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on ulcers-第4章

小说: on ulcers 字数: 每页4000字

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circumstances; and otherwise apply whatever else appears to be proper。

  15。 When a varix is on the fore part of the leg; and is very
superficial; or below the flesh; and the leg is black; and seems to
stand in need of having the blood evacuated from it; such swellings
are not; by any means; to be cut open; for; generally; large ulcers
are the consequence of the incisions; owing to the influx from the
varix。 But the varix itself is to be punctured in many places; as
circumstances may indicate。

  16。 When you have opened a vein and abstracted blood; and although
the fillet be loosed the bleeding does not stop; the member; whether
the arm or leg; is to be put into the reverse position to that from
which the blood flows; so that the blood may flow backward; and it
is to be allowed to remain in this position for a greater or less
space of time。 Then bind up the part while matters are so; no clots of
blood being allowed to remain in the opening。 Then having applied a
double compress; and wetted it with wine; apply above it clean wool
which has been smeared with oil。 For; although the flow of blood be
violent; it will be stopped in this way。 If a thrombus be formed in
the opening; it will inflame and suppurate。 Venesection is to be
practiced when the person has dined more or less freely and drunk; and
when somewhat heated; and rather in hot weather than in cold。

  17。 When in cupping; the blood continues to flow after the
cupping…instrument has been removed; and if the flow of blood; or
serum be copious; the instrument is to be applied again before the
part is healed up; so as to abstract what is left behind。 Otherwise
coagula of blood will be retained in the incisions and inflammatory
ulcers will arise from them。 In all such cases the parts are to be
bathed with vinegar; after which they are not to be wetted; neither
must the person lie upon the scarifications; but they are to be
anointed with some of the medicines for bloody wounds。 When the
cupping instrument is to be applied below the knee; or at the knee; it
should be done; if possible; while the man stands erect。

                                    THE END

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