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confessio amantis-第34章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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Als wel the Maister as the grom。
The mihti kinges retenue
That dai may stonde of no value     3410
With worldes strengthe to defende;
For every man mot thanne entende
To stonde upon his oghne dedes
And leve alle othre mennes nedes。
That dai mai no consail availe;
The pledour and the plee schal faile;
The sentence of that ilke day
Mai non appell sette in delay;
Ther mai no gold the Jugge plie;
That he ne schal the sothe trie     3420
And setten every man upriht;
Als wel the plowman as the kniht:
The lewed man; the grete clerk
Schal stonde upon his oghne werk;
And such as he is founde tho;
Such schal he be for everemo。
Ther mai no peine be relessed;
Ther mai no joie ben encressed;
Bot endeles; as thei have do;
He schal receive on of the tuo。     3430
And thus Silvestre with his sawe
The ground of al the newe lawe
With gret devocion he precheth;
Fro point to point and pleinly techeth
Unto this hethen Emperour;
And seith; the hihe creatour
Hath underfonge his charite;
Of that he wroghte such pite;
Whan he the children hadde on honde。
Thus whan this lord hath understonde   3440
Of al this thing how that it ferde;
Unto Silvestre he thanne ansuerde;
With al his hole herte and seith
That he is redi to the feith。
And so the vessel which for blod
Was mad; Silvestre; ther it stod;
With clene water of the welle
In alle haste he let do felle;
And sette Constantin therinne
Al naked up unto the chinne。     3450
And in the while it was begunne;
A liht; as thogh it were a Sunne;
Fro hevene into the place com
Wher that he tok his cristendom;
And evere among the holi tales
Lich as thei weren fisshes skales
Ther fellen from him now and eft;
Til that ther was nothing beleft
Of al his grete maladie。
For he that wolde him purefie;   3460
The hihe god hath mad him clene;
So that ther lefte nothing sene;
He hath him clensed bothe tuo;
The bodi and the Soule also。
Tho knew this Emperour in dede
That Cristes feith was forto drede;
And sende anon hise lettres oute
And let do crien al aboute;
Up peine of deth that noman weyve
That he baptesme ne receive:     3470
After his Moder qweene Heleine
He sende; and so betwen hem tweine
Thei treten; that the Cite all
Was cristned; and sche forth withall。
This Emperour; which hele hath founde;
Withinne Rome anon let founde
Tuo cherches; which he dede make
For Peter and for Poules sake;
Of whom he hadde avisioun;
And yaf therto possessioun    3480
Of lordschipe and of worldes good。
Bot how so that his will was good
Toward the Pope and his Franchise;
Yit hath it proved other wise;
To se the worchinge of the dede:
For in Cronique this I rede;
Anon as he hath mad the yifte;
A vois was herd on hih the lifte;
Of which al Rome was adrad;
And seith: 〃To day is venym schad   3490
In holi cherche of temporal;
Which medleth with the spirital。〃
And hou it stant of that degree
Yit mai a man the sothe se:
God mai amende it; whan he wile;
I can ther to non other skile。
Bot forto go ther I began;
How charite mai helpe a man
To bothe worldes; I have seid:
And if thou have an Ere leid;    3500
Mi Sone; thou miht understonde;
If charite be take on honde;
Ther folweth after mochel grace。
Forthi; if that thou wolt pourchace
How that thou miht Envie flee;
Aqueinte thee with charite;
Which is the vertu sovereine。
Mi fader; I schal do my peine:
For this ensample which ye tolde
With al myn herte I have withholde;    3510
So that I schal for everemore
Eschuie Envie wel the more:
And that I have er this misdo;
Yif me my penance er I go。
And over that to mi matiere
Of schrifte; why we sitten hiere
In privete betwen ous tweie;
Now axeth what ther is; I preie。
Mi goode Sone; and for thi lore
I woll thee telle what is more;     3520
So that thou schalt the vices knowe:
For whan thei be to thee full knowe;
Thou miht hem wel the betre eschuie。
And for this cause I thenke suie
The forme bothe and the matiere;
As now suiende thou schalt hiere
Which vice stant next after this:
And whan thou wost how that it is;
As thou schalt hiere me devise;
Thow miht thiself the betre avise。    3530

Explicit Liber Secundus

Incipit Liber Tercius

Ira suis paribus est par furiis Acherontis;
     Quo furor ad tempus nil pietatis habet。
Ira malencolicos animos perturbat; vt equo
     Iure sui pondus nulla statera tenet。
Omnibus in causis grauat Ira; set inter amantes;
     Illa magis facili sorte grauamen agit:
Est vbi vir discors leuiterque repugnat amori;
     Sepe loco ludi fletus ad ora venit。

If thou the vices lest to knowe;
Mi Sone; it hath noght ben unknowe;
Fro ferst that men the swerdes grounde;
That ther nis on upon this grounde;
A vice forein fro the lawe;
Wherof that many a good felawe
Hath be distraght be sodein chance;
And yit to kinde no plesance
It doth; bot wher he most achieveth
His pourpos; most to kinde he grieveth;  10
As he which out of conscience
Is enemy to pacience:
And is be name on of the Sevene;
Which ofte hath set this world unevene;
And cleped is the cruel Ire;
Whos herte is everemore on fyre
To speke amis and to do bothe;
For his servantz ben evere wrothe。
Mi goode fader; tell me this:
What thing is Ire? Sone; it is  20
That in oure englissh Wrathe is hote;
Which hath hise wordes ay so hote;
That all a mannes pacience
Is fyred of the violence。
For he with him hath evere fyve
Servantz that helpen him to stryve:
The ferst of hem Malencolie
Is cleped; which in compaignie
An hundred times in an houre
Wol as an angri beste loure;    30
And noman wot the cause why。
Mi Sone; schrif thee now forthi:
Hast thou be Malencolien?
Ye; fader; be seint Julien;
Bot I untrewe wordes use;
I mai me noght therof excuse:
And al makth love; wel I wot;
Of which myn herte is evere hot;
So that I brenne as doth a glede
For Wrathe that I mai noght spede。    40
And thus fulofte a day for noght
Save onlich of myn oghne thoght
I am so with miselven wroth;
That how so that the game goth
With othre men; I am noght glad;
Bot I am wel the more unglad;
For that is othre mennes game
It torneth me to pure grame。
Thus am I with miself oppressed
Of thoght; the which I have impressed;   50
That al wakende I dreme and meete
That I with hire al one meete
And preie hire of som good ansuere:
Bot for sche wol noght gladly swere;
Sche seith me nay withouten oth;
And thus wexe I withinne wroth;
That outward I am al affraied;
And so distempred and esmaied。
A thousand times on a day
Ther souneth in myn Eres nay;       60
The which sche seide me tofore:
Thus be my wittes as forlore;
And namely whan I beginne
To rekne with miself withinne
How many yeres ben agon;
Siththe I have trewly loved on
And nevere tok of other hede;
And evere aliche fer to spede
I am; the more I with hir dele;
So that myn happ and al myn hele   70
Me thenkth is ay the leng the ferre;
That bringth my gladschip out of herre;
Wherof my wittes ben empeired;
And I; as who seith; al despeired。
For finaly; whan that I muse
And thenke how sche me wol refuse;
I am with anger so bestad;
For al this world mihte I be glad:
And for the while that it lasteth
Al up so doun my joie it casteth;  80
And ay the furthere that I be;
Whan I ne may my ladi se;
The more I am redy to wraththe;
That for the touchinge of a laththe
Or for the torninge of a stree
I wode as doth the wylde Se;
And am so malencolious;
That ther nys servant in myn hous
Ne non of tho that ben aboute;
That ech of hem ne stant in doute;    90
And wenen that I scholde rave
For Anger that thei se me have;
And so thei wondre more and lasse;
Til that thei sen it overpasse。
Bot; fader; if it so betide;
That I aproche at eny tide
The place wher my ladi is;
And thanne that hire like ywiss
To speke a goodli word untome;
For al the gold that is in Rome    100
Ne cowthe I after that be wroth;
Bot al myn Anger overgoth;
So glad I am of the presence
Of hire; that I all offence
Foryete; as thogh it were noght;
So overgladed is my thoght。
And natheles; the soth to telle;
Ayeinward if it so befelle
That I at thilke time sihe
On me that sche miscaste hire yhe;    110
Or that sche liste noght to loke;
And I therof good hiede toke

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