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christmas eve-第1章

小说: christmas eve 字数: 每页4000字

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                                THE SKETCH BOOK

                                 CHRISTMAS EVE

                              by Washington Irving

             Saint Francis and Saint Benedight

             Blesse this house from wicked wight;

             From the night…mare and the goblin;

             That is hight good fellow Robin;

             Keep it from all evil spirits;

             Fairies; weezels; rats; and ferrets:

               From curfew time

               To the next prime。


  IT WAS a brilliant moonlight night; but extremely cold; our chaise

whirled rapidly over the frozen ground; the postboy smacked his whip

incessantly; and a part of the time his horses were on a gallop。 〃He

knows where he is going;〃 said my companion; laughing; 〃and is eager

to arrive in time for some of the merriment and good cheer of the

servants' hall。 My father; you must know; is a bigoted devotee of

the old school; and prides himself upon keeping up something of old

English hospitality。 He is a tolerable specimen of what you will

rarely meet with nowadays in its purity; the old English country

gentleman; for our men of fortune spend so much of their time in town;

and fashion is carried so much into the country; that the strong

rich peculiarities of ancient rural life are almost polished away。

My father; however; from early years; took honest Peacham* for his

text…book; instead of Chesterfield; he determined in his own mind;

that there was no condition more truly honorable and enviable than

that of a country gentleman on his paternal lands; and therefore

passes the whole of his time on his estate。 He is a strenuous advocate

for the revival of the old rural games and holiday observances; and is

deeply read in the writers; ancient and modern; who have treated on

the subject。 Indeed his favorite range of reading is among the authors

who flourished at least two centuries since; who; he insists; wrote

and thought more like true Englishmen than any of their successors。 He

even regrets sometimes that he had not been born a few centuries

earlier; when England was itself; and had its peculiar manners and

customs。 As he lives at some distance from the main road; in rather

a lonely part of the country; without any rival gentry near him; he

has that most enviable of all blessings to an Englishman; an

opportunity of indulging the bent of his own humor without

molestation。 Being representative of the oldest family in the

neighborhood; and a great part of the peasantry being his tenants;

he is much looked up to; and; in general; is known simply by the

appellation of 'The Squire;' a title which has been accorded to the

head of the family since time immemorial。 I think it best to give

you these hints about my worthy old father; to prepare you for any

eccentricities that might otherwise appear absurd。〃

  * Peacham's complete Gentleman; 1622。

  We had passed for some time along the wall of a park; and at

length the chaise stopped at the gate。 It was in a heavy magnificent

old style; of iron bars; fancifully wrought at top into flourishes and

flowers。 The huge square columns that supported the gate were

surmounted by the family crest。 Close adjoining was the porter's

lodge; sheltered under dark fir…trees; and almost buried in shrubbery。

  The postboy rang a large porter's bell; which resounded through

the still frosty air; and was answered by the distant barking of dogs;

with which the mansion…house seemed garrisoned。 An old woman

immediately appeared at the gate。 As the moonlight fell strongly

upon her; I had a full view of a little primitive dame; dressed very

much in the antique taste; with a neat kerchief and stomacher; and her

silver hair peeping from under a cap of snowy whiteness。 She came

courtesying forth; with many expressions of simple joy at seeing her

young master。 Her husband; it seemed; was up at the house keeping

Christmas eve in the servants' hall; they could not do without him; as

he was the best hand at a song and story in the household。

  My friend proposed that we should alight and walk through the park

to the hall; which was at no great distance; while the chaise should

follow on。 Our road wound through a noble avenue of trees; among the

naked branches of which the moon glittered; as she rolled through

the deep vault of a cloudless sky。 The lawn beyond was sheeted with

a slight covering of snow; which here and there sparkled as the

moonbeams caught a frosty crystal; and at a distance might be seen a

thin transparent vapor; stealing up from the low grounds and

threatening gradually to shroud the landscape。

  My companion looked around him with transport:… 〃How often;〃 said

he; 〃have I scampered up this avenue; on returning home on school

vacations! How often have I played under these trees when a boy! I

feel a degree of filial reverence for them; as we look up to those who

have cherished us in childhood。 My father was always scrupulous in

exacting our holidays; and having us around him on family festivals。

He used to direct and superintend our games with the strictness that

some parents do the studies of their children。 He was very

particular that we should play the old English games according to

their original form; and consulted old books for precedent and

authority for every 'merrie disport;' yet I assure you there never was

pedantry so delightful。 It was the policy of the good old gentleman to

make his children feel that home was the happiest place in the

world; and I value this delicious home…feeling as one of the

choicest gifts a parent could bestow。〃

  We were interrupted by the clamor of a troop of dogs of all sorts

and sizes; 〃mongrel; puppy; whelp and hound; and curs of low

degree;〃 that; disturbed by the ring of the porter's bell and the

rattling of the chaise; came bounding; open…mouthed; across the lawn。

           〃… The little dogs and all;

         Tray; Blanch; and Sweetheart; see; they bark at me!〃

cried Bracebridge; laughing。 At the sound of his voice; the bark was

changed into a yelp of delight; and in a moment he was surrounded

and almost overpowered by the caresses of the faithful animals。

  We had now come in full view of the old family mansion; partly

thrown in deep shadow; and partly lit up by the cold moonshine。 It was

an irregular building; of some magnitude; and seemed to be of the

architecture of different periods。 One wing was evidently very

ancient; with heavy stone…shafted bow windows jutting out and

overrun with ivy; from among the foliage of which the small

diamond…shaped panes of glass glittered with the moonbeams。 The rest

of the house was in the French taste of Charles the Second's time;

having been repaired and altered; as my friend told me; by one of

his ancestors; who returned with that monarch at the Restoration。

The grounds about the house were laid out in the old formal manner

of artificial flower…beds; clipped shrubberies; raised terraces; and

heavy stone balustrades; ornamented with urns; a leaden statue or two;

and a jet of water。 The old gentleman; I was told; was extremely

careful to preserve this obsolete finery in all its original state。 He

admired this fashion in gardening; it had an air of magnificence;

was courtly and noble; and befitting good old family style。 The

boasted imitation of nature in modern gardening had sprung up with

modern republican notions; but did not suit a monarchical

government; it smacked of the levelling system… I could not help

smiling at this introduction of politics into gardening; though I

expressed some apprehension that I should find the old gentleman

rather intolerant in his creed。… Frank assured me; however; that it

was almost the only instance in which he had ever heard his father

meddle with politics; and he believed that he had got this notion from

a member of parliament who once passed a few weeks with him。 The

squire was glad of any argument to defend his clipped yew…trees and

formal terraces; which had been occasionally attacked by modern

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