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confessio amantis-第137章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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I herde of hem that were nyh
Hou sche was cleped Alcione;
Which to Seyix hir lord al one  2650
And to nomo hire body kepte;
And whan sche sih him dreynt; sche lepte
Into the wawes where he swam;
And there a Sefoul sche becam;
And with hire wenges him bespradde
For love which to him sche hadde。
Lo; these foure were tho
Whiche I sih; as me thoghte tho;
Among the grete compaignie
Which Love hadde forto guye:    2660
Bot Youthe; which in special
Of Loves Court was Mareschal;
So besy was upon his lay;
That he non hiede where I lay
Hath take。 And thanne; as I behield;
Me thoghte I sih upon the field;
Where Elde cam a softe pas
Toward Venus; ther as sche was。
With him gret compaignie he ladde;
Bot noght so manye as Youthe hadde:   2670
The moste part were of gret Age;
And that was sene in the visage;
And noght forthi; so as thei myhte;
Thei made hem yongly to the sihte:
Bot yit herde I no pipe there
To make noise in mannes Ere;
Bot the Musette I myhte knowe;
For olde men which souneth lowe;
With Harpe and Lute and with Citole。
The hovedance and the Carole;   2680
In such a wise as love hath bede;
A softe pas thei dance and trede;
And with the wommen otherwhile
With sobre chier among thei smyle;
For laghtre was ther non on hyh。
And natheles full wel I syh
That thei the more queinte it made
For love; in whom thei weren glade。
And there me thoghte I myhte se
The king David with Bersabee;   2690
And Salomon was noght withoute;
Passende an hundred on a route
Of wyves and of Concubines;
Juesses bothe and Sarazines;
To him I sih alle entendant:
I not if he was sufficant;
Bot natheles for al his wit
He was attached with that writ
Which love with his hond enseleth;
Fro whom non erthly man appeleth。  2700
And overthis; as for a wonder;
With his leon which he put under;
With Dalida Sampson I knew;
Whos love his strengthe al overthrew。
I syh there Aristotle also;
Whom that the queene of Grece so
Hath bridled; that in thilke time
Sche made him such a Silogime;
That he foryat al his logique;
Ther was non art of his Practique;    2710
Thurgh which it mihte ben excluded
That he ne was fully concluded
To love; and dede his obeissance。
And ek Virgile of aqueintance
I sih; wher he the Maiden preide;
Which was the doghter; as men seide;
Of themperour whilom of Rome;
Sortes and Plato with him come;
So dede Ovide the Poete。
I thoghte thanne how love is swete;   2720
Which hath so wise men reclamed;
And was miself the lasse aschamed;
Or forto lese or forto winne
In the meschief that I was inne:
And thus I lay in hope of grace。
And whan thei comen to the place
Wher Venus stod and I was falle;
These olde men with o vois alle
To Venus preiden for my sake。
And sche; that myhte noght forsake    2730
So gret a clamour as was there;
Let Pite come into hire Ere;
And forth withal unto Cupide
Sche preith that he upon his side
Me wolde thurgh his grace sende
Som confort; that I myhte amende;
Upon the cas which is befalle。
And thus for me thei preiden alle
Of hem that weren olde aboute;
And ek some of the yonge route;    2740
Of gentilesse and pure trouthe
I herde hem telle it was gret routhe;
That I withouten help so ferde。
And thus me thoghte I lay and herde。
Cupido; which may hurte and hele
In loves cause; as for myn hele
Upon the point which him was preid
Cam with Venus; wher I was leid
Swounende upon the grene gras。
And; as me thoghte ; anon ther was    2750
On every side so gret presse;
That every lif began to presse;
I wot noght wel hou many score;
Suche as I spak of now tofore;
Lovers; that comen to beholde;
Bot most of hem that weren olde:
Thei stoden there at thilke tyde;
To se what ende schal betyde
Upon the cure of my sotie。
Tho myhte I hiere gret partie   2760
Spekende; and ech his oghne avis
Hath told; on that; an other this:
Bot among alle this I herde;
Thei weren wo that I so ferde;
And seiden that for no riote
An old man scholde noght assote;
For as thei tolden redely;
Ther is in him no cause why;
Bot if he wolde himself benyce;
So were he wel the more nyce。   2770
And thus desputen some of tho;
And some seiden nothing so;
Bot that the wylde loves rage
In mannes lif forberth non Age;
Whil ther is oyle forto fyre;
The lampe is lyhtly set afyre;
And is fulhard er it be queynt;
Bot only if it be som seint;
Which god preserveth of his grace。
And thus me thoghte; in sondri place  2780
Of hem that walken up and doun
Ther was diverse opinioun:
And for a while so it laste;
Til that Cupide to the laste;
Forth with his moder full avised;
Hath determined and devised
Unto what point he wol descende。
And al this time I was liggende
Upon the ground tofore his yhen;
And thei that my desese syhen   2790
Supposen noght I scholde live;
Bot he; which wolde thanne yive
His grace; so as it mai be;
This blinde god which mai noght se;
Hath groped til that he me fond;
And as he pitte forth his hond
Upon my body; wher I lay;
Me thoghte a fyri Lancegay;
Which whilom thurgh myn herte he caste;
He pulleth oute; and also faste    2800
As this was do; Cupide nam
His weie; I not where he becam;
And so dede al the remenant
Which unto him was entendant;
Of hem that in Avision
I hadde a revelacion;
So as I tolde now tofore。
Bot Venus wente noght therfore;
Ne Genius; whiche thilke time
Abiden bothe faste byme。  2810
And sche which mai the hertes bynde
In loves cause and ek unbinde;
Er I out of mi trance aros;
Venus; which hield a boiste clos;
And wolde noght I scholde deie;
Tok out mor cold than eny keie
An oignement; and in such point
Sche hath my wounded herte enoignt;
My temples and my Reins also。
And forth withal sche tok me tho   2820
A wonder Mirour forto holde;
In which sche bad me to beholde
And taken hiede of that I syhe;
Wherinne anon myn hertes yhe
I caste; and sih my colour fade;
Myn yhen dymme and al unglade;
Mi chiekes thinne; and al my face
With Elde I myhte se deface;
So riveled and so wo besein;
That ther was nothing full ne plein;  2830
I syh also myn heres hore。
Mi will was tho to se nomore
Outwith; for ther was no plesance;
And thanne into my remembrance
I drowh myn olde daies passed;
And as reson it hath compassed;
I made a liknesse of miselve
Unto the sondri Monthes twelve;
Wherof the yeer in his astat
Is mad; and stant upon debat;   2840
That lich til other non acordeth。
For who the times wel recordeth;
And thanne at Marche if he beginne;
Whan that the lusti yeer comth inne;
Til Augst be passed and Septembre;
The myhty youthe he may remembre
In which the yeer hath his deduit
Of gras; of lef; of flour; of fruit;
Of corn and of the wyny grape。
And afterward the time is schape   2850
To frost; to Snow; to Wind; to Rein;
Til eft that Mars be come ayein:
The Wynter wol no Somer knowe;
The grene lef is overthrowe;
The clothed erthe is thanne bare;
Despuiled is the Somerfare;
That erst was hete is thanne chele。
And thus thenkende thoghtes fele;
I was out of mi swoune affraied;
Wherof I sih my wittes straied;    2860
And gan to clepe hem hom ayein。
And whan Resoun it herde sein
That loves rage was aweie;
He cam to me the rihte weie;
And hath remued the sotie
Of thilke unwise fantasie;
Wherof that I was wont to pleigne;
So that of thilke fyri peine
I was mad sobre and hol ynowh。
Venus behield me than and lowh;    2870
And axeth; as it were in game;
What love was。 And I for schame
Ne wiste what I scholde ansuere;
And natheles I gan to swere
That be my trouthe I knew him noght;
So ferr it was out of mi thoght;
Riht as it hadde nevere be。
〃Mi goode Sone;〃 tho quod sche;
〃Now at this time I lieve it wel;
So goth the fortune of my whiel;   2880
Forthi mi conseil is thou leve。〃
〃Ma dame;〃 I seide; 〃be your leve;
Ye witen wel; and so wot I;
That I am unbehovely
Your Court fro this day forth to serve:
And for I may no thonk deserve;
And also for I am refused;
I preie you to ben excused。
And natheles as for the laste;
Whil that my wittes with me laste;    2890
Touchende mi confession
I axe an absolucion
Of Genius; er that I go。〃
The Prest anon was redy tho;
And seide; 〃Sone; as of thi schrifte
Thou hast ful pardoun and foryifte;
Foryet it thou;

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