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confessio amantis-第51章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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And sette hire in hire sadel softe;
And so forth lede hire be the bridel;
For that I wolde noght ben ydel。
And if hire list to ride in Char;
And thanne I mai therof be war;
Anon I schape me to ryde
Riht evene be the Chares side;
And as I mai; I speke among;
And otherwhile I singe a song;  1210
Which Ovide in his bokes made;
And seide; 〃O whiche sorwes glade;
O which wofull prosperite
Belongeth to the proprete
Of love; who so wole him serve'
And yit therfro mai noman swerve;
That he ne mot his lawe obeie。〃
And thus I ryde forth mi weie;
And am riht besi overal
With herte and with mi body al;    1220
As I have said you hier tofore。
My goode fader; tell therfore;
Of Ydelnesse if I have gilt。
Mi Sone; bot thou telle wilt
Oght elles than I mai now hiere;
Thou schalt have no penance hiere。
And natheles a man mai se;
How now adayes that ther be
Ful manye of suche hertes slowe;
That wol noght besien hem to knowe    1230
What thing love is; til ate laste;
That he with strengthe hem overcaste;
That malgre hem thei mote obeie
And don al ydelschipe aweie;
To serve wel and besiliche。
Bot; Sone; thou art non of swiche;
For love schal the wel excuse:
Bot otherwise; if thou refuse
To love; thou miht so per cas
Ben ydel; as somtime was  1240
A kinges dowhter unavised;
Til that Cupide hire hath chastised:
Wherof thou schalt a tale hiere
Acordant unto this matiere。
Of Armenye; I rede thus;
Ther was a king; which Herupus
Was hote; and he a lusti Maide
To dowhter hadde; and as men saide
Hire name was Rosiphelee;
Which tho was of gret renomee;  1250
For sche was bothe wys and fair
And scholde ben hire fader hair。
Bot sche hadde o defalte of Slowthe
Towardes love; and that was rowthe;
For so wel cowde noman seie;
Which mihte sette hire in the weie
Of loves occupacion
Thurgh non ymaginacion;
That scole wolde sche noght knowe。
And thus sche was on of the slowe  1260
As of such hertes besinesse;
Til whanne Venus the goddesse;
Which loves court hath forto reule;
Hath broght hire into betre reule;
Forth with Cupide and with his miht:
For thei merveille how such a wiht;
Which tho was in hir lusti age;
Desireth nother Mariage
Ne yit the love of paramours;
Which evere hath be the comun cours   1270
Amonges hem that lusti were。
So was it schewed after there:
For he that hihe hertes loweth
With fyri Dartes whiche he throweth;
Cupide; which of love is godd;
In chastisinge hath mad a rodd
To dryve awei hir wantounesse;
So that withinne a while; I gesse;
Sche hadde on such a chance sporned;
That al hire mod was overtorned;   1280
Which ferst sche hadde of slow manere:
For thus it fell; as thou schalt hiere。
Whan come was the Monthe of Maii;
Sche wolde walke upon a dai;
And that was er the Sonne Ariste;
Of wommen bot a fewe it wiste;
And forth sche wente prively
Unto the Park was faste by;
Al softe walkende on the gras;
Til sche cam ther the Launde was;  1290
Thurgh which ther ran a gret rivere。
It thoghte hir fair; and seide; 〃Here
I wole abide under the schawe〃:
And bad hire wommen to withdrawe;
And ther sche stod al one stille;
To thenke what was in hir wille。
Sche sih the swote floures springe;
Sche herde glade foules singe;
Sche sih the bestes in her kinde;
The buck; the do; the hert; the hinde;   1300
The madle go with the femele;
And so began ther a querele
Betwen love and hir oghne herte;
Fro which sche couthe noght asterte。
And as sche caste hire yhe aboute;
Sche syh clad in o suite a route
Of ladis; wher thei comen ryde
Along under the wodes syde:
On faire amblende hors thei sete;
That were al whyte; fatte and grete;  1310
And everichon thei ride on side。
The Sadles were of such a Pride;
With Perle and gold so wel begon;
So riche syh sche nevere non;
In kertles and in Copes riche
Thei weren clothed; alle liche;
Departed evene of whyt and blew;
With alle lustes that sche knew
Thei were enbrouded overal。
Here bodies weren long and smal;       1320
The beaute faye upon her face
Non erthly thing it may desface;
Corones on here hed thei beere;
As ech of hem a qweene weere;
That al the gold of Cresus halle
The leste coronal of alle
Ne mihte have boght after the worth:
Thus come thei ridende forth。
The kinges dowhter; which this syh;
For pure abaissht drowh hire adryh    1330
And hield hire clos under the bowh;
And let hem passen stille ynowh;
For as hire thoghte in hire avis;
To hem that were of such a pris
Sche was noght worthi axen there;
Fro when they come or what thei were:
Bot levere than this worldes good
Sche wolde have wist hou that it stod;
And putte hire hed alitel oute;
And as sche lokede hire aboute;    1340
Sche syh comende under the linde
A womman up an hors behinde。
The hors on which sche rod was blak;
Al lene and galled on the back;
And haltede; as he were encluyed;
Wherof the womman was annuied;
Thus was the hors in sori plit;
Bot for al that a sterre whit
Amiddes in the front he hadde。
Hir Sadel ek was wonder badde;  1350
In which the wofull womman sat;
And natheles ther was with that
A riche bridel for the nones
Of gold and preciouse Stones。
Hire cote was somdiel totore;
Aboute hir middel twenty score
Of horse haltres and wel mo
Ther hyngen ate time tho。
Thus whan sche cam the ladi nyh;
Than tok sche betre hiede and syh  1360
This womman fair was of visage;
Freyssh; lusti; yong and of tendre age;
And so this ladi; ther sche stod;
Bethoghte hire wel and understod
That this; which com ridende tho;
Tidinges couthe telle of tho;
Which as sche sih tofore ryde;
And putte hir forth and preide abide;
And seide; 〃Ha; Suster; let me hiere;
What ben thei; that now riden hiere;  1370
And ben so richeliche arraied?〃
This womman; which com so esmaied;
Ansuerde with ful softe speche;
And seith; 〃Ma Dame; I schal you teche。
These ar of tho that whilom were
Servantz to love; and trowthe beere;
Ther as thei hadde here herte set。
Fare wel; for I mai noght be let:
Ma Dame; I go to mi servise;
So moste I haste in alle wise;  1380
Forthi; ma Dame; yif me leve;
I mai noght longe with you leve。〃
〃Ha; goode Soster; yit I preie;
Tell me whi ye ben so beseie
And with these haltres thus begon。〃
〃Ma Dame; whilom I was on
That to mi fader hadde a king;
Bot I was slow; and for no thing
Me liste noght to love obeie;
And that I now ful sore abeie。  1390
For I whilom no love hadde;
Min hors is now so fieble and badde;
And al totore is myn arai;
And every yeer this freisshe Maii
These lusti ladis ryde aboute;
And I mot nedes suie here route
In this manere as ye now se;
And trusse here haltres forth with me;
And am bot as here horse knave。
Non other office I ne have;  1400
Hem thenkth I am worthi nomore;
For I was slow in loves lore;
Whan I was able forto lere;
And wolde noght the tales hiere
Of hem that couthen love teche。〃
〃Now tell me thanne; I you beseche;
Wherof that riche bridel serveth。〃
With that hire chere awei sche swerveth;
And gan to wepe; and thus sche tolde:
〃This bridel; which ye nou beholde    1410
So riche upon myn horse hed;…
Ma Dame; afore; er I was ded;
Whan I was in mi lusti lif;
Ther fel into myn herte a strif
Of love; which me overcom;
So that therafter hiede I nom
And thoghte I wolde love a kniht:
That laste wel a fourtenyht;
For it no lengere mihte laste;
So nyh my lif was ate laste。    1420
Bot now; allas; to late war
That I ne hadde him loved ar:
For deth cam so in haste bime;
Er I therto hadde eny time;
That it ne mihte ben achieved。
Bot for al that I am relieved;
Of that mi will was good therto;
That love soffreth it be so
That I schal swiche a bridel were。
Now have ye herd al myn ansuere:   1430
To godd; ma Dame; I you betake;
And warneth alle for mi sake;
Of love that thei ben noght ydel;
And bidd hem thenke upon mi brydel。〃
And with that word al sodeinly
Sche passeth; as it were a Sky;
Al clene out of this ladi sihte:
And tho for fere hire herte afflihte;
And seide to hirself; 〃Helas'
I am riht in the same cas。   1440
Bot if I live after this day;
I schal amende it; if I may。〃
And thus homward this lady wente;
And changede al hire ferste entente;
Withinne hire herte and gan to swere
That sche none haltres wolde b

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