ground; and; on picking it up; I discovered

that it bore the year of my birth。  That seemed a

good omen; and it was emphatically underlined by

the finding of two exactly similar pennies within a

week。  Though there have been days since then

when I was sorely tempted to spend them; I have

those three pennies still; and I confess to a certain

comfort in their possession!

As I had not completed my high…school course;

my first days at Albion were spent in strenuous prep…

aration for the entrance examinati

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