贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > confessio amantis >


confessio amantis-第62章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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Into a chambre forto kepe;
Til he of leisir hadde slepe。
And tho this Prest was sone unbounde;
And up a couche fro the grounde    160
To slepe he was leid softe ynowh;
And whanne he wok; the king him drowh
To his presence and dede him chiere;
So that this Prest in such manere;
Whil that him liketh; there he duelleth:
And al this he to Bachus telleth;
Whan that he cam to him ayein。
And whan that Bachus herde sein
How Mide hath don his courtesie;
Him thenkth it were a vilenie;  170
Bot he rewarde him for his dede;
So as he mihte of his godhiede。
Unto this king this god appiereth
And clepeth; and that other hiereth:
This god to Mide thonketh faire
Of that he was so debonaire
Toward his Prest; and bad him seie:
What thing it were he wolde preie;
He scholde it have; of worldes good。
This king was glad; and stille stod;  180
And was of his axinge in doute;
And al the world he caste aboute;
What thing was best for his astat;
And with himself stod in debat
Upon thre pointz; the whiche I finde
Ben lievest unto mannes kinde。
The ferste of hem it is delit;
The tuo ben worschipe and profit。
And thanne he thoghte; 〃If that I crave
Delit; thogh I delit mai have;  190
Delit schal passen in myn age:
That is no siker avantage;
For every joie bodily
Schal ende in wo: delit forthi
Wol I noght chese。 And if worschipe
I axe and of the world lordschipe;
That is an occupacion
Of proud ymaginacion;
Which makth an herte vein withinne;
Ther is no certain forto winne;    200
For lord and knave al is o weie;
Whan thei be bore and whan thei deie。
And if I profit axe wolde;
I not in what manere I scholde
Of worldes good have sikernesse;
For every thief upon richesse
Awaiteth forto robbe and stele:
Such good is cause of harmes fele。
And also; thogh a man at ones
Of al the world withinne his wones    210
The tresor myhte have everydel;
Yit hadde he bot o mannes del
Toward himself; so as I thinke;
Of clothinge and of mete and drinke;
For more; outake vanite;
Ther hath no lord in his degre。〃
And thus upon the pointz diverse
Diverseliche he gan reherce
What point him thoghte for the beste;
Bot pleinly forto gete him reste   220
He can so siker weie caste。
And natheles yit ate laste
He fell upon the coveitise
Of gold; and thanne in sondri wise
He thoghte; as I have seid tofore;
Hou tresor mai be sone lore;
And hadde an inly gret desir
Touchende of such recoverir;
Hou that he mihte his cause availe
To gete him gold withoute faile。   230
Withinne his herte and thus he preiseth
The gold; and seith hou that it peiseth
Above al other metall most:
〃The gold;〃 he seith; 〃may lede an host
To make werre ayein a King;
The gold put under alle thing;
And set it whan him list above;
The gold can make of hate love
And werre of pes and ryht of wrong;
And long to schort and schort to long;   240
Withoute gold mai be no feste;
Gold is the lord of man and beste;
And mai hem bothe beie and selle;
So that a man mai sothly telle
That al the world to gold obeieth。〃
Forthi this king to Bachus preieth
To grante him gold; bot he excedeth
Mesure more than him nedeth。
Men tellen that the maladie
Which cleped is ydropesie    250
Resembled is unto this vice
Be weie of kinde of Avarice:
The more ydropesie drinketh;
The more him thursteth; for him thinketh
That he mai nevere drinke his fille;
So that ther mai nothing fulfille
The lustes of his appetit:
And riht in such a maner plit
Stant Avarice and evere stod;
The more he hath of worldes good;  260
The more he wolde it kepe streyte;
And evere mor and mor coveite。
And riht in such condicioun
Withoute good discrecioun
This king with avarice is smite;
That al the world it myhte wite:
For he to Bachus thanne preide;
That wherupon his hond he leide;
It scholde thurgh his touche anon
Become gold; and therupon    270
This god him granteth as he bad。
Tho was this king of Frige glad;
And forto put it in assai
With al the haste that he mai;
He toucheth that; he toucheth this;
And in his hond al gold it is;
The Ston; the Tree; the Lef; the gras;
The flour; the fruit; al gold it was。
Thus toucheth he; whil he mai laste
To go; bot hunger ate laste  280
Him tok; so that he moste nede
Be weie of kinde his hunger fede。
The cloth was leid; the bord was set;
And al was forth tofore him fet;
His disch; his coppe; his drinke; his mete;
Bot whanne he wolde or drinke or ete;
Anon as it his mouth cam nyh;
It was al gold; and thanne he syh
Of Avarice the folie。
And he with that began to crie;    290
And preide Bachus to foryive
His gilt; and soffre him forto live
And be such as he was tofore;
So that he were not forlore。
This god; which herde of his grevance;
Tok rowthe upon his repentance;
And bad him go forth redily
Unto a flod was faste by;
Which Paceole thanne hyhte;
In which as clene as evere he myhte   300
He scholde him waisshen overal;
And seide him thanne that he schal
Recovere his ferste astat ayein。
This king; riht as he herde sein;
Into the flod goth fro the lond;
And wissh him bothe fot and hond;
And so forth al the remenant;
As him was set in covenant:
And thanne he syh merveilles strange;
The flod his colour gan to change;    310
The gravel with the smale Stones
To gold thei torne bothe at ones;
And he was quit of that he hadde;
And thus fortune his chance ladde。
And whan he sih his touche aweie;
He goth him hom the rihte weie
And liveth forth as he dede er;
And putte al Avarice afer;
And the richesse of gold despiseth;
And seith that mete and cloth sufficeth。    320
Thus hath this king experience
Hou foles don the reverence
To gold; which of his oghne kinde
Is lasse worth than is the rinde
To sustienance of mannes fode;
And thanne he made lawes goode
And al his thing sette upon skile:
He bad his poeple forto tile
Here lond; and live under the lawe;
And that thei scholde also forthdrawe    330
Bestaile; and seche non encress
Of gold; which is the breche of pes。
For this a man mai finde write;
Tofor the time; er gold was smite
In Coign; that men the florin knewe;
Ther was welnyh noman untrewe;
Tho was ther nouther schield ne spere
Ne dedly wepne forto bere;
Tho was the toun withoute wal;
Which nou is closed overal;  340
Tho was ther no brocage in londe;
Which nou takth every cause on honde:
So mai men knowe; hou the florin
Was moder ferst of malengin
And bringere inne of alle werre;
Wherof this world stant out of herre
Thurgh the conseil of Avarice;
Which of his oghne propre vice
Is as the helle wonderfull;
For it mai neveremor be full;   350
That what as evere comth therinne;
Awey ne may it nevere winne。
Bot Sone myn; do thou noght so;
Let al such Avarice go;
And tak thi part of that thou hast:
I bidde noght that thou do wast;
Bot hold largesce in his mesure;
And if thou se a creature;
Which thurgh poverte is falle in nede;
Yif him som good; for this I rede  360
To him that wol noght yiven here;
What peine he schal have elleswhere。
Ther is a peine amonges alle
Benethe in helle; which men calle
The wofull peine of Tantaly;
Of which I schal thee redely
Devise hou men therinne stonde。
In helle; thou schalt understonde;
Ther is a flod of thilke office;
Which serveth al for Avarice:   370
What man that stonde schal therinne;
He stant up evene unto the chinne;
Above his hed also ther hongeth
A fruyt; which to that peine longeth;
And that fruit toucheth evere in on
His overlippe: and therupon
Swich thurst and hunger him assaileth;
That nevere his appetit ne faileth。
Bot whanne he wolde his hunger fede;
The fruit withdrawth him ate nede;    380
And thogh he heve his hed on hyh;
The fruit is evere aliche nyh;
So is the hunger wel the more:
And also; thogh him thurste sore
And to the water bowe a doun;
The flod in such condicioun
Avaleth; that his drinke areche
He mai noght。 Lo nou; which a wreche;
That mete and drinke is him so couth;
And yit ther comth non in his mouth!  390
Lich to the peines of this flod
Stant Avarice in worldes good:
He hath ynowh and yit him nedeth;
For his skarsnesse it him forbiedeth;
And evere his hunger after more
Travaileth him aliche sore;
So is he peined overal。
Forthi thi goodes forth withal;
Mi Sone

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