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confessio amantis-第4章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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Governeth under his empire;
As he that was hol lord and Sire;
And hield thurgh his chivalerie
Of al this world the Monarchie;
And was the ferste of that honour
Which tok the name of Emperour。
Wher Rome thanne wolde assaille;
Ther myhte nothing contrevaille;
Bot every contre moste obeie:
Tho goth the Regne of Bras aweie;   730
And comen is the world of Stiel;
And stod above upon the whiel。
As Stiel is hardest in his kynde
Above alle othre that men finde
Of Metals; such was Rome tho
The myhtieste; and laste so
Long time amonges the Romeins
Til thei become so vileins;
That the fals Emperour Leo
With Constantin his Sone also   740
The patrimoine and the richesse;
Which to Silvestre in pure almesse
The ferste Constantinus lefte;
Fro holy cherche thei berefte。
Bot Adrian; which Pope was;
And syh the meschief of this cas;
Goth in to France forto pleigne;
And preith the grete Charlemeine;
For Cristes sake and Soule hele
That he wol take the querele   750
Of holy cherche in his defence。
And Charles for the reverence
Of god the cause hath undertake;
And with his host the weie take
Over the Montz of Lombardie;
Of Rome and al the tirandie
With blodi swerd he overcom;
And the Cite with strengthe nom;
In such a wise and there he wroghte;
That holy cherche ayein he broghte   760
Into franchise; and doth restore
The Popes lost; and yaf him more:
And thus whan he his god hath served;
He tok; as he wel hath deserved;
The Diademe and was coroned。
Of Rome and thus was abandoned
Thempire; which cam nevere ayein
Into the hond of no Romein;
Bot a long time it stod so stille
Under the Frensche kynges wille;   770
Til that fortune hir whiel so ladde;
That afterward Lombardz it hadde;
Noght be the swerd; bot be soffrance
Of him that tho was kyng of France;
Which Karle Calvus cleped was;
And he resigneth in this cas
Thempire of Rome unto Lowis
His Cousin; which a Lombard is。
And so hit laste into the yeer
Of Albert and of Berenger;   780
Bot thanne upon dissencioun
Thei felle; and in divisioun
Among hemself that were grete;
So that thei loste the beyete
Of worschipe and of worldes pes。
Bot in proverbe natheles
Men sein; ful selden is that welthe
Can soffre his oghne astat in helthe;
And that was on the Lombardz sene;
Such comun strif was hem betwene   790
Thurgh coveitise and thurgh Envie;
That every man drowh his partie;
Which myhte leden eny route;
Withinne Burgh and ek withoute:
The comun ryht hath no felawe;
So that the governance of lawe
Was lost; and for necessite;
Of that thei stode in such degre
Al only thurgh divisioun;
Hem nedeth in conclusioun   800
Of strange londes help beside。
And thus for thei hemself divide
And stonden out of reule unevene;
Of Alemaine Princes sevene
Thei chose in this condicioun;
That upon here eleccioun
Thempire of Rome scholde stonde。
And thus thei lefte it out of honde
For lacke of grace; and it forsoke;
That Alemans upon hem toke:   810
And to confermen here astat;
Of that thei founden in debat
Thei token the possessioun
After the composicioun
Among hemself; and therupon
Thei made an Emperour anon;
Whos name as the Cronique telleth
Was Othes; and so forth it duelleth;
Fro thilke day yit unto this
Thempire of Rome hath ben and is   820
To thalemans。 And in this wise;
As ye tofore have herd divise
How Daniel the swevene expondeth
Of that ymage; on whom he foundeth
The world which after scholde falle;
Come is the laste tokne of alle;
Upon the feet of Erthe and Stiel
So stant this world now everydiel
Departed; which began riht tho;
Whan Rome was divided so:   830
And that is forto rewe sore;
For alway siththe more and more
The world empeireth every day。
Wherof the sothe schewe may;
At Rome ferst if we beginne:
The wall and al the Cit withinne
Stant in ruine and in decas;
The feld is wher the Paleis was;
The toun is wast; and overthat;
If we beholde thilke astat   840
Which whilom was of the Romeins;
Of knyhthode and of Citezeins;
To peise now with that beforn;
The chaf is take for the corn;
As forto speke of Romes myht:
Unethes stant ther oght upryht
Of worschipe or of worldes good;
As it before tyme stod。
And why the worschipe is aweie;
If that a man the sothe seie;   850
The cause hath ben divisioun;
Which moder of confusioun
Is wher sche cometh overal;
Noght only of the temporal
Bot of the spirital also。
The dede proeveth it is so;
And hath do many day er this;
Thurgh venym which that medled is
In holy cherche of erthly thing:
For Crist himself makth knowleching   860
That noman may togedre serve
God and the world; bot if he swerve
Froward that on and stonde unstable;
And Cristes word may noght be fable。
The thing so open is at ije;
It nedeth noght to specefie
Or speke oght more in this matiere;
Bot in this wise a man mai lere
Hou that the world is gon aboute;
The which welnyh is wered oute;   870
After the forme of that figure
Which Daniel in his scripture
Expondeth; as tofore is told。
Of Bras; of Selver and of Gold
The world is passed and agon;
And now upon his olde ton
It stant of brutel Erthe and Stiel;
The whiche acorden nevere a diel;
So mot it nedes swerve aside
As thing the which men sen divide。   880
Thapostel writ unto ous alle
And seith that upon ous is falle
Thende of the world; so may we knowe;
This ymage is nyh overthrowe;
Be which this world was signified;
That whilom was so magnefied;
And now is old and fieble and vil;
Full of meschief and of peril;
And stant divided ek also
Lich to the feet that were so;   890
As I tolde of the Statue above。
And this men sen; thurgh lacke of love
Where as the lond divided is;
It mot algate fare amis:
And now to loke on every side;
A man may se the world divide;
The werres ben so general
Among the cristene overal;
That every man now secheth wreche;
And yet these clerkes alday preche   900
And sein; good dede may non be
Which stant noght upon charite:
I not hou charite may stonde;
Wher dedly werre is take on honde。
Bot al this wo is cause of man;
The which that wit and reson can;
And that in tokne and in witnesse
That ilke ymage bar liknesse
Of man and of non other beste。
For ferst unto the mannes heste   910
Was every creature ordeined;
Bot afterward it was restreigned:
Whan that he fell; thei fellen eke;
Whan he wax sek; thei woxen seke;
For as the man hath passioun
Of seknesse; in comparisoun
So soffren othre creatures。
Lo; ferst the hevenly figures;
The Sonne and Mone eclipsen bothe;
And ben with mannes senne wrothe;   920
The purest Eir for Senne alofte
Hath ben and is corrupt fulofte;
Right now the hyhe wyndes blowe;
And anon after thei ben lowe;
Now clowdy and now clier it is:
So may it proeven wel be this;
A mannes Senne is forto hate;
Which makth the welkne to debate。
And forto se the proprete
Of every thyng in his degree;   930
Benethe forth among ous hiere
Al stant aliche in this matiere:
The See now ebbeth; now it floweth;
The lond now welketh; now it groweth;
Now be the Trees with leves grene;
Now thei be bare and nothing sene;
Now be the lusti somer floures;
Now be the stormy wynter shoures;
Now be the daies; now the nyhtes;
So stant ther nothing al upryhtes;   940
Now it is lyht; now it is derk;
And thus stant al the worldes werk
After the disposicioun
Of man and his condicioun。
Forthi Gregoire in his Moral
Seith that a man in special
The lasse world is properly:
And that he proeveth redely;
For man of Soule resonable
Is to an Angel resemblable;   950
And lich to beste he hath fielinge;
And lich to Trees he hath growinge;
The Stones ben and so is he:
Thus of his propre qualite
The man; as telleth the clergie;
Is as a world in his partie;
And whan this litel world mistorneth;
The grete world al overtorneth。
The Lond; the See; the firmament;
Thei axen alle jugement   960
Ayein the man and make him werre:
Therwhile himself stant out of herre;
The remenant wol noght acorde:
And in this wise; as I recorde;
The man is cause of alle wo;
Why this world is divided so。
Division; the gospell seith;
On hous upon another leith;
Til that the Regne al overthrowe:
And thus may every man wel knowe;   970
Division aboven alle
Is thin

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