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confessio amantis-第78章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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As sche which dede hir hole entente。
Tho tok sche fieldwode and verveyne;
Of herbes ben noght betre tueine;  4040
Of which anon withoute let
These alters ben aboute set:
Tuo sondri puttes faste by
Sche made; and with that hastely
A wether which was blak sche slouh;
And out therof the blod sche drouh
And dede into the pettes tuo;
Warm melk sche putte also therto
With hony meynd: and in such wise
Sche gan to make hir sacrifice;    4050
And cride and preide forth withal
To Pluto the god infernal;
And to the queene Proserpine。
And so sche soghte out al the line
Of hem that longen to that craft;
Behinde was no name laft;
And preide hem alle; as sche wel couthe;
To grante Eson his ferste youthe。
This olde Eson broght forth was tho;
Awei sche bad alle othre go  4060
Upon peril that mihte falle;
And with that word thei wenten alle;
And leften there hem tuo al one。
And tho sche gan to gaspe and gone;
And made signes manyon;
And seide hir wordes therupon;
So that with spellinge of hir charmes
Sche tok Eson in bothe hire armes;
And made him forto slepe faste;
And him upon hire herbes caste。    4070
The blake wether tho sche tok;
And hiewh the fleissh; as doth a cok;
On either alter part sche leide;
And with the charmes that sche seide
A fyr doun fro the Sky alyhte
And made it forto brenne lyhte。
Bot whan Medea sawh it brenne;
Anon sche gan to sterte and renne
The fyri aulters al aboute:
Ther was no beste which goth oute  4080
More wylde than sche semeth ther:
Aboute hir schuldres hyng hir her;
As thogh sche were oute of hir mynde
And torned in an other kynde。
Tho lay ther certein wode cleft;
Of which the pieces nou and eft
Sche made hem in the pettes wete;
And put hem in the fyri hete;
And tok the brond with al the blase;
And thries sche began to rase   4090
Aboute Eson; ther as he slepte;
And eft with water; which sche kepte;
Sche made a cercle aboute him thries;
And eft with fyr of sulphre twyes:
Ful many an other thing sche dede;
Which is noght writen in this stede。
Bot tho sche ran so up and doun;
Sche made many a wonder soun;
Somtime lich unto the cock;
Somtime unto the Laverock;   4100
Somtime kacleth as a Hen;
Somtime spekth as don the men:
And riht so as hir jargoun strangeth;
In sondri wise hir forme changeth;
Sche semeth faie and no womman;
For with the craftes that sche can
Sche was; as who seith; a goddesse;
And what hir liste; more or lesse;
Sche dede; in bokes as we finde;
That passeth over manneskinde。  4110
Bot who that wole of wondres hiere;
What thing sche wroghte in this matiere;
To make an ende of that sche gan;
Such merveile herde nevere man。
Apointed in the newe Mone;
Whan it was time forto done;
Sche sette a caldron on the fyr;
In which was al the hole atir;
Wheron the medicine stod;
Of jus; of water and of blod;   4120
And let it buile in such a plit;
Til that sche sawh the spume whyt;
And tho sche caste in rynde and rote;
And sed and flour that was for bote;
With many an herbe and many a ston;
Wherof sche hath ther many on:
And ek Cimpheius the Serpent
To hire hath alle his scales lent;
Chelidre hire yaf his addres skin;
And sche to builen caste hem in;   4130
A part ek of the horned Oule;
The which men hiere on nyhtes houle;
And of a Raven; which was told
Of nyne hundred wynter old;
Sche tok the hed with al the bile;
And as the medicine it wile;
Sche tok therafter the bouele
Of the Seewolf; and for the hele
Of Eson; with a thousand mo
Of thinges that sche hadde tho;    4140
In that Caldroun togedre as blyve
Sche putte; and tok thanne of Olyve
A drie branche hem with to stere;
The which anon gan floure and bere
And waxe al freissh and grene ayein。
Whan sche this vertu hadde sein;
Sche let the leste drope of alle
Upon the bare flor doun falle;
Anon ther sprong up flour and gras;
Where as the drope falle was;   4150
And wox anon al medwe grene;
So that it mihte wel be sene。
Medea thanne knew and wiste
Hir medicine is forto triste;
And goth to Eson ther he lay;
And tok a swerd was of assay;
With which a wounde upon his side
Sche made; that therout mai slyde
The blod withinne; which was old
And sek and trouble and fieble and cold。    4160
And tho sche tok unto his us
Of herbes al the beste jus;
And poured it into his wounde;
That made his veynes fulle and sounde:
And tho sche made his wounde clos;
And tok his hond; and up he ros;
And tho sche yaf him drinke a drauhte;
Of which his youthe ayein he cauhte;
His hed; his herte and his visage
Lich unto twenty wynter Age;    4170
Hise hore heres were away;
And lich unto the freisshe Maii;
Whan passed ben the colde shoures;
Riht so recovereth he his floures。
Lo; what mihte eny man devise;
A womman schewe in eny wise
Mor hertly love in every stede;
Than Medea to Jason dede?
Ferst sche made him the flees to winne;
And after that fro kiththe and kinne  4180
With gret tresor with him sche stal;
And to his fader forth withal
His Elde hath torned into youthe;
Which thing non other womman couthe:
Bot hou it was to hire aquit;
The remembrance duelleth yit。
King Peles his Em was ded;
Jason bar corone on his hed;
Medea hath fulfild his wille:
Bot whanne he scholde of riht fulfille   4190
The trouthe; which to hire afore
He hadde in thyle of Colchos swore;
Tho was Medea most deceived。
For he an other hath received;
Which dowhter was to king Creon;
Creusa sche hihte; and thus Jason;
As he that was to love untrewe;
Medea lefte and tok a newe。
Bot that was after sone aboght:
Medea with hire art hath wroght    4200
Of cloth of gold a mantel riche;
Which semeth worth a kingesriche;
And that was unto Creusa sent
In name of yifte and of present;
For Sosterhode hem was betuene;
And whan that yonge freisshe queene
That mantel lappeth hire aboute;
Anon therof the fyr sprong oute
And brente hir bothe fleissh and bon。
Tho cam Medea to Jason    4210
With bothe his Sones on hire hond;
And seide; 〃O thou of every lond
The moste untrewe creature;
Lo; this schal be thi forfeture。〃
With that sche bothe his Sones slouh
Before his yhe; and he outdrouh
His swerd and wold have slayn hir tho;
Bot farewel; sche was ago
Unto Pallas the Court above;
Wher as sche pleigneth upon love;  4220
As sche that was with that goddesse;
And he was left in gret destresse。
Thus miht thou se what sorwe it doth
To swere an oth which is noght soth;
In loves cause namely。
Mi Sone; be wel war forthi;
And kep that thou be noght forswore:
For this; which I have told tofore;
Ovide telleth everydel。
Mi fader; I may lieve it wel;   4230
For I have herde it ofte seie
Hou Jason tok the flees aweie
Fro Colchos; bot yit herde I noght
Be whom it was ferst thider broght。
And for it were good to hiere;
If that you liste at mi preiere
To telle; I wolde you beseche。
Mi Sone; who that wole it seche;
In bokes he mai finde it write;
And natheles; if thou wolt wite;   4240
In the manere as thou hast preid
I schal the telle hou it is seid。
The fame of thilke schepes fell;
Which in Colchos; as it befell;
Was al of gold; schal nevere deie;
Wherof I thenke for to seie
Hou it cam ferst into that yle。
Ther was a king in thilke whyle
Towardes Grece; and Athemas
The Cronique of his name was;   4250
And hadde a wif; which Philen hihte;
Be whom; so as fortune it dihte;
He hadde of children yonge tuo。
Frixus the ferste was of tho;
A knave child; riht fair withalle;
A dowhter ek; the which men calle
Hellen; he hadde be this wif。
Bot for ther mai no mannes lif
Endure upon this Erthe hiere;
This worthi queene; as thou miht hiere;  4260
Er that the children were of age;
Tok of hire ende the passage;
With gret worschipe and was begrave。
What thing it liketh god to have
It is gret reson to ben his;
Forthi this king; so as it is;
With gret suffrance it underfongeth:
And afterward; as him belongeth;
Whan it was time forto wedde;
A newe wif he tok to bedde;  4270
Which Yno hihte and was a Mayde;
And ek the dowhter; as men saide;
Of Cadme; which a king also
Was holde in thilke daies tho。
Whan Yno was the kinges make;
Sche caste hou that sche mihte make
These children to here fader lothe;
And schope a wyle ayein hem bothe;
Which to the ki

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