贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the ball at sceaux >


the ball at sceaux-第15章

小说: the ball at sceaux 字数: 每页4000字

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rapidly poured out when any accident brought up the subject。

But those who loved Emilie could see through all her banter a tinge of

melancholy。 It was clear that Maximilien Longueville still reigned

over that inexorable heart。 Sometimes she would be as gentle as she

had been during the brief summer that had seen the birth of her love;

sometimes; again; she was unendurable。 Every one made excuses for her

inequality of temper; which had its source in sufferings at once

secret and known to all。 The Comte de Kergarouet had some influence

over her; thanks to his increased prodigality; a kind of consolation

which rarely fails of its effect on a Parisian girl。

The first ball at which Mademoiselle de Fontaine appeared was at the

Neapolitan ambassador's。 As she took her place in the first quadrille

she saw; a few yards away from her; Maximilien Longueville; who nodded

slightly to her partner。

〃Is that young man a friend of yours?〃 she asked; with a scornful air。

〃Only my brother;〃 he replied。

Emilie could not help starting。 〃Ah!〃 he continued; 〃and he is the

noblest soul living〃

〃Do you know my name?〃 asked Emilie; eagerly interrupting him。

〃No; mademoiselle。 It is a crime; I confess; not to remember a name

which is on every lipI ought to say in every heart。 But I have a

valid excuse。 I have but just arrived from Germany。 My ambassador; who

is in Paris on leave; sent me here this evening to take care of his

amiable wife; whom you may see yonder in that corner。〃

〃A perfect tragic mask!〃 said Emilie; after looking at the


〃And yet that is her ballroom face!〃 said the young man; laughing。 〃I

shall have to dance with her! So I thought I might have some

compensation。〃 Mademoiselle de Fontaine courtesied。 〃I was very much

surprised;〃 the voluble young secretary went on; 〃to find my brother

here。 On arriving from Vienna I heard that the poor boy was ill in

bed; and I counted on seeing him before coming to this ball; but good

policy will always allow us to indulge family affection。 The Padrona

della case would not give me time to call on my poor Maximilien。〃

〃Then; monsieur; your brother is not; like you; in diplomatic


〃No;〃 said the attache; with a sigh; 〃the poor fellow sacrificed

himself for me。 He and my sister Clara have renounced their share of

my father's fortune to make an eldest son of me。 My father dreams of a

peerage; like all who vote for the ministry。 Indeed; it is promised

him;〃 he added in an undertone。 〃After saving up a little capital my

brother joined a banking firm; and I hear he has just effected a

speculation in Brazil which may make him a millionaire。 You see me in

the highest spirits at having been able; by my diplomatic connections;

to contribute to his success。 I am impatiently expecting a dispatch

from the Brazilian Legation; which will help to lift the cloud from

his brow。 What do you think of him?〃

〃Well; your brother's face does not look to me like that of a man

busied with money matters。〃

The young attache shot a scrutinizing glance at the apparently calm

face of his partner。

〃What!〃 he exclaimed; with a smile; 〃can young ladies read the

thoughts of love behind the silent brow?〃

〃Your brother is in love; then?〃 she asked; betrayed into a movement

of curiosity。

〃Yes; my sister Clara; to whom he is as devoted as a mother; wrote to

me that he had fallen in love this summer with a very pretty girl; but

I have had no further news of the affair。 Would you believe that the

poor boy used to get up at five in the morning; and went off to settle

his business that he might be back by four o'clock in the country

where the lady was? In fact; he ruined a very nice thoroughbred that I

had just given him。 Forgive my chatter; mademoiselle; I have but just

come home from Germany。 For a year I have heard no decent French; I

have been weaned from French faces; and satiated with Germans; to such

a degree that; I believe; in my patriotic mania; I could talk to the

chimeras on a French candlestick。 And if I talk with a lack of reserve

unbecoming in a diplomatist; the fault is yours; mademoiselle。 Was it

not you who pointed out my brother? When he is the theme I become

inexhaustible。 I should like to proclaim to all the world how good and

generous he is。 He gave up no less than a hundred thousand francs a

year; the income from the Longueville property。〃

If Mademoiselle de Fontaine had the benefit of these important

revelations; it was partly due to the skill with which she continued

to question her confiding partner from the moment when she found that

he was the brother of her scorned lover。

〃And could you; without being grieved; see your brother selling muslin

and calico?〃 asked Emilie; at the end of the third figure of the


〃How do you know that?〃 asked the attache。 〃Thank God; though I pour

out a flood of words; I have already acquired the art of not telling

more than I intend; like all the other diplomatic apprentices I know。〃

〃You told me; I assure you。〃

Monsieur de Longueville looked at Mademoiselle de Fontaine with a

surprise that was full of perspicacity。 A suspicion flashed upon him。

He glanced inquiringly from his brother to his partner; guessed

everything; clasped his hands; fixed his eyes on the ceiling; and

began to laugh; saying; 〃I am an idiot! You are the handsomest person

here; my brother keeps stealing glances at you; he is dancing in spite

of his illness; and you pretend not to see him。 Make him happy;〃 he

added; as he led her back to her old uncle。 〃I shall not be jealous;

but I shall always shiver a little at calling you my sister〃

The lovers; however; were to prove as inexorable to each other as they

were to themselves。 At about two in the morning; refreshments were

served in an immense corridor; where; to leave persons of the same

coterie free to meet each other; the tables were arranged as in a

restaurant。 By one of those accidents which always happen to lovers;

Mademoiselle de Fontaine found herself at a table next to that at

which the more important guests were seated。 Maximilien was of the

group。 Emilie; who lent an attentive ear to her neighbors'

conversation; overheard one of those dialogues into which a young

woman so easily falls with a young man who has the grace and style of

Maximilien Longueville。 The lady talking to the young banker was a

Neapolitan duchess; whose eyes shot lightning flashes; and whose skin

had the sheen of satin。 The intimate terms on which Longueville

affected to be with her stung Mademoiselle de Fontaine all the more

because she had just given her lover back twenty times as much

tenderness as she had ever felt for him before。

〃Yes; monsieur; in my country true love can make every kind of

sacrifice;〃 the Duchess was saying; in a simper。

〃You have more passion than Frenchwomen;〃 said Maximilien; whose

burning gaze fell on Emilie。 〃They are all vanity。〃

〃Monsieur;〃 Emilie eagerly interposed; 〃is it not very wrong to

calumniate your own country? Devotion is to be found in every nation。〃

〃Do you imagine; mademoiselle;〃 retorted the Italian; with a sardonic

smile; 〃that a Parisian would be capable of following her lover all

over the world?〃

〃Oh; madame; let us understand each other。 She would follow him to a

desert and live in a tent but not to sit in a shop。〃

A disdainful gesture completed her meaning。 Thus; under the influence

of her disastrous education; Emile for the second time killed her

budding happiness; and destroyed its prospects of life。 Maximilien's

apparent indifference; and a woman's smile; had wrung from her one of

those sarcasms whose treacherous zest always let her astray。

〃Mademoiselle;〃 said Longueville; in a low voice; under cover of the

noise made by the ladies as they rose from the table; 〃no one will

ever more ardently desire your happiness than I; permit 

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