贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the quest of the golden girl >


the quest of the golden girl-第26章

小说: the quest of the golden girl 字数: 每页4000字

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 a club; to which you had only to be the right sort of person to belong。  I was relieved to find that the hotel people evidently considered me the right sort of person; and didn't take me for a Sunday…school treat;for presently I found myself in a charming little corner bedroom; whence I could survey the whole extent of the little colony of pleasure。 The Golden Fortune was curiously situated; perched at the extreme sea…end of a little horse…shoe bay hollowed out between two headlands; the points of which approached each other so closely that the river Sly had but a few yards of rocky channel through which to pour itself into the sea。 The Golden Fortune; therefore; backed by towering woodlands; looked out to sea at one side; across to the breakwater headland on another; and on its land side commanded a complete view of the gay little haven; with its white houses built terrace on terrace upon its wooded slopes; connected by flights of zigzag steps; by which the apparently inaccessible shelves and platforms circulated their gay life down to the gay heart of the place;the circular boulevard; exquisitely leafy and cool; where one found the great casino and the open…air theatre; the exquisite orchestra; into which only the mellowest brass and the subtlest strings were admitted; and the Cafe du Ciel; charmingly situated among the trees; where the boulevard became a bridge; for a moment; at the mouth of the river Sly。 Here one might gaze up the green rocky defile through which the Sly made pebbly music; and through which wound romantic walks and natural galleries; where far inland you might wander

〃From dewy dawn to dewy night;  And have one with you wandering;〃

or where you might turn and look across the still lapping harbour; out through the little neck of light between the headlands to the shimmering sea beyond;your ears filled with a melting tide of sweet sounds; the murmur of the streams and the gentle surging of the sea; the rippling of leaves; the soft restless whisper of women's gowns; and the music of their vowelled voices。  It was here I found myself sitting at sunset; alone; but so completely under the spell of the place that I needed no companion。  The place itself was companion enough。  The electric fairy lamps had popped alight; and as the sun sank lower; Yellowsands seemed like a glowing crown of light floating upon the water。

I had as yet failed to catch any sight of Rosalind; so I sat alone; and so far as I had any thoughts or feelings; beyond a consciousness of heavenly harmony with my surroundings; they were for that haunting unknown face with the violet eyes and the heavy chestnut hair。

Presently; close by; the notes of a guitar came like little gold butterflies out of the twilight; and then a woman's voice rose like a silver bird on the air。  It was a gay wooing measure to which she sang。  I listened with ears and heart。  〃All ye;〃 it went;

 All ye who seek for pleasure;  Here find it without measure       No one to say       A body nay;  And naught but love and leisure。

All ye who seek forgetting; Leave frowns and fears and fretting;       Here by the sea       Are fair and free    To give you peace and petting。

All ye whose hearts are breaking For somebody forsaking;                  We'll count you dear;       And heal you here; And send you home love…making。〃 

〃Bravo!〃 I cried involuntarily; as the song ended amid multitudinous applause; and I thus attracted the attention of another who sat near me as lonely as myself; but evidently quite at home in the place。

〃You haven't heard our sirens sing before?〃 he said; turning to me with a pleasant smile; and thus we fell into talk of the place and its pleasures。

〃There's one feature of the place I might introduce you to if you care for a stroll;〃 he said presently。  〃Have you heard of The Twelve Golden…Haired Bar…maids?〃  I hadn't; but the fantastic name struck my fancy。  It was; he explained; the name given to a favourite buffet at the Hotel Aphrodite; which was served by twelve wonderful girls; not one under six feet in height; and all with the most glorious golden hair。  It was a whim of the management; he said。

So; of course; we went。



Now it was not without some boyish nervousness that I followed my newly made friend; for I confess that I have ever been a poor hand at talking to bar…maids。  It is; I am convinced; an art apart; an art like any other;needing first the natural gift; then the long patient training; and finally the courageous practice。  Alas for me; I possessed neither gift; training; nor courage。  Courage I lacked most of all。  It was in vain that I said to myself that it was like swimming;all that was needed was 〃confidence。〃  That was the very thing I couldn't muster。  No doubt I am handicapped by a certain respectful homage which I always feel involuntarily to any one in the shape of woman; for anything savouring of respect is the last thing to win the bar…maid heart divine。  The man to win her is he who calls loudly for his drink; without a 〃Please〃 or a 〃Thank you;〃 throws his hat at the back of his head; gulps down half his glass; and; while drawing breath for the other half; takes a hard; indifferent look at her; and in an off…hand voice throws her some fatuous; mirthless jest。

Now; I've never been able to do this in the convincing grand manner of the British male; and whatever I have said; the effect has been the same。  I've talked about theatres and music…halls; of events of the day; I've evenHeaven help metalked of racing and football; but I might as well have talked of Herbert Spencer。  I suppose I didn't talk about them in the right way。  I'm sure it must be my fault somewhere; for certainly they seem easy enough to please; poor things! However; my failure remains; and sometimes even I find it extremely hard to attract their attention in the ordinary way of business。  I don't mind my neighbour being preferred before me; but I do object to his being served before me!

So; I say; I couldn't but tremble at the vision of those golden…haired goddesses; standing with immobile faces by their awful altars。 Indeed; had I realised how superbly impressive they were going to be; I think I must have declined the adventure altogether;for; robed in lustrous ivory…white linen were those figures of undress marble; the wealth of their glorious bodies pressing out into bosoms magnificent as magnolias (nobler lines and curves Greece herself has never known); towering in throats of fluted alabaster; and flowering in coiffures of imperial gold。

Nor was their temple less magnificent。  To make it fair; Ruskin had relit the seven lamps of architecture; and written the seven labours of Hercules; for these windows through a whole youth Burne Jones had worshipped painted glass at Oxford; and to breathe romance into these frescos had Rossetti been born; and Dante born again。  Men had gone to prison and to death that this temple of Whiskey…and…Soda might be fair。

Strange; in truth; are the ministrations to which Beauty is called。  Out of the high heaven is she summoned; from mystic communion with her own perfection; from majestic labours in the Sistine Chapel of the Stars;yea; she must put aside her gold…leaf and purples and leave unfinished the very panels of the throne of God;that Circe shall have her palace; and her worshippers their gilded sty。

As there were at least a score of 〃worshippers〃 round each Circe; my nervousness became unimportant; and therefore passed。 Thus; as my companion and I sat at one of the little tables; from which we might gaze upon the sea without and Aphrodite within; my eyes were able to fly like bees from one fair face to another。  Finally; they settled upon a Circe less besieged of the hoarse and grunting mob。  She was conspicuously less in height; her hair was rather bright red than golden; and her face had more meanings than the faces of her fellows。

〃Why;〃 in a flash it came to me; 〃it's Rosalind!〃 and clean forgetting to be shy; or polite to my companion; I hastened across to her; to be greeted instantly in a manner so exclusively intimate that the little crowd about her presently spread itself among the other crowds; an

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