贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > songs from the mountains >


songs from the mountains-第6章

小说: songs from the mountains 字数: 每页4000字

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     Where; because no wind is blowing;
     Fancy hears the flowers growing
          In the herby watersheds!
     Faint it is … the sound of thunder
     From the torrents far thereunder;
     Where the meeting mountains ponder …
          Now; by Mooni's fair hill heads。

          Just to be where Mooni is;
     Even where the fierce fall races
     Down august; unfathomed places;
     Where of sun or moon no trace is;
          And the streams of shadows hiss!
     Have I not an ample reason
     So to long for … sick of treason …
     Something of the grand old season;
          Just to be where Mooni is?

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     GAUL whose keel in far; dim ages ploughed wan widths of polar sea …
     Gray old sailor of Massilia; who hath woven wreath for thee?
     Who amongst the world's high singers ever breathed the tale sublime
     Of the man who coasted England in the misty dawn of time?
     Leaves of laurel; lights of music … these and these have never shed
     Glory on the name unheard of; lustre on the vanished head。

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     Lords of song; and these are many; never yet have raised the lay
     For the white; wind…beaten seaman of a wild; forgotten day。
     Harp of shining son of Godhead still is as a voice august;
     But the man who first saw Britain sleeps beneath unnoticed dust。

     From the fair; calm bays Hellenic; from the crescents and the bends;
     Round the wall of crystal Athens; glowing in gold evening…ends;
     Sailed abroad the grand; strong father; with his face towards the snow
     Of the awful northern mountains; twenty centuries ago。
     On the seas that none had heard of; by the shores where none had furled

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     Wing of canvas; passed this elder to the limits of the world。
     Lurid limits; loud with thunder and the roar of flaming cone;
     Ghastly tracts of ice and whirlwind lying in a dim; blind zone;
     Bitter belts of naked region; girt about by cliffs of fear;
     Where the Spirit of the Darkness dwells in heaven half the year。

     Yea; against the wild; weird Thule; steered the stranger through the gates
     Opened by a fire eternal; into tempest…trampled straits …
     Thule; lying like a nightmare on the borders of the Pole:
     Neither land; nor air; nor water; but a mixture of the whole!

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     Dumb; dead chaos; grey as spectre; now a mist and now a cloud;
     Where the winds cry out for ever; and the wave is always loud。
     Here the lord of many waters; in the great exalted years;
     Saw the sight that no man knows of … heard the sound that no man hears …
     Felt that God was in the Shadow ere he turned his prow and sped
     To the sweet green fields of England with the sunshine overhead。

     In the day when pallid Persia fled before the Thracian steel;
     By the land that now is London passed the strange Hellenic keel。
     Up the bends of quiet river; hard by banks of grove and flower;

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     Sailed the father through a silence in the old majestic hour。
     Not a sound of fin or feather; not a note of wave or breeze;
     Vext the face of sleeping streamlets; broke the rest of stirless trees。
     Not a foot was in the forest; not a voice was in the wood;
     When the elder from Massilia over English waters stood。
     All was new; and hushed; and holy … all was pure untrodden space;
     When the lord of many oceans turned to it a reverent face。

     Man who knew resplendent Athens; set and framed in silver sea;
     Did not dream a dream of England … England of the years to be!

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     Friend of fathers like to Plato … bards august and hallowed seers …
     Did not see that tenfold glory; Britain of the future years!
     Spirit filled with Grecian music; songs that charm the dark away;
     On that large; supreme occasion; did not note diviner lay …
     Did not hear the voice of Shakespeare … all the mighty life was still;
     Down the slopes that dipped to seaward; on the shoulders of the hill;
     But the gold and green were brighter than the bloom of Thracian springs;
     And a strange; surpassing beauty shone upon the face of things。

     In a grave that no man thinks of … back from far…forgotten bays …

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     Sleeps the grey; wind…beaten sailor of the old exalted days。
     He that coasted Wales and Dover; he that first saw Sussex plains;
     Passed away with head unlaurelled in the wild Thessalian rains。
     In a space by hand untended; by a fen of vapours blind;
     Lies the king of many waters … out of sight and out of mind!
     No one brings the yearly blossom … no one culls the flower of grace;
     For the shell of mighty father buried in that lonely place;
     But the winds are low and holy; and the songs of sweetness flow;
     Where he fell asleep for ever; twenty centuries ago。

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     THE leaders of millions; the lords of the lands;
         Who sway the wide world with their will
     And shake the great globe with the strength of their hands;
         Flash past us … unnoticed by Bill。

     The elders of science who measure the spheres
         And weigh the vast bulk of the sun …
     Who see the grand lights beyond aeons of years;
         Are less than a bullock to one~。

     The singers that sweeten all time with their song …
         Pure voices that make us forget
     Humanity's drama of marvellous wrong …
         To Bill are as mysteries yet。

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     By thunders of battle and nations uphurled;
         Bill's sympathies never were stirred:
     The helmsmen who stand at the wheel of the world
         By him are unknown and unheard。

     What trouble has Bill for the ruin of lands;
         Or the quarrels of temple and throne;
     So long as the whip that he holds in his hands
         And the team that he drives are his own?

     As straight and as sound as a slab without crack;
         Our Bill is a king in his way;
     Though he camps by the side of a shingle track;
         And sleeps on the bed of his dray。

     A whip…lash to him is as dear as a rose
         Would be to a delicate maid;
     He carries his darlings wherever he goes;
         In a pocket…book tattered and frayed。

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     The joy of a bard when he happens to write
         A song like the song of his dream
     Is nothing at all to our hero's delight
         In the pluck and the strength of his team。

     For the kings of the earth; for the faces august
         Of princes; the millions may shout;
     To Bill; as he lumbers along in the dust;
         A bullock's the grandest thing out。

     His four…footed friends are the friends of his choice …
         No lover is Bill of your dames;
     But the cattle that turn at the sound of his voice
         Have the sweetest of features and names。

     A father's chief joy is a favourite son;
         When he reaches some eminent goal;
     But the pride of Bill's heart is the hairy…legged one
         That pulls with a will at the pole。

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     His dray is no living; responsible thing;
         But he gives it the gender of life;
     And; seeing his fancy is free in the wing;
         It suits him as well as a wife。

     He thrives like an Arab。 Between the two wheels
         Is his bedroom; where; lying up…curled;
     He thinks for himself; like a sultan; and feels
         That his home is the best in the world。

     For; even though cattle; like subjects; will break
         At times from the yoke and the band;
     Bill knows how to act when his rule is at stake;
         And is therefore a lord of the land。

     Of course he must dream; but be sure that his dreams;
         If happy; must compass; alas!
     Fat bullocks at feed by improbable streams;
         Knee…deep in improbable grass。

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     No poet is Bill; for the visions of night
         To him are as visions of day;
     And the pipe that in sleep he endeavours to light
         Is the pipe that he smokes on the dra

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