贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the story of a pioneer >


the story of a pioneer-第10章

小说: the story of a pioneer 字数: 每页4000字

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appeared。  His costume; like himself; left much to

be desired。  He wore a blue flannel shirt and a pair

of trousers made of flour…bags。  Such trousers were

not uncommon in our region; and the boy's mother;

who had made them for him; had thoughtfully

selected a nice clean pair of sacks。  But on one leg

was the name of the firm that made the flourA。 and

G。 W。 Greenand by a charming coincidence A。

and G。 W。 Green happened to be the two young

men who were calling on my sisters!  On the back

of the bags; directly in the rear of the wearer; was

the simple legend; ‘‘96 pounds''; and the striking

effect of the young man's costume was completed

by a bright yellow sash which held his trousers in


The vision fascinated my sisters and their two

guests。  They gave it their entire attention; and

when the new…comer signified with an eloquent ges…

ture that he was calling on me; and beckoned me

into an inner room; the quartet arose as one person

and followed us to the door。  Then; as we inhospit…

ably closed the door; they fastened their eyes to

the cracks in the living…room wall; that they might

miss none of the entertainment。  When we were

alone my guest and I sat down in facing chairs and

in depressed silence。  The young man was nervous;

and I was both frightened and annoyed。  I had

heard suppressed giggles on the other side of the

wall; and I realized; as my self…centered visitor failed

to do; that we were not enjoying the privacy the

situation seemed to demand。  At last the youth in…

formed me that his ‘‘dad'' had just given him a

cabin; a yoke of steers; a cow; and some hens。  When

this announcement had produced its full effect; he

straightened up in his chair and asked; solemnly;

‘‘Will ye have me?''

An outburst of chortles from the other side of the

wall greeted the proposal; but the ardent youth

ignored it; if indeed he heard it。  With eyes staring

straight ahead; he sat rigid; waiting for my answer;

and I; anxious only to get rid of him and to end

the strain of the moment; said the first thing that

came into my head。  ‘‘I can't;'' I told him。  ‘‘I'm

sorry; butbutI'm engaged。''

He rose quickly; with the effect of a half…closed

jack…knife that is suddenly opened; and for an in…

stant stood looking down upon me。  He was six feet

two inches tall; and extremely thin。  I am very short;

and; as I looked up; his flour…bag trousers seemed to

join his yellow sash somewhere near the ceiling of

the room。  He put both hands into his pockets and

slowly delivered his valedictory。  ‘‘That's darned dis…

appointing to a fellow;'' he said; and left the house。

After a moment devoted to regaining my maidenly

composure I returned to the living…room; where I

had the privilege of observing the enjoyment of my

sisters and their visitors。  Helpless with mirth and

with tears of pleasure on their cheeks; the four rocked

and shrieked as they recalled the picture my gallant

had presented。  For some time after that incident

I felt a strong distaste for sentiment。

Clad royally in the new gown; I attended my first

ball in November; going with a party of eight that

included my two sisters; another girl; and four young

men。  The ball was at Big Rapids; which by this

time had grown to be a thriving lumber town。  It

was impossible to get a team of horses or even a

yoke of oxen for the journey; so we made a raft and

went down the river on that; taking our party dresses

with us in trunks。  Unfortunately; the raft ‘‘hung

up'' in the stream; and the four young men had

to get out into the icy water and work a long time

before they could detach it from the rocks。  Natu…

rally; they were soaked and chilled through; but they

all bore the experience with a gay philosophy。

When we reached Big Rapids we dressed for the

ball; and; as in those days it was customary to

change one's gown again at midnight; I had an op…

portunity to burst on the assemblage in two cos…

tumesthe second made of bedroom chintz; with

a low neck and short sleeves。  We danced the

‘‘money musk;'' and the ‘‘Virginia reel;'' ‘‘hoeing

her down'' (which means changing partners) in

true pioneer style。  I never missed a dance at this

or any subsequent affair; and I was considered the

gayest and the most tireless young person at our

parties until I became a Methodist minister and

dropped such worldly vanities。  The first time I

preached in my home region all my former partners

came to hear me; and listened with wide; understand…

ing; reminiscent smiles which made it very hard for

me to keep soberly to my text。

In the near future I had reason to regret the ex…

travagant expenditure of my first earnings。  For

my second year of teaching; in the same school; I

was to receive five dollars a week and to pay my

own board。  I selected a place two miles and a half

from the school…house; and was promptly asked by

my host to pay my board in advance。  This; he ex…

plained; was due to no lack of faith in me; the

money would enable him to go ‘‘outside'' to work;

leaving his family well supplied with provisions。  I

allowed him to go to the school committee and col…

lect my board in advance; at the rate of three dol…

lars a week for the season。  When I presented myself

at my new boarding…place; however; two days later;

I found the house nailed up and deserted; the man

and his family had departed with my money; and

I was left; as my committeemen sympathetically

remarked; ‘‘high and dry。''  There were only two

dollars a week coming to me after that; so I walked

back and forth between my home and my school;

almost four miles; twice a day; and during this en…

forced exercise there was ample opportunity to re…

flect on the fleeting joy of riches。

In the mean time war had been declared。  When

the news came that Fort Sumter had been fired

on; and that Lincoln had called for troops; our men

were threshing。  There was only one threshing…

machine in the region at that time; and it went

from place to place; the farmers doing their thresh…

ing whenever they could get the machine。  I re…

member seeing a man ride up on horseback; shout…

ing out Lincoln's demand for troops and explaining

that a regiment was being formed at Big Rapids。 

Before he had finished speaking the men on the ma…

chine had leaped to the ground and rushed off to

enlist; my brother Jack; who had recently joined us;

among them。  In ten minutes not one man was left

in the field。  A few months later my brother Tom

enlisted as a buglerhe was a mere boy at the time

and not long after that my father followed the example

of his sons and served until the war was ended。  He

had entered on the twenty…ninth of August; 1862; as

an army steward; he came back to us with the rank

of lieutenant and assistant surgeon of field and staff。

Between those years I was the principal support

of our family; and life became a strenuous and tragic

affair。  For months at a time we had no news from

the front。  The work in our community; if it was

done at all; was done by despairing women whose

hearts were with their men。  When care had become

our constant guest; Death entered our home as well。 

My sister Eleanor had married; and died in childbirth;

leaving her baby to me; and the blackest hours of

those black years were the hours that saw her pass…

ing。  I can see her still; lying in a stupor from which

she roused herself at intervals to ask about her child。 

She insisted that our brother Tom should name the

baby; but Tom was fighting for his country; unless

he had already preceded Eleanor through the wide

portal that was opening before her。  I could only

tell her that I had written to him; but before the

assurance was an hour old she would climb up from

the gulf of unconsciousness with infinite effort to

ask if we had received his reply。  At last; to calm

her; I told her it had come; and that Tom had chosen


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