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the expression of emotion in man and animals-第8章

小说: the expression of emotion in man and animals 字数: 每页4000字

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'5' ‘The Senses and the Intellect;' 2nd edit。  1864; p。  332。  Prof。 Huxley remarks (‘Elementary Lessons in Physiology;' 5th edit。  1872; p。 306); 〃It may be laid down as a rule; that; if any two mental states be called up together; or in succession; with due frequency and vividness; the subsequent production of the one of them will suffice to call up the other; and that whether we desire it or not。〃

When our minds are much affected; so are the movements of our bodies; but here another principle besides habit; namely the undirected overflow of nerve…force; partially comes into play。  Norfolk; in speaking of Cardinal Wolsey; says

〃Some strange commotion  Is in his brain; he bites his lip and starts;  Stops on a sudden; looks upon the ground;  Then; lays his finger on his temple: straight;  Springs out into fast gait; then; stops again;  Strikes his breast hard; and anon; he casts  His eye against the moon: in most strange postures  We have seen him set himself。〃_Hen。 VIII_。; act 3; sc。 2。

A vulgar man often scratches his head when perplexed in mind; and I believe that he acts thus from habit; as if he experienced a slightly uncomfortable bodily sensation; namely; the itching of his head; to which he is particularly liable; and which he thus relieves。 Another man rubs his eyes when perplexed; or gives a little cough when embarrassed; acting in either case as if he felt a slightly uncomfortable sensation in his eyes or windpipe。'6'

From the continued use of the eyes; these organs are especially liable to be acted on through association under various states of the mind; although there is manifestly nothing to be seen。 A man; as Gratiolet remarks; who vehemently rejects a proposition; will almost certainly shut his eyes or turn away his face; but if he accepts the proposition; he will nod his head in affirmation and open his eyes widely。 The man acts in this latter case as if he clearly saw the thing; and in the former case as if he did not or would not see it。 I have noticed that persons in describing a horrid sight often shut their eyes momentarily and firmly; or shake their heads; as if not to see or to drive away something disagreeable; and I have caught myself; when thinking in the dark of a horrid spectacle; closing my eyes firmly。  In looking suddenly at any object; or in looking all around; everyone raises his eyebrows; so that the eyes may be quickly and widely opened; and Duchenne remarks that'7' a person in trying to remember something often raises his eyebrows; as if to see it。 A Hindoo gentleman made exactly the same remark to Mr。 Erskine in regard to his countrymen。  I noticed a young lady earnestly trying to recollect a painter's name; and she first looked to one corner of the ceiling and then to the opposite corner; arching the one eyebrow on that side; although; of course; there was nothing to be seen there。

'6' Gratiolet (‘De la Physionomie;' p。  324); in his discussion on this subject; gives many analogous instances。 See p。  42; on the opening and shutting of the eyes。 Engel is quoted (p。 323) on the changed paces of a man; as his thoughts change。

In most of the foregoing cases; we can understand how the associated movements were acquired through habit; but with some individuals; certain strange gestures or tricks have arisen in association with certain states of the mind; owing to wholly inexplicable causes; and are undoubtedly inherited。  I have elsewhere given one instance from my own observation of an extraordinary and complex gesture; associated with pleasurable feelings; which was transmitted from a father to his daughter; as well as some other analogous facts。'8'

'7' ‘Mecanisme de la Physionomie Humaine;' 1862; p。  17。

'8' ‘The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication;' vol。  ii。  p。  6。  The inheritance of habitual gestures is so important for us; that I gladly avail myself of Mr。 F。 Galton's permission to give in his own words the following remarkable case:〃The following account of a habit occurring in individuals of three consecutive generations {footnote continues:} is of peculiar interest; because it occurs only during sound sleep; and therefore cannot be due to imitation; but must be altogether natural。 The particulars are perfectly trustworthy; for I have enquired fully into them; and speak from abundant and independent evidence。 A gentleman of considerable position was found by his wife to have the curious trick; when he lay fast asleep on his back in bed; of raising his right arm slowly in front of his face; up to his forehead; and then dropping it with a jerk; so that the wrist fell heavily on the bridge of his nose。  The trick did not occur every night; but occasionally; and was independent of any ascertained cause。 Sometimes it was repeated incessantly for an hour or more。 The gentleman's nose was prominent; and its bridge often became sore from the blows which it received。  At one time an awkward sore was produced; that was long in healing; on account of the recurrence; night after night; of the blows which first caused it。 His wife had to remove the button from the wrist of his night…gown as it made severe scratches; and some means were attempted of tying his arm。

〃Many years after his death; his son married a lady who had never heard of the family incident。  She; however; observed precisely the same peculiarity in her husband; but his nose; from not being particularly prominent; has never as yet suffered from the blows。 The trick does not occur when he is half…asleep; as; for example; when dozing in his arm…chair; but the moment he is fast asleep it is apt to begin。 It is; as with his father; intermittent; sometimes ceasing for many nights; and sometimes almost incessant during a part of every night。 It is performed; as it was by his father; with his right hand。

〃One of his children; a girl; has inherited the same trick。 She performs it; likewise; with the right hand; but in a slightly modified form; for; after raising the arm; she does not allow the wrist to drop upon the bridge of the nose; but the palm of the half…closed hand falls over and down the nose; striking it rather rapidly。 It is also very intermittent with this child; not occurring for periods of some months; but sometimes occurring almost incessantly。〃 {end of long footnote}

Another curious instance of an odd inherited movement; associated with the wish to obtain an object; will be given in the course of this volume。

There are other actions which are commonly performed under certain circumstances; independently of habit; and which seem to be due to imitation or some sort of sympathy。 Thus persons cutting anything with a pair of scissors may be seen to move their jaws simultaneously with the blades of the scissors。 Children learning to write often twist about their tongues as their fingers move; in a ridiculous fashion。  When a public singer suddenly becomes a little hoarse; many of those present may be heard; as I have been assured by a gentleman on whom I can rely; to clear their throats; but here habit probably comes into play; as we clear our own throats under similar circumstances。 I have also been told that at leaping matches; as the performer makes his spring; many of the spectators; generally men and boys; move their feet; but here again habit probably comes into play; for it is very doubtful whether women would thus act。

_Reflex actions_Reflex actions; in the strict sense of the term; are due to the excitement of a peripheral nerve; which transmits its influence to certain nerve…cells; and these in their turn excite certain muscles or glands into action; and all this may take place without any sensation or consciousness on our part; though often thus accompanied。  As many reflex actions are highly expressive; the subject must here be noticed at some little length。 We shall also see that some of them graduate into; and can hardly be distinguished from actions which have arisen through habit? Coughing and sneezing are familiar instances of reflex actions。 With infants the first act of respiration is often a sneeze; although this requires the co…ordinated movement of numerous muscles。 Respiration is partly voluntary; but mainly reflex; and is performed in the most natural

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