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james otis the pre-revolutionist-第15章

小说: james otis the pre-revolutionist 字数: 每页4000字

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 and important services; which; as a representative in the General Assembly through a course of years; he has rendered to this town and province; particularly for his undaunted exertions in the common cause of the Colonies; from the beginning of the present glorious struggle for the rights of the British consituation。  At the same time; the town cannot but express their ardent wishes for the recovery of his health; and the continuance of those public services; that must long be remembered with gratitude; and distinguish his name among the patriots of America。〃

During short periods of sanity; or of only partial aberration; Otis's wit and humor; rendered more quaint and striking by the peculiarities of his mental condition; made him the delight of a small circle of friends。  The following anecdote; admirably told by President Adams; presents in a very graphic manner the peculiarities of his character:

〃Otis belonged to a club; who met on evenings; of which club William Molineux was a member。  Molineux had a petition before the legislature; which did not succeed to his wishes; and he became for several evenings sour; and wearied the company with his complaints of services; losses; sacrifices; etc。; and said; 'That a man who has behaved as I have; should be treated as I am; is intolerable;' etc。  Otis had said nothing; but the company were disgusted and out of patience; when Otis rose from his seat; and said; 'Come; come; Will; quit this subject; and let us enjoy ourselves; I also have a list of grievances; will you hear it?'  The club expected some fun; and all cried out; 'Ay! ay! let us hear your list。'

〃'Well; then; Will; in the first place; I resigned the office of the Advocate…General; which I held from the crown; that produced mehow much do you think?'  'A great deal; no doubt;' said Molineux。 'Shall we say two hundred sterling a year?'  'Ay; more I believe;' said Molineux。  'Well; let it be two hundred; that for ten years; is two thousand。  In the next place; I have been obliged to relinquish the greatest part of my business at the bar。  Will you set that at two hundred more?'  'O; I believe it much more than that。'  'Well; let it be two hundred; this; for ten years; is two thousand。  You allow; then; I have lost four thousand pounds sterling?' 'Ay; and much more; too;' said Molineux。

〃'In the next place; I have lost a hundred friends; among whom were the men of the first rank; fortune; and power; in the province。  At what price will you estimate them?'  'Dn them;' said Molineux; 'at nothing:  you are better without them than with them。'  A loud laugh。  'Be it so;' said Otis。

〃'In the next place; I have made a thousand enemies; among whom are the government of the province and the nation。  What do you think of this item?'  'That is as it may happen;' said Molineux。

〃'In the next place; you know; I love pleasure; but I have renounced all amusement for ten years。  What is that worth to a man of pleasure?'  'No great matter;' said Molineux; 'you have made politics your amusement。'  A hearty laugh。

〃'In the next place; I have ruined as fine health; and as good a constitution of body; as nature ever gave to man。'  'This is melancholy indeed;' said Molineux; 'there is nothing to be said on that point。' 

〃'Once more;' said Otis; holding his head down before Molineux; 'look upon this head!'  (Where was a scar in which a man might bury his finger。)  'What do you think of this?  And; what is worse; my friends think I have a monstrous crack in my skull。'

〃This made all the company very grave; and look very solemn。  But Otis; setting up a laugh; and with a gay countenance; said to Molineux; 'Now; Willy; my advice to you is; to say no more about your grievances; for you and I had better put up our accounts of profit and loss in our pockets; and say no more about them; lest the world should laugh at us。'〃

This whimsical dialogue put all the company; including Molineux; in a good humor; and they passed the rest of the evening very pleasantly。

One of the few fragments in Otis' handwriting now extant; is a memorandum made during the two years of transient sanity just preceding his tragic death。  Returning one Sunday from public worship; he wrote:  〃I have this day attended divine service; and heard a sensible discourse; and thanks be to God; I now enjoy the greatest of all blessings; mens sana in copore sano〃 (a sound mind in a sound body)。  But this gleam of reason was as transient as others that had preceded; and with Bowen we willingly draw a veil over the sad record of this most terrible misfortune of our hero。  〃To be among men; and yet not of them; to preserve the outward form and lineaments of a human being; while the spirit within is wanting; or is transformed into a wreck of what it has been; is surely one of the most impressive and affecting instances of the ills to which mortality is exposed。  It enforces with melancholy earnestness the moral lesson; that the only objects of the affections are the character and the intellect; and when these are destroyed; we look upon the external shape and features only as on the tomb in which the mortal remains of a friend repose。  We even long for the closing of the scene; and think it would be far better if the now tenantless and ruined house were levelled with the ground。〃

A nice sense of honor was perhaps the second most striking point in Otis's energetic and strongly…marked character。  Called by reason of his fame as an advocate to the management of suits even at a distance from home; and receiving the largest fees ever given to an advocate in the province; he yet disdained to suffer the success of any of his cases to rest on any petty arts or undue evasions。  Conscious of possessing eminent abilities and sufficient learning he undertook to advocate no cause that he did not truly and fully believe in。  His ardent pleading and the fairness of his dealing before the courts was the result of his firm belief in the justice of his cause。  Nothing but truth could give him this firmness; but plain truth and clear evidence can be beat down by no ability in handling the quirks and substitutes of the law。

It was from this source as from no other that Otis drew his power as a pleader。  He was as John Adams records concerning his speech on the 〃Writs of Assistance;〃 〃a flame of fire;〃 but he was a flame of fire set burning to consume the dross of injustice and to purify and rescue the gold of liberty and fair…dealing。  Thomas Hutchinson; before whom Otis often pleaded and whose testimony is of the greatest weight when we remember that Otis was his political opponent; has said that he never knew fairer or more noble conduct in a pleader than in Otis; that he always disdained to take advantage of any clerical error or similar inadvertence; but passed over minor points; and defended his causes solely on their broad and substantial foundations。  In this regard Otis seems to satisfy Emerson's definition of a great man; when in his essay on the 〃Uses of Great Men〃 the latter declares:  〃I count him a great man who inhabits a higher sphere of thought; into which other men rise with labor and difficulty; he has but to open his eyes to see things in a true light; and in large relations; whilst they must make painful corrections; and keep a vigilant eye on many sources of error。〃

Indeed; it can be said of Otis as Coleridge said of O'Connell; 〃See how triumphant in debate and action he is。  And why?  Because he asserts a broad principle; acts up to it; rests his body upon it; and has faith in it。〃  The world is upheld; as Emerson says; by the veracity of good men; and so the great power of Otis as an advocate before the civil bar in the minor cases of his career; and as an advocate of the people in the larger court in the great case of his life; for the liberty of opposing arbitrary power by speaking and writing the truth; arose almost entirely from his absolute integrity and fairmindedness。  Clarendon's portrait of Falkland applies equally as well to Otis; 〃He was so severe an adorer of the truth that he could as easily have given himself leave to steal as to dissemble。〃  In short; Otis acted aright; and feared not the consequences; and thus became a power in the community beca

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