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小说: scaramouche 字数: 每页4000字

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confined himself to a half…dozen combinations; which he practised
assiduously until each had become almost automatic。  And he proved
their infallibility upon the best among M。 des Amis' pupils。

Finally; a week or so after that last bout of his with des Amis;
the master called him once more to practice。

Hit again in the first bout; the master set himself to exert all
his skill against his assistant。  But to…day it availed him nothing
before Andre…Louis' impetuous attacks。

After the third hit; M。 des Amis stepped back and pulled off his

〃What's this?〃 he asked。  He was pale; and his dark brows were
contracted in a frown。  Not in years had he been so wounded in his
self…love。  〃Have you been taught a secret botte?〃

He had always boasted that he knew too much about the sword to
believe any nonsense about secret bottes; but this performance of
Andre…Louis' had shaken his convictions on that score。

〃No;〃 said Andre…Louis。  〃I have been working hard; and it happens
that I fence with my brains。〃

〃So I perceive。  Well; well; I think I have taught you enough; my
friend。  I have no intention of having an assistant who is superior
to myself。〃

〃Little danger of that;〃 said Andre…Louis; smiling pleasantly。
〃You have been fencing hard all morning; and you are tired; whilst
I; having done little; am entirely fresh。  That is the only secret
of my momentary success。

His tact and the fundamental good…nature of M。 des Amis prevented
the matter from going farther along the road it was almost
threatening to take。  And thereafter; when they fenced together;
Andre…Louis; who continued daily to perfect his theory into an
almost infallible system; saw to it that M。 des Amis always scored
against him at least two hits for every one of his own。  So much
he would grant to discretion; but no more。  He desired that M。 des
Amis should be conscious of his strength; without; however;
discovering so much of its real extent as would have excited in
him an unnecessary degree of jealousy。

And so well did he contrive that whilst he became ever of greater
assistance to the master … for his style and general fencing; too;
had materially improved … he was also a source of pride to him as
the most brilliant of all the pupils that had ever passed through
his academy。  Never did Andre…Louis disillusion him by revealing
the fact that his skill was due far more to M。 des Amis' library
and his own mother wit than to any lessons received。



Once again; precisely as he had done when he joined the Binet troupe;
did Andre…Louis now settle down whole…heartedly to the new profession
into which necessity had driven him; and in which he found effective
concealment from those who might seek him to his hurt。  This
profession might … although in fact it did not … have brought him
to consider himself at last as a man of action。  He had not; however;
on that account ceased to be a man of thought; and the events of the
spring and summer months of that year 1789 in Paris provided him
with abundant matter for reflection。  He read there in the raw what
is perhaps the most amazing page in the history of human development;
and in the end he was forced to the conclusion that all his early
preconceptions had been at fault; and that it was such exalted;
passionate enthusiasts as Vilmorin who had been right。

I suspect him of actually taking pride in the fact that he had been
mistaken; complacently attributing his error to the circumstance
that he had been; himself; of too sane and logical a mind to gauge
the depths of human insanity now revealed。

He watched the growth of hunger; the increasing poverty and distress
of Paris during that spring; and assigned it to its proper cause;
together with the patience with which the people bore it。  The world
of France was in a state of hushed; of paralyzed expectancy; waiting
for the States General to assemble and for centuries of tyranny to
end。  And because of this expectancy; industry had come to a
standstill; the stream of trade had dwindled to a trickle。  Men would
not buy or sell until they clearly saw the means by which the genius
of the Swiss banker; M。 Necker; was to deliver them from this morass。
And because of this paralysis of affairs the men of the people were
thrown out of work and left to starve with their wives and children。

Looking on; Andre…Louis smiled grimly。  So far he was right。  The
sufferers were ever the proletariat。  The men who sought to make
this revolution; the electors … here in Paris as elsewhere … were
men of substance; notable bourgeois; wealthy traders。  And whilst
these; despising the canaille; and envying the privileged; talked
largely of equality … by which they meant an ascending equality
that should confuse themselves with the gentry … the proletariat
perished of want in its kennels。

At last with the month of May the deputies arrived; Andre…Louis'
friend Le Chapelier prominent amongst them; and the States General
were inaugurated at Versailles。  It was then that affairs began to
become interesting; then that Andre…Louis began seriously to doubt
the soundness of the views he had held hitherto。

When the royal proclamation had gone forth decreeing that the
deputies of the Third Estate should number twice as many as those
of the other two orders together; Andre…Louis had believed that
the preponderance of votes thus assured to the Third Estate rendered
inevitable the reforms to which they had pledged themselves。

But he had reckoned without the power of the privileged orders over
the proud Austrian queen; and her power over the obese; phlegmatic;
irresolute monarch。  That the privileged orders should deliver battle
in defence of their privileges; Andre…Louis could understand。  Man
being what he is; and labouring under his curse of acquisitiveness;
will never willingly surrender possessions; whether they be justly
or unjustly held。  But what surprised Andre…Louis was the unutterable
crassness of the methods by which the Privileged ranged themselves
for battle。  They opposed brute force to reason and philosophy; and
battalions of foreign mercenaries to ideas。  As if ideas were to be
impaled on bayonets!

The war between the Privileged and the Court on one side; and the
Assembly and the People on the other had begun。

The Third Estate contained itself; and waited; waited with the
patience of nature; waited a month whilst; with the paralysis of
business now complete; the skeleton hand of famine took a firmer
grip of Paris; waited a month whilst Privilege gradually assembled
an army in Versailles to intimidate it … an army of fifteen
regiments; nine of which were Swiss and German … and mounted a park
of artillery before the building in which the deputies sat。  But
the deputies refused to be intimidated; they refused to see the guns
and foreign uniforms; they refused to see anything but the purpose
for which they had been brought together by royal proclamation。

Thus until the 10th of June; when that great thinker and
metaphysician; the Abbe Sieyes; gave the signal: 〃It is time;〃 said
he; 〃to cut the cable。〃

And the opportunity came soon; at the very beginning of July。  M。 du
Chatelet; a harsh; haughty disciplinarian; proposed to transfer the
eleven French Guards placed under arrest from the military gaol of
the Abbaye to the filthy prison of Bicetre reserved for thieves and
felons of the lowest order。  Word of that intention going forth; the
people at last met violence with violence。  A mob four thousand
strong broke into the Abbaye; and delivered thence not only the
eleven guardsmen; but all the other prisoners; with the exception of
one whom they discovered to be a thief; and whom they put back again;

That was open revolt at last; and with revolt Privilege knew how to
deal。  It would strangle this mutinous Paris in the iron grip of the
foreign regiments。  Measures were quickly concerted。  Old Marechal
de Broglie; a veteran of the Seven Years' War; imbued with a
soldier's contempt for civilians; conceiving that the sight of a
uniform would be enough to restore peace and order; took control
with Besenval as his second…in…

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