贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > scaramouche >



小说: scaramouche 字数: 每页4000字

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him; with his muffled face and glaring eyeballs。  〃For one who was
anything but a man of action;〃 he writes; 〃I felt that I had
acquitted myself none so badly。〃  It is a phrase that recurs at
intervals in his sketchy 〃Confessions。〃  Constantly is he reminding
you that he is a man of mental and not physical activities; and
apologizing when dire  neccessity drives him into acts of violence。
I suspect this insistence upon his philosophic detachment … for
which I confess he had justification enough … to betray his
besetting vanity。

With increasing fatigue came depression and self…criticism。  He
had stupidly overshot his mark in insultingly denouncing M。 de
Lesdiguieres。  〃It is much better;〃 he says somewhere; 〃to be
wicked than to be stupid。  Most of this world's misery is the fruit
not as priests tell us of wickedness; but of stupidity。〃  And we
know that of all stupidities he considered anger the most deplorable。
Yet he had permitted himself to be angry with a creature like M。 de
Lesdiguieres … a lackey; a fribble; a nothing; despite his
potentialities for evil。  He could perfectly have discharged his
self…imposed mission without arousing the vindictive resentment of
the King's Lieutenant。

He beheld himself vaguely launched upon life with the riding…suit
in which he stood; a single louis d'or and a few pieces of silver
for all capital; and a knowledge of law which had been inadequate
to preserve him from the consequences of infringing it。

He had; in addition … but these things that were to be the real
salvation of him he did not reckon … his gift of laughter; sadly
repressed of late; and the philosophic outlook and mercurial
temperament which are the stock…in…trade of your adventurer in
all ages。

Meanwhile he tramped mechanically on through the night; until he
felt that he could tramp no more。  He had skirted the little
township of Guichen; and now within a half…mile of Guignen; and
with Gavrillac a good seven miles behind him; his legs refused to
carry him any farther。

He was midway across the vast common to the north of Guignen when
he came to a halt。  He had left the road; and taken heedlessly to
the footpath that struck across the waste of indifferent pasture
interspersed with clumps of gorse。  A stone's throw away on his
right the common was bordered by a thorn hedge。  Beyond this loomed
a tall building which he knew to be an open barn; standing on the
edge of a long stretch of meadowland。  That dark; silent shadow it
may have been that had brought him to a standstill; suggesting
shelter to his subconsciousness。  A moment he hesitated; then he
struck across towards a spot where a gap in the hedge was closed
by a five…barred gate。  He pushed the gate open; went through the
gap; and stood now before the barn。  It was as big as a house; yet
consisted of no more than a roof carried upon half a dozen tall;
brick pillars。  But densely packed under that roof was a great
stack of hay that promised a warm couch on so cold a night。  Stout
timbers had been built into the brick pillars; with projecting ends
to serve as ladders by which the labourer might climb to pack or
withdraw hay。  With what little strength remained him; Andre…Louis
climbed by one of these and landed safely at the top; where he was
forced to kneel; for lack of room to stand upright。  Arrived there;
he removed his coat and neckcloth; his sodden boots and stockings。
Next he cleared a trough for his body; and lying down in it; covered
himself to the neck with the hay he had removed。  Within five minutes
he was lost to all worldly cares and soundly asleep。

When next he awakened; the sun was already high in the heavens; from
which he concluded that the morning was well advanced; and this
before he realized quite where he was or how he came there。  Then
to his awakening senses came a drone of voices close at hand; to
which at first he paid little heed。  He was deliciously refreshed;
luxuriously drowsy and luxuriously warm。

But as consciousness and memory grew more full; he raised his head
clear of the hay that he might free both ears to listen; his pulses
faintly quickened by the nascent fear that those voices might bode
him no good。  Then he caught the reassuring accents of a woman;
musical and silvery; though laden with alarm。

〃Ah; mon Dieu; Leandre; let us separate at once。  If it should be
my father。。。 〃

And upon this a man's voice broke in; calm and reassuring:

〃No; no; Climene; you are mistaken。  There is no one coming。  We
are quite safe。  Why do you start at shadows?〃

〃Ah; Leandre; if he should find us here together!  I tremble at the
very thought。〃

More was not needed to reassure Andre…Louis。  He had overheard
enough to know that this was but the case of a pair of lovers who;
with less to fear of life; were yet … after the manner of their
kind … more timid of heart than he。  Curiosity drew him from his
warm trough to the edge of the hay。  Lying prone; he advanced his
head and peered down。

In the space of cropped meadow between the barn and the hedge stood
a man and a woman; both young。  The man was a well…set…up; comely
fellow; with a fine head of chestnut hair tied in a queue by a
broad bow of black satin。  He was dressed with certain tawdry
attempts at ostentatious embellishments; which did not prepossess
one at first glance in his favour。  His coat of a fashionable cut
was of faded plum…coloured velvet edged with silver lace; whose
glory had long since departed。  He affected ruffles; but for want
of starch they hung like weeping willows over hands that were fine
and delicate。  His breeches were of plain black cloth; and his black
stockings were of cotton … matters entirely out of harmony with his
magnificent coat。  His shoes; stout and serviceable; were decked
with buckles of cheap; lack…lustre paste。  But for his engaging and
ingenuous countenance; Andre…Louis must have set him down as a
knight of that order which lives dishonestly by its wits。  As it
was; he suspended judgment whilst pushing investigation further by
a study of the girl。  At the outset; be it confessed that it was a
study that attracted him prodigiously。  And this notwithstanding
the fact that; bookish and studious as were his ways; and in
despite of his years; it was far from his habit to waste
consideration on femininity。

The child … she was no more than that; perhaps twenty at the most
 … possessed; in addition to the allurements of face and shape that
went very near perfection; a sparkling vivacity and a grace of
movement the like of which Andre…Louis did not remember ever before
to have beheld assembled in one person。  And her voice too … that
musical; silvery voice that had awakened him … possessed in its
exquisite modulations an allurement of its own that must have been
irresistible; he thought; in the ugliest of her sex。  She wore a
hooded mantle of green cloth; and the hood being thrown back; her
dainty head was all revealed to him。  There were glints of gold
struck by the morning sun from her light nut…brown hair that hung
in a cluster of curls about her oval face。  Her complexion was of
a delicacy that he could compare only with a rose petal。  He could
not at that distance discern the colour of her eyes; but he guessed
them blue; as he admired the sparkle of them under the fine; dark
line of eyebrows。

He could not have told you why; but he was conscious that it
aggrieved him to find her so intimate with this pretty young fellow;
who was partly clad; as it appeared; in the cast…offs of a nobleman。
He could not guess her station; but the speech that reached him was
cultured in tone and word。  He strained to listen。

〃I shall know no peace; Leandre; until we are safely wedded;〃 she
was saying。  〃Not until then shall I count myself beyond his reach。
And yet if we marry without his consent; we but make trouble for
ourselves; and of gaining his consent I almost despair。〃

Evidently; thought Andre…Louis; her father was a man of sense; who
saw through the shabby finery of M。 Leandre; and was not to be
dazzled by cheap paste buckles。

〃My dear Climene;〃 the young man was answering her; standing
squarely before her; and holding both he

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