贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > bruce >



小说: bruce 字数: 每页4000字

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or for any womanis more than I can see。 She was scared half to

death。 It's lucky she heard the surgeon order him shot。 She'll

suppose he's dead; by now。 And that'll cure her scare。 We must

try to keep Bruce away from this end of the street till he goes

back to headquarters to…morrow。〃

As a result Bruce was coaxed to Mahan's company…shed and by dint

of food…gifts and petting was induced to spend most of the day


At sunset Bruce tired of his dull surroundings。 Mahan had gone on

duty; so had Vivier; so had others of his friends。 The dog was

bored and lonely。 Also he had eaten much。 And a walk is good; not

only for loneliness; but for settling an overfull stomach。 Bruce

decided to go for a walk。

Through the irregular street of the village he picked his way;

and on toward the open country beyond。 A sentry or two snapped

fingers of greeting to him as he strolled past them。 The folk of

the village eyed his bulk and graceful dignity with something

like awe。

Beyond the hamlet the ridge of hilltop ran on for perhaps a

quarter…mile before dipping into the plain below。 At one end of

this little plateau a company of infantry was drilling。 Bruce

recognized Mahan among the marching lines; but he saw his friend

was on duty and refrained from going up to him。

Above; the sunset sky was cloudless。 Like tiny specks; miles to

eastward; a few enemy airships circled above the heap of

clustered hills which marked the nearest German position。 The

torn…up plain; between; seemed barren of life。 So; at first; did

the farther end of the jutting ridge on which the village was

perched。 But presently Bruce's idly wandering eye was caught by a

flutter of white among some boulders that clumped together on the

ridge's brow farthest from the village。

Some onea woman; from the dresswas apparently picking her way

through the boulders。 As Bruce moved forward; a big rock shut her

off from his view and from the view of the hamlet and of the

maneuvering infantry company a furlong away。

Just then a puff of breeze blew from eastward toward the collie;

and it bore to him a faint scent that set his ruff a…bristle and

his soft brown eyes ablaze。 To a dog; a scent once smelled is as

recognizable again as is the sight of a once…seen face to a

human。 Bruce set off at a hand…gallop toward the clump of


The Red Cross nurse; whom Bruce had so nearly killed; was off

duty until the night…shift should go on at the hospital。 The

nurse had taken advantage of this brief surcease from toil; by

going for a little walk in the cool sunset air; and had carried

along a bag of sewing。

Up to three months ago this nurse had been known as Heinrich

Stolz; and had been a valued member of the Wilhelmstrasse's

workingforce of secret agents。 Then; acting under orders; Herr

Heinrich Stolz had vanished from his accustomed haunts。 Soon

thereafter a Red Cross nurseFelicia Stuart by name had reported

for duty at Paris; having been transferred thither from Italy;

and bearing indubitable credentials to that effect。

From carefully picked…up information Stolz had just learned of

the expected arrival of the three troop…trains at the junction at

nine that evening。 The tidings had interested him keenly; and he

knew of other people to whom they would be far more interesting。

Seating himself under the lee of the easternmost rock; Stolz

primly opened his sewing…bag and drew forth various torn

garments。 The garments were for the most part white; but one or

two were of gaudy colors。

By way of precaution; in case of discovery; the spy threaded a

needle。 Thus; if any one should chance to see him shake out a

garment; preparatory to laying it on his knee and mending it;

there could be no reasonable cause for suspicion。 Herr Stolz was

nothing if not efficient。

He held up the needle and poked the thread at its eye in truly

feminine fashion。

He had just finished this feat of dexterity when he chanced to

look up from his work at sound of fast…pattering feet。 Not thirty

feet away; charging head on at him; rushed the great brown…and…

white collie he supposed had been shot。

With a jump of abject terror; Herr Stolz sprang up。 Mingled with

his normal fear of the dog was a tinge of superstitious dread。 He

had been so certain the beast was shot! The doctor had given the

order for his killing。 The doctor was a commissioned officer。

Stolz's German mind could not grasp the possibility of a soldier

disobeying an officer's imperative command。

The collie was upon him by the time the spy gained his feet。

Stolz reached frantically under his dress…folds for the deadly

little pistol that he always kept there。 But he was still a

novice in the mysteries of feminine apparel。 And; before his

fingers could close on the weapon; Bruce's bared fangs were

gleaming at his throat。

Stolz ceased to search for the weapon。 And; as before; he threw

up both frantic hands to ward off the furious jaws。

He was barely in time。 Bruce's white teeth drove deep into the

spy's forearm; and Bruce's eighty pounds of furry muscular bulk

smote Stolz full in the chest。 Down went the spy; under the

terrific impact; sprawling wildly on his back; and fighting with

both bleeding hands to push back the dog。

Bruce; collie…fashion; did not stick to one grip; but bit and

slashed a dozen times in three seconds; tearing and rending his

way toward the throat…hold he craved; driving through flesh of

hands and of forearms toward his goal。

Like many another German; Stolz was far more adept at causing

pain than at enduring it。 Also; from birth; he had had an

unconquerable fear of dogs。 His nerves; too; were not yet

recovered from Bruce's attack earlier in the day。 All this; and

the spectral suddenness of the onslaught; robbed him of every

atom of his usual stony self…control。

Sergeant Mahan was a good soldier。 Yet a minute earlier he had

almost ruined his reputation as such。 He had been hard put to it

to refrain from leaving the ranks of his drilling company; a

furlong from the rocks; and running at record speed toward the

boulders。 For he had seen the supposed nurse pass that way。 And

almost directly afterward he had seen Bruce follow her thither。

And he could guess what would happen。

Luckily for the sake of discipline; the order of 〃Break ranks!〃

was given before Mahan could disgrace himself by such unmartial

behavior。 And; on the instant; the Sergeant broke into a run in

the direction of the rocks。

Wondering at his eccentric action; several of the soldiers

followed。 The company captain; at sight of a knot of his men

dashing at breakneck speed toward the boulders; started at a more

leisurely pace in the same direction。

Mahan had reached the edge of the rocks when his ears were

greeted by a yell of mortal fear。 The captain and the rest;

catching the sound; went faster。 Screech after screech rang from

the rocky enclosure。

Mahan rounded the big boulder at the crest of the ridge and flung

himself upon the two combatants; as they thrashed about in a

tumultuous dual mass on the ground。 And just then Bruce at last

found his grip on Stolz's throat。

A stoical German signal…corps officer; on a hilltop some miles to

eastward; laid aside his fieldglass and calmly remarked to a

man at his side

〃We have lost a good spy!〃

Such was the sole epitaph and eulogy of Herr Heinrich Stolz; from

his army。

Meantime; Sergeant Mahan was prying loose the collie's ferocious

jaws from their prey and was tugging with all his might to drag

the dog off the shrieking spy。 The throat…hold; he noted; was a

bare inch from the jugular。

The rest of the soldiers; rushing up pell…mell; helped him pull

the infuriated Bruce from his victim。 The spectacle of their

admired dog…hero; so murderously mauling a woman of the Red

Cross; dazed them with horror。

〃Take him AWAY!〃 bellowed Stolz; deli

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