贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > phenomenology of mind >


phenomenology of mind-第97章

小说: phenomenology of mind 字数: 每页4000字

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transcendence of this instinct of finding its object lying directly at hand; and passing beyond this
unconscious state of its existence。 The directly perceived (angeshcaut) category; the thing simply
〃found〃; enters consciousness as the self…existence of the ego…ego; which now knows itself in the
objective reality; and knows itself there as the self。 But this feature of the category; viz。 of being
for…itself as opposed to being — immanent — within — itself; is equally one…sided; and a moment
that cancels itself。 The category therefore gets for consciousness the character which it possesses
in its universal truth — it is self…contained essential reality (an und für sich seyendes Wesen)。 This
character; still abstract; which constitutes the nature of absolute fact; of 〃fact itself〃; is the
beginnings of 〃spiritual reality〃 (das geistige Wesen); and its mode of consciousness is here a
formal knowledge of that reality; a knowledge which is occupied with the varied and manifold
content thereof。 This consciousness is still; in point of fact; a particular individual distinct from the
general substance; and either prescribes arbitrary laws or thinks it possesses within its own
knowledge as such the laws as they absolutely are (an und für sich); and takes itself to be the
power that passes judgment on them。 Or again; looked at from the side of the substance; this is
seen to be the self…contained and self…sufficient spiritual reality; which is not yet a consciousness of
its own self。 The self…contained and self…sufficient reality; however; which is at once aware of
being actual in the form of consciousness and presents itself to itself; is Spirit。

Its essential spiritual being (Wesen) has been above designated as the ethical substance; spirit;
however; is concrete ethical actuality (Wirklichkeit)。 Spirit is the self of the actual consciousness;
to which spirit stands opposed; or rather which appears over against itself; as an objective actual
world that has lost; however; all sense of strangeness for the self; just as the self has lost all sense
of having a dependent or independent existence by itself; cut off and separated from that world。
Being substance and universal self…identical permanent essence (Wesen); spirit is the immovable
irreducible basis and the starting point for the action of all and every one; it is their purpose and
their goal; because the ideally implicit nature (Ansich) of all self…consciousnesses。 This substance is
likewise the universal product; wrought and created by the action of each and all; and constituting
their unity and likeness and identity of meaning; for it is self…existence (Fürsichseyn); the self;
action。 Qua substance; spirit is unbending righteous selfsameness; self…identity; but qua for…itself;
self…existent and self…determined (Fürsichseyn); its continuity is resolved into discrete elements; it
is the self…sacrificing soul of goodness; the benevolent essential nature in which each fulfils his own
special work; rends the continuum of the universal substance; and takes his own share of it。 This
resolution of the essence into individual forms is just the aspect of the separate action and the
separate self of all the several individuals; it is the moving soul of the ethical substance; the resultant
universal spiritual being。 Just because this substance is a being resolved in the self; it is not a lifeless
essence; but actual and alive。

Spirit is thus the self…supporting absolutely real ultimate being (Wesen)。 All the previous modes of
consciousness are abstractions from it: they are constituted by the fact that spirit analyses itself;
distinguishes its moments; and halts at each individual mode in turn。 The isolating of such moments
presupposes spirit itself and requires spirit for its subsistence; in other words; this isolation of
modes only exists within spirit; which is existence。 Taken in isolation they appear as if they existed
as they stand。 But their advance and return upon their real ground and essential being showed that
they are merely moments or vanishing quantities; and this essential being is precisely this movement
and resolution of these moments。 Here; where spirit; the reflexion of these moments into itself; has
become established; our reflexion may briefly recall them in this connexion: they were
consciousness; self…consciousness; and reason。 Spirit is thus Consciousness in general; which
contains sense…certainty; perception and understanding; so far as in analysing its own self it holds
fast by the moment of being a reality objective to itself; and by abstraction eliminates the fact that
this reality is its own self objectified; its own self…existence。 When again it holds fast by the other
abstract moment produced by analysis; the fact that its object is its own self become objective to
itself; is its self…existence; then it is Self…consciousness。 But as immediate consciousness of its
inherent and its explicit being; of its immanent self and its objective self; as the unity of
consciousness and self…consciousness; it is that type of consciousness which has Reason: it is the
consciousness which; as the word 〃have〃 indicates; has the object in a shape which is implicitly
and inherently rational; or is categorized; but in such a way that the object is not yet taken by the
consciousness in question to have the value of a category。 Spirit here is that consciousness from
the immediately preceding consideration of which we have arrived at the present stage。 Finally;
when this reason; which spirit 〃has〃; is seen by spirit to be reason which actually is; to be reason
which is actual in spirit; and is its world; then spirit has come to its truth; it is spirit; the essential
nature of ethical life actually existent。

Spirit; so far as it is the immediate; truth; is the ethical life of a nation: — the individual; which is a
world。 It has to advance to the consciousness of what it is immediately; it has to abandon and
transcend the beautiful simplicity of ethical life; and get to a knowledge of itself by passing through
a series of stages and forms。 The distinction between these and those that have gone before
consists in their being real spiritual individualities (Geister); actualities proper; and instead of being
forms merely of consciousness; they are forms of a world。

The living ethical world is spirit in its truth。 As it first comes to an abstract knowledge of its
essential nature; ethical life (Sittlichkeit) is destroyed in the formal universality of right or legality
(Recht)。 Spirit; being now sundered within itself; traces one of its worlds in the element of its
objectivity as in a crass solid actuality; this is the realm of Culture and Civilization; while over
against this in the element of thought is traced the world of Belief or Faith; the realm of the 。Inner
Life and Truth (Wesen)。 Both worlds; however; when in the grip of the notion — when grasped by
spirit which; after this loss of self through self…diremption; penetrates itself — are thrown into
confusion and revolutionized through individual Insight (Einsicht); and the general diffusion of this
attitude; known as the 〃Enlightenment〃 (Aufkl?rung)。 And the realm which had thus been divided
and expanded into the 〃present〃 and the 〃remote beyond〃; into the 〃here〃 and the 〃yonder〃; turns
back into self…consciousness。 This self…consciousness; again; taking now the form of Morality (the
inner moral life) apprehends itself as the essential truth; and the real essence as its actual self no
longer puts its world and its ground and basis away outside itself; but lets everything fade into
itself; and in the form of Conscience (Gewissen) is spirit sure and certain (gewiss) of itself。

The ethical world; the world rent asunder into the 〃here〃 and the 〃yonder〃; and the moral point of
view (moralische Weltanschauung); are; then; individual forms of spirit (Geister) whose process
and whose return into the self of spirit; a self simple and self…existent (fürsichseyend); will be
developed。 As these attain their goal and final result; the actual self…consciousness of Absolute
Spirit will make its appearance and be their outcome。


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