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confessio amantis-第38章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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Now tell me forth if ther be more
As touchende unto Wraththes lore。
Of Wraththe yit ther is an other;
Which is to Cheste his oghne brother;
And is be name cleped Hate;
That soffreth noght withinne his gate
That ther come owther love or pes;
For he wol make no reles
Of no debat which is befalle。
Now spek; if thou art on of alle;  850
That with this vice hast ben withholde。
As yit for oght that ye me tolde;
Mi fader; I not what it is。
In good feith; Sone; I trowe yis。
Mi fader; nay; bot ye me lere。
Now lest; my Sone; and thou schalt here。
Hate is a wraththe noght schewende;
Bot of long time gaderende;
And duelleth in the herte loken;
Til he se time to be wroken;    860
And thanne he scheweth his tempeste
Mor sodein than the wilde beste;
Which wot nothing what merci is。
Mi Sone; art thou knowende of this?
My goode fader; as I wene;
Now wot I somdel what ye mene;
Bot I dar saufly make an oth;
Mi ladi was me nevere loth。
I wol noght swere natheles
That I of hate am gulteles;  870
For whanne I to my ladi plie
Fro dai to dai and merci crie;
And sche no merci on me leith
Bot schorte wordes to me seith;
Thogh I my ladi love algate;
Tho wordes moste I nedes hate;
And wolde thei were al despent;
Or so ferr oute of londe went
That I nevere after scholde hem hiere;
And yit love I my ladi diere。   880
Thus is ther Hate; as ye mai se;
Betwen mi ladi word and me;
The word I hate and hire I love;
What so me schal betide of love。
Bot forthere mor I wol me schryve;
That I have hated al my lyve
These janglers; whiche of here Envie
Ben evere redi forto lie;
For with here fals compassement
Fuloften thei have mad me schent   890
And hindred me fulofte time;
Whan thei no cause wisten bime;
Bot onliche of here oghne thoght:
And thus fuloften have I boght
The lie; and drank noght of the wyn。
I wolde here happ were such as myn:
For how so that I be now schrive;
To hem ne mai I noght foryive;
Til that I se hem at debat
With love; and thanne myn astat    900
Thei mihten be here oghne deme;
And loke how wel it scholde hem qweme
To hindre a man that loveth sore。
And thus I hate hem everemore;
Til love on hem wol don his wreche:
For that schal I alway beseche
Unto the mihti Cupido;
That he so mochel wolde do;
So as he is of love a godd;
To smyte hem with the same rodd    910
With which I am of love smite;
So that thei mihten knowe and wite
How hindringe is a wofull peine
To him that love wolde atteigne。
Thus evere on hem I wayte and hope;
Til I mai sen hem lepe a lope;
And halten on the same Sor
Which I do now: for overmor
I wolde thanne do my myht
So forto stonden in here lyht;  920
That thei ne scholden finde a weie
To that thei wolde; bot aweie
I wolde hem putte out of the stede
Fro love; riht as thei me dede
With that thei speke of me be mowthe。
So wolde I do; if that I cowthe;
Of hem; and this; so god me save;
Is al the hate that I have;
Toward these janglers everydiel;
I wolde alle othre ferde wel。   930
Thus have I; fader; said mi wille;
Say ye now forth; for I am stille。
Mi Sone; of that thou hast me said
I holde me noght fulli paid:
That thou wolt haten eny man;
To that acorden I ne can;
Thogh he have hindred thee tofore。
Bot this I telle thee therfore;
Thou miht upon my beneicoun
Wel haten the condicioun  940
Of tho janglers; as thou me toldest;
Bot furthermor; of that thou woldest
Hem hindre in eny other wise;
Such Hate is evere to despise。
Forthi; mi Sone; I wol thee rede;
That thou drawe in be frendlihede
That thou ne miht noght do be hate;
So miht thou gete love algate
And sette thee; my Sone; in reste;
For thou schalt finde it for the beste。      950
And over this; so as I dar;
I rede that thou be riht war
Of othre mennes hate aboute;
Which every wysman scholde doute:
For Hate is evere upon await;
And as the fisshere on his bait
Sleth; whan he seth the fisshes faste;
So; whan he seth time ate laste;
That he mai worche an other wo;
Schal noman tornen him therfro;    960
That Hate nyle his felonie
Fulfille and feigne compaignie
Yit natheles; for fals Semblant
Is toward him of covenant
Withholde; so that under bothe
The prive wraththe can him clothe;
That he schal seme of gret believe。
Bot war thee wel that thou ne lieve
Al that thou sest tofore thin yhe;
So as the Gregois whilom syhe:  970
The bok of Troie who so rede;
Ther mai he finde ensample in dede。
Sone after the destruccioun;
Whan Troie was al bete doun
And slain was Priamus the king;
The Gregois; whiche of al this thing
Ben cause; tornen hom ayein。
Ther mai noman his happ withsein;
It hath be sen and felt fulofte;
The harde time after the softe:    980
Be See as thei forth homward wente;
A rage of gret tempeste hem hente;
Juno let bende hire parti bowe;
The Sky wax derk; the wynd gan blowe;
The firy welkne gan to thondre;
As thogh the world scholde al to sondre;
Fro hevene out of the watergates
The reyni Storm fell doun algates
And al here takel made unwelde;
That noman mihte himself bewelde。  990
Ther mai men hiere Schipmen crie;
That stode in aunter forto die:
He that behinde sat to stiere
Mai noght the forestempne hiere;
The Schip aros ayein the wawes;
The lodesman hath lost his lawes;
The See bet in on every side:
Thei nysten what fortune abide;
Bot sette hem al in goddes wille;
Wher he hem wolde save or spille。  1000
And it fell thilke time thus:
Ther was a king; the which Namplus
Was hote; and he a Sone hadde;
At Troie which the Gregois ladde;
As he that was mad Prince of alle;
Til that fortune let him falle:
His name was Palamades。
Bot thurgh an hate natheles
Of some of hem his deth was cast
And he be tresoun overcast。  1010
His fader; whan he herde it telle;
He swor; if evere his time felle;
He wolde him venge; if that he mihte;
And therto his avou behihte:
And thus this king thurgh prive hate
Abod upon await algate;
For he was noght of such emprise
To vengen him in open wise。
The fame; which goth wyde where;
Makth knowe how that the Gregois were    1020
Homward with al the felaschipe
Fro Troie upon the See be Schipe。
Namplus; whan he this understod;
And knew the tydes of the flod;
And sih the wynd blew to the lond;
A gret deceipte anon he fond
Of prive hate; as thou schalt hiere;
Wherof I telle al this matiere。
This king the weder gan beholde;
And wiste wel thei moten holde  1030
Here cours endlong his marche riht;
And made upon the derke nyht
Of grete Schydes and of blockes
Gret fyr ayein the grete rockes;
To schewe upon the helles hihe;
So that the Flete of Grece it sihe。
And so it fell riht as he thoghte:
This Flete; which an havene soghte;
The bryghte fyres sih a ferr;
And thei hem drowen nerr and nerr;    1040
And wende wel and understode
How al that fyr was made for goode;
To schewe wher men scholde aryve;
And thiderward thei hasten blyve。
In Semblant; as men sein; is guile;
And that was proved thilke while;
The Schip; which wende his helpe acroche;
Drof al to pieces on the roche;
And so ther deden ten or twelve;
Ther mihte noman helpe himselve;   1050
For ther thei wenden deth ascape;
Withouten help here deth was schape。
Thus thei that comen ferst tofore
Upon the Rockes be forlore;
Bot thurgh the noise and thurgh the cri
These othre were al war therby;
And whan the dai began to rowe;
Tho mihten thei the sothe knowe;
That wher they wenden frendes finde;
Thei founden frenschipe al behinde。   1060
The lond was thanne sone weyved;
Wher that thei hadden be deceived;
And toke hem to the hihe See;
Therto thei seiden alle yee;
Fro that dai forth and war thei were
Of that thei hadde assaied there。
Mi Sone; hierof thou miht avise
How fraude stant in many wise
Amonges hem that guile thenke;
Ther is no Scrivein with his enke  1070
Which half the fraude wryte can
That stant in such a maner man:
Forthi the wise men ne demen
The thinges after that thei semen;
Bot after that thei knowe and finde。
The Mirour scheweth in his kinde
As he hadde al the world withinne;
And is in soth nothing therinne;
And so farth Hate for a throwe:
Til he a man hath overthrowe;   1080
Schal noman knowe be his chere
Which is avant; ne which arere。
Forthi; mi Sone; thenke on this。

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