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the star-spangled banner(星条旗)-第3章

小说: the star-spangled banner(星条旗) 字数: 每页4000字

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personal   friend   of   Jackson;   Taney;who   was   his   brother…   in…lawJohn 

Randolph       of   Roanoke;     and    William    Wilberforce。       He    it  was;   in   all 

probability; who first thought out the scheme of the African Colonization 

Society;   the   first;   on   his   estate   in   Frederick   County;   to   open;   in   1806;   a 

Sunday…school   for   slaves;   who   set   free   his   own   slaves;   and   who   was; 

throughout   his   whole  career;  the  highest   contemporary  type   of   a  modest 

Christian      gentleman。       This    religious    side   of   Key's    character     found 

expression      in  that   find  hymn     found    in  the   hymnals     of   all  Protestant 


     Lord; with glowing heart I'd praise thee。 

     *In Golden Gate Park; San Francisco。 

       Foote; in his 〃Reminiscences;〃 leads us to think highly also of Key's 

personal appearance; and of his powers as a public speaker。 

     Francis   Scott   Key   was   the   son   of   John   Ross   Key;   a   Revolutionary 

officer。    He was born in Frederick County; Maryland; August; 1780。                      He 

studied law; was admitted to the bar at Frederick; subsequently moved to 

Georgetown; and was district attorney for three terms。                 He was frequently 


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                             THE STAR…SPANGLED BANNER 

intrusted with delicate missions by President Jackson。                A volume of his 

poems was published in 1856。            He died in 1843; and is buried in the little 

cemetery at Frederick; Maryland。             Efforts have been made in his native 

State to erect a monument over his grave; but unsuccessfully。                   In justice 

such a memorial shaft should be the gift of the whole American people。 

     As    it  is;  his  grave  is  not  without    tributes   which    are  curious   and 

honorable。      During the war Frederick was quietly a 〃rebel town;〃 but it 

contained one good patriot besides Barbara Frietchie。               This loyal Mr。 B… 

…; when he received favorable news from the Northern army; or whenever 

his patriotism had need of bubbling over; regularly made a pilgrimage to 

Key's     grave;   and    there;  standing     at  the   head   of   it;  exultantly   and 

conscientiously sang through the whole of Key's song。 

     On every Decoration Day the grave is covered with flowers; and the 

flag    which    always    waves    therethe    Star…Spangled      Banner    which    his 

strained eyes saw on that 14th of September; 1814; rise triumphant above 

the smoke and vapor of battleis reverently renewed。 

     Perhaps; after all; it is his best monument。 

     The   flag   of   1814   and   that   of   1894   are   nearly   identical;   the   greatest 

change   being     merely   in   smaller    stars   in  the   cluster。 The   flag   of  the 

United States; adopted June 14; 1777; was one of thirteen stripes; alternate 

red and white; with a union of thirteen white stars in a blue field。                Upon 

the admission of Kentucky and Vermont; two stripes and two stars were 

added。      This   flag   continued   in   use   until   1818;   when;   five   more   States 

having been admitted; the bars were reduced to the original thirteen; with 

an added star for every new State; the star to be placed in position on the 

Fourth of July following the admission。 


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