贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > songs from the mountains >


songs from the mountains-第5章

小说: songs from the mountains 字数: 每页4000字

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          And being no reader or roamer;
     He hasn't Euripides much in the head;
     And let it be carefully; tenderly said;
          He never has analysed Homer。

     He can roar out a song of the twopenny kind;
     But; knowing the beggar so well; I'm inclined
          To believe that a ‘‘par'' about Kelly;
     The rascal who skulked under shadow of curse;
     Is more in his line than the happiest verse
          On the glittering pages of Shelley。

     You mustn't; however; adjudge him in haste;
     Because a red robber is more to his taste
          Than Ruskin; Rossetti; or Dante!
     You see; he was bred in a bangalow wood;
     And bangalow pith was the principal food
          His mother served out in her shanty。

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     His knowledge is this … he can tell in the dark
     What timber will split by the feel of the bark;
          And rough as his manner of speech is;
     His wits to the fore he can readily bring
     In passing off ash as the genuine thing
          When scarce in the forest the beech is。

     In girthing a tree that he sells ‘‘in the round;''
     He assumes; as a rule; that the body is sound;
          And measures; forgetting to bark it!
     He may be a ninny; but still the old dog
     Can plug to perfection the pipe of a log
          And ‘‘palm it'' away on the market。

     He splits a fair shingle; but holds to the rule
     Of his father's; and; haply; his grandfather's school;
          Which means that he never has blundered;
     When tying his shingles; by slinging in more
     Than the recognized number of ninety and four
          To the bundle he sells for a hundred!

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     When asked by the market for ironbark red;
     It always occurs to the Wollombi head
          To do a ‘‘mahogany'' swindle。
     In forests where never the ironbark grew;
     When Jim is at work; it would flabbergast you
          To see how the ‘‘ironbarks'' dwindle。

     He can stick to the saddle; can Wollombi Jim;
     And when a buckjumper dispenses with him;
          The leather goes off with the rider。
     And; as to a team; over gully and hill
     He can travel with twelve on the breadth of a quill
          And boss the unlucky ‘‘offsider。''

     He shines at his best at the tiller of saw;
     On the top of the pit; where his whisper is law
          To the gentleman working below him。
     When the pair of them pause in a circle of dust;
     Like a monarch he poses … exalted; august …
          There's nothing this planet can show him!

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     For a man is a man who can ‘‘sharpen'' and ‘‘set;''
     And he is the only thing masculine yet
          According to sawyer and splitter …
     Or rather according to Wollombi Jim;
     And nothing will tempt me to differ from him;
          For Jim is a bit of a hitter。

     But; being full up; we'll allow him to rip;
     Along with his lingo; his saw; and his whip …
          He isn't the classical ‘‘notion;''
     And; after a night in his ‘‘humpy;'' you see;
     A person of orthodox habits would be
          Refreshed by a dip in the ocean。

     To tot him right up from the heel to the head;
     He isn't the Grecian of whom we have read …
          His face is a trifle too shady。
     The nymph in green valleys of Thessaly dim
     Would never ‘‘jack up'' her old lover for him;
          For she has the tastes of a lady。

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     So much for our hero! A statuesque foot
     Would suffer by wearing that heavy…nailed boot …
          Its owner is hardly Achilles。
     However; he's happy! He cuts a great ‘‘fig''
     In the land where a coat is no part of the ‘‘rig'' …
          In the country of damper and ‘‘billies。''

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(Written in the Shadow of 1872) 

     AH; to be by Mooni now!
     Where the great dark hills of wonder;
     Scarred with storm and cleft asunder
     By the strong sword of the thunder;
          Make a night on morning's brow!
     Just to stand where Nature's face is
     Flushed with power in forest places …
     Where of God authentic trace is …
          Ah; to be by Mooni now!

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          Just to be by Mooni's springs!
     There to stand; the shining sharer
     Of that larger life; and rarer
     Beauty caught from beauty fairer
          Than the human face of things!
     Soul of mine from sin abhorrent
     Fain would hide by flashing current;
     Like a sister of the torrent;
          Far away by Mooni's springs。

          He that is by Mooni now;
     Sees the water…sapphires gleaming
     Where the River Spirit; dreaming;
     Sleeps by fall and fountain streaming
          Under lute of leaf and bough …
     Hears; where stamp of storm with stress is;
     Psalms from unseen wildernesses
     Deep amongst far hill…recesses …
          He that is by Mooni now。

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          Yea; for him by Mooni's marge
     Sings the yellow…haired September;
     With the face the gods remember
     When the ridge is burnt to ember;
          And the dumb sea chains the barge!
     Where the mount like molten brass is;
     Down beneath fern…feathered passes;
     Noonday dew in cool green grasses
          Gleams on him by Mooni's marge。

          Who that dwells by Mooni yet;
     Feels; in flowerful forest arches;
     Smiting wings and breath that parches
     Where strong Summer's path of march is;
          And the suns in thunder set?
     Housed beneath the gracious kirtle
     Of the shadowy water myrtle;
     Winds may hiss with heat; and hurtle …
          He is safe by Mooni yet!

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          Days there were when he who sings
     (Dumb so long through passion's losses)
     Stood where Mooni's water crosses
     Shining tracts of green…haired mosses;
          Like a soul with radiant wings;
     Then the psalm the wind rehearses …
     Then the song the stream disperses
     Lent a beauty to his verses;
          Who to…night of Mooni sings。

          Ah; the theme … the sad; grey theme!
     Certain days are not above me;
     Certain hearts have ceased to love me;
     Certain fancies fail to move me
          Like the affluent morning dream。
     Head whereon the white is stealing;
     Heart whose hurts are past all healing;
     Where is now the first pure feeling?
          Ah; the theme … the sad; grey theme!

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          Sin and shame have left their trace!
     He who mocks the mighty; gracious
     Love of Christ; with eyes audacious;
     Hunting after fires fallacious;
          Wears the issue in his face。
     Soul that flouted gift and Giver;
     Like the broken Persian river;
     Thou hast lost thy strength for ever!
          Sin and shame have left their trace。

          In the years that used to be;
     When the large; supreme occasion
     Brought the life of inspiration;
     Like a god's transfiguration
          Was the shining change in me。
     Then; where Mooni's glory glances;
     Clear; diviner countenances
     Beamed on me like blessed chances;
          In the years that used to be。

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          Ah; the beauty of old ways!
     Then the man who so resembled
     Lords of light unstained; unhumbled;
     Touched the skirts of Christ; nor trembled
          At the grand benignant gaze!
     Now he shrinks before the splendid
     Face of Deity offended;
     All the loveliness is ended!
          All the beauty of old ways!

          Still to be by Mooni cool …
     Where the water…blossoms glister;
     And; by gleaming vale and vista;
     Sits the English April's sister
          Soft and sweet and wonderful。
     Just to rest beyond the burning
     Outer world … its sneers and spurning …
     Ah! my heart … my heart is yearning
          Still to be by Mooni cool!

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          Now; by Mooni's fair hill heads;
     Lo; the gold green lights are glowing;
     Where; because no wind is blowing;
     Fancy hears the flowers growing
          In the herby watersheds!

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