贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > songs from the mountains >


songs from the mountains-第4章

小说: songs from the mountains 字数: 每页4000字

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     Your poet means to sing a song
         With some prolixity of mouth。

Page: 26 

     I'll even sketch you as you are
         In Herrick's style of carelessness;
     Not overstocked with things that bar
         An ample view … to wit; with dress。

     You have your blanket; it is true;
         But then; if I am right at all;
     What best would suit a dame like you
         Was worn by Eve before the Fall。

     Indeed; the ‘‘fashion'' is a thing
         That never cramped your cornless toes:
     Your single jewel is a ring
         Slung in your penetrated nose。

     I can't detect the flowing lines
         Of Grecian features in your face;
     Nor are there patent any signs
         That link you with the Roman race。

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     In short; I do not think your mould
         Resembles; with its knobs of bone;
     The fair Hellenic shapes of old
         Whose perfect forms survive in stone。

     Still; if the charm called Beauty lies
         In ampleness of ear and lip;
     And nostrils of exceeding size;
         You are a gem; my ladyship!

     Here; squatting by the doubtful flame
         Of three poor sticks; without a roof
     Above your head; impassive dame
         You live on … somewhat hunger…proof。

     The current scandals of the day
         Don't trouble you … you seem to take
     Things in the coolest sort of way …
         And wisest … for you have no ache。

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     You smoke a pipe … of course; you do!
         About an inch in length or less;
     Which; from a sexual point of view;
         Mars somehow your attractiveness。

     But; rather than resign the weed;
         You'd shock us; whites; by chewing it;
     For etiquette is not indeed
         A thing that bothers you a bit。

     Your people … take them as a whole …
         Are careless on the score of grace;
     And hence you needn't comb your poll
         Or decorate your unctuous face。

     Still; seeing that a little soap
         Would soften an excess of tint;
     You'll pardon my advance; I hope;
         In giving you a gentle hint。

Page: 29 

     You have your lovers … dusky beaux
         Not made of the poetic stuff
     That sports an Apollonian nose;
         And wears a sleek Byronic cuff。

     But rather of a rougher clay
         Unmixed with overmuch romance;
     Far better at the wildwood fray
         Than spinning in a ballroom dance。

     These scarcely are the sonneteers
         That sing their loves in faultless clothes:
     Your friends have more decided ears
         And more capaciousness of nose。

     No doubt they suit you best … although
         They woo you roughly it is said:
     Their way of courtship is a blow
         Struck with a nullah on the head。

Page: 30 

     It doesn't hurt you much … the thing
         Is hardly novel to your life;
     And; sans the feast and marriage ring;
         You make a good impromptu wife。

     This hasty sort of wedding might;
         In other cases; bring distress;
     But then; your draper's bills are light …
         You're frugal in regard to dress。

     You have no passion for the play;
         Or park; or other showy scenes;
     And; hence; you have no scores to pay;
         And live within your husband's means。

     Of course; his income isn't large; …
         And not too certain … still you thrive
     By steering well inside the marge;
         And keep your little ones alive。

Page: 31 

     In short; in some respects you set
         A fine example; and a few
     Of those white matrons I have met
         Would show some sense by copying you。

     Here let us part! I will not say;
         O lady free from scents and starch;
     That you are like; in any way;
         The authoress of ‘‘Middlemarch''。

     One cannot match her perfect phrase
         With commonplaces from your lip;
     And yet there are some sexual traits
         That show your dim relationship。

     Indeed; in spite of all the mists
         That grow from social codes; I see
     The liberal likeness which exists
         Throughout our whole humanity。

Page: 32 

     And though I've laughed at your expense;
         O Dryad of the dusky race;
     No man who has a heart and sense
         Would bring displeasure to your face。

Page: 33 


     ‘‘DAUGHTER;'' said the ancient father; pausing by the evening sea;
     ‘‘Turn thy face towards the sunset … turn thy face and kneel with me!
     Prayer and praise and holy fasting; lips of love and life of light;
     These and these have made thee perfect … shining saint with seraph's sight!
     Look towards that flaming crescent … look beyond that glowing space …
     Tell me; sister of the angels; what is beaming in thy face?''
     And the daughter; who had fasted; who had spent her days in prayer;

     Page: 34 
     Till the glory of the Saviour touched her head and rested there;
     Turned her eyes towards the sea…line … saw beyond the fiery crest;
     Floating over waves of jasper; far Hy…Brasil in the west。

     All the calmness and the colour … all the splendour and repose;
     Flowing where the sunset flowered; like a silver…hearted rose!
     There indeed was singing Eden; where the great gold river runs
     Past the porch and gates of crystal; ringed by strong and shining ones!
     There indeed was God's own garden; sailing down the sapphire sea …
     Lawny dells and slopes of summer; dazzling stream and radiant tree!

     Page: 35 
     Out against the hushed horizon … out beneath the reverent day;
     Flamed the Wonder on the waters … flamed and flashed and passed away。
     And the maiden who had seen it felt a hand within her own;
     And an angel that we know not led her to the lands unknown。

     Never since hath eye beheld it … never since hath mortal; dazed
     By its strange; unearthly splendour; on the floating Eden gazed!
     Only once since Eve went weeping through a throng of glittering wings;
     Hath the holy seen Hy…Brasil where the great gold river sings!
     Only once by quiet waters; under still; resplendent skies;

     Page: 36 
     Did the sister of the seraphs kneel in sight of Paradise!
     She; the pure; the perfect woman; sanctified by patient prayer;
     Had the eyes of saints of Heaven; all their glory in her hair:
     Therefore God the Father whispered to a radiant spirit near …
     ‘‘Show Our daughter fair Hy…Brasil … show her this; and lead her here。''

     But beyond the halls of sunset; but within the wondrous west;
     On the rose…red seas of evening; sails the Garden of the Blest。
     Still the gates of glassy beauty; still the walls of glowing light;
     Shine on waves that no man knows of; out of sound and out of sight。

     Page: 37 
     Yet the slopes and lawns of lustre; yet the dells of sparkling streams;
     Dip to tranquil shores of jasper; where the watching angel beams。
     But; behold; our eyes are human; and our way is paved with pain;
     We can never find Hy…Brasil; never see its hills again;
     Never look on bays of crystal; never bend the reverent knee
     In the sight of Eden floating … floating on the sapphire sea!

Page: 38 


     The bard who is singing of Wollombi Jim
     Is hardly just now in the requisite trim
         To sit on his Pegasus fairly;
     Besides; he is bluntly informed by the Muse
     That Jim is a subject no singer should choose;
         For Jim is poetical rarely。

     But being full up of the myths that are Greek …
     Of the classic; and ‘‘noble; and nude; and antique;''
          Which means not a rag but the pelt on;
     This poet intends to give Daphne the slip;
     For the sake of a hero in moleskin and kip;
          With a jumper and snake…buckle belt on。

Page: 39 

     No party is Jim of the Pericles type …
     He is modern right up from the toe to the pipe;
          And being no reader or roamer;
     He hasn't Euripides much 

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