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the expression of emotion in man and animals-第66章

小说: the expression of emotion in man and animals 字数: 每页4000字

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Horror is generally accompanied by various gestures; which differ in different individuals。  Judging from pictures; the whole body is often turned away or shrinks; or the arms are violently protruded as if to push away some dreadful object。 The most frequent gesture; as far as can be inferred from the action of persons who endeavour to express a vividly…imagined scene of horror; is the raising of both shoulders; with the bent arms pressed closely against the sides or chest。 These movements are nearly the same with those commonly made when we feel very cold; and they are generally accompanied by a shudder; as well as by a deep expiration or inspiration; according as the chest happens at the time to be expanded or contracted。 The sounds thus made are expressed by words like _uh_ or _ugh_。'28' It is not; however; obvious why; when we feel cold or express a sense of horror; we press our bent arms against our bodies; raise our shoulders; and shudder。

'28' See remarks to this effect by Mr。 Wedgwood; in the Introduction to his ‘Dictionary of English Etymology;' 2nd edit。  1872; p。  xxxvii。  He shows by intermediate forms that the sounds here referred to have probably given rise to many words; such as _ugly; huge_; &c。 _Conclusion_。I have now endeavoured to describe the diversified expressions of fear; in its gradations from mere attention to a start of surprise; into extreme terror and horror。 Some of the signs may be accounted for through the principles of habit; association; and inheritance;such as the wide opening of the mouth and eyes; with upraised eyebrows; so as to see as quickly as possible all around us; and to hear distinctly whatever sound may reach our ears。  For we have thus habitually prepared ourselves to discover and encounter any danger。 Some of the other signs of fear may likewise be accounted for; at least in part; through these same principles。  Men; during numberless generations; have endeavoured to escape from their enemies or danger by headlong flight; or by violently struggling with them; and such great exertions will have caused the heart to beat rapidly; the breathing to be hurried; the chest to heave; and the nostrils to be dilated。  As these exertions have often been prolonged to the last extremity; the final result will have been utter prostration; pallor; perspiration; trembling of all the muscles; or their complete relaxation。  And now; whenever the emotion of fear is strongly felt; though it may not lead to any exertion; the same results tend to reappear; through the force of inheritance and association。

Nevertheless; it is probable that many or most of the above symptoms of terror; such as the beating of the heart; the trembling of the muscles; cold perspiration; &c。; are in large part directly due to the disturbed or interrupted transmission of nerve…force from the cerebro…spinal system to various parts of the body; owing to the mind being so powerfully affected。 We may confidently look to this cause; independently of habit and association; in such cases as the modified secretions of the intestinal canal; and the failure of certain glands to act。 With respect to the involuntary bristling of the hair; we have good reason to believe that in the case of animals this action; however it may have originated; serves; together with certain voluntary movements; to make them appear terrible to their enemies; and as the same involuntary and voluntary actions are performed by animals nearly related to man; we are led to believe that man has retained through inheritance a relic of them; now become useless。 It is certainly a remarkable fact; that the minute unstriped muscles; by which the hairs thinly scattered over man's almost naked body are erected; should have been preserved to the present day; and that they should still contract under the same emotions; namely; terror and rage; which cause the hairs to stand on end in the lower members of the Order to which man belongs。  CHAPTER XIII。


Nature of a blushInheritanceThe parts of the body most affected Blushing in the various races of manAccompanying gestures Confusion of mindCauses of blushingSelf…attention; the fundamental elementShynessShame; from broken moral laws and conventional rulesModestyTheory of blushingRecapitulation。

BLUSHING is the most peculiar and the most human of all expressions。 Monkeys redden from passion; but it would require an overwhelming amount of evidence to make us believe that any animal could blush。 The reddening of the face from a blush is due to the relaxation of the muscular coats of the small arteries; by which the capillaries become filled with blood; and this depends on the proper vaso…motor centre being affected。  No doubt if there be at the same time much mental agitation; the general circulation will be affected; but it is not due to the action of the heart that the network of minute vessels covering the face becomes under a sense of shame gorged with blood。 We can cause laughing by tickling the skin; weeping or frowning by a blow; trembling from the fear of pain; and so forth; but we cannot cause a blush; as Dr。 Burgess remarks;'1' by any physical means;that is by any action on the body。  It is the mind which must be affected。 Blushing is not only involuntary; but the wish to restrain it; by leading to self…attention actually increases the tendency。

'1' ‘The Physiology or Mechanism of Blushing;' 1839; p。  156。  I shall have occasion often to quote this work in the present chapter。

The young blush much more freely than the old; but not during infancy;'2' which is remarkable; as we know that infants at a very early age redden from passion。  I have received authentic accounts of two little girls blushing at the ages of between two and three years; and of another sensitive child; a year older; blushing; when reproved for a fault。  Many children; at a somewhat more advanced age blush in a strongly marked manner。 It appears that the mental powers of infants are not as yet sufficiently developed to allow of their blushing。  Hence; also; it is that idiots rarely blush。  Dr。 Crichton Browne observed for me those under his care; but never saw a genuine blush; though he has seen their faces flash; apparently from joy; when food was placed before them; and from anger。 Nevertheless some; if not utterly degraded; are capable of blushing。 A microcephalous idiot; for instance; thirteen years old; whose eyes brightened a little when he was pleased or amused; has been described by Dr。 Behn;'3' as blushing and turning to one side; when undressed for medical examination。

Women blush much more than men。  It is rare to see an old man; but not nearly so rare to see an old woman blushing。  The blind do not escape。 Laura Bridgman; born in this condition; as well as completely deaf; blushes。'4' The Rev。 R。 H。 Blair; Principal of the Worcester College; informs me that three children born blind; out of seven or eight then in the Asylum; are great blushers。  The blind are not at first conscious that they are observed; and it is a most important part of their education; as Mr。 Blair informs me; to impress this knowledge on their minds; and the impression thus gained would greatly strengthen the tendency to blush; by increasing the habit of self…attention。

'2' Dr。 Burgess; ibid。  p。  56。  At p。  33 he also remarks on women blushing more freely than men; as stated below。

'3' Quoted by Vogt; ‘Memoire sur les Microcephales;' 1867; p。  20。  Dr。 Burgess (ibid。 p。  56) doubts whether idiots ever blush。

The tendency to blush is inherited。  Dr。 Burgess gives the case'5' of a family consisting of a father; mother; and ten children; all of whom; without exception; were prone to blush to a most painful degree。 The children were grown up; 〃and some of them were sent to travel in order to wear away this diseased sensibility; but nothing was of the slightest avail。〃 Even peculiarities in blushing seem to be inherited。  Sir James Paget; whilst examining the spine of a girl; was struck at her singular manner of blushing; a big splash of red appeared first on one cheek; and then other splashes; variously scattered over the face and neck。 He subsequently asked the mother whether her daughter al

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