贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > songs from the mountains >


songs from the mountains-第10章

小说: songs from the mountains 字数: 每页4000字

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     Page: 102 
     So; in the fall of the year;
         Saint with the fatherly head
     Hunted for somebody's dear …
         ‘‘Somebody's darling;'' he said。

     Bob; who was nobody's child;
         Sitting on nobody's lap;
     Draggled and dirty and wild …
         Bob got the little one's cap。
     Strange were compassionate words!
         Waif of the alley and lane
     Dreamed of the music of birds
         Floating about in the rain。

     White…headed father in God;
         Over thy beautiful grave
     Green is the grass of the sod;
         Soft is the sound of the wave。

     Page: 103 
     Down by the slopes of the sea
         Often and often will sob
     Boy who was fostered by thee …
         This is the story of Bob。

Page: 104 


     HE has a name which can't be brought
         Within the sphere of metre;
     But; as he's Peter by report;
         I'll trot him out as Peter。

     I call him mine; but don't suppose
         That I'm his dad; O reader!
     My wife has got a Norman nose …
         She reads the tales of Ouida。

     I never loved a nigger belle …
         My tastes are too aesthetic!
     The perfume from a gin is … well;
         A rather strong emetic。

Page: 105 

     But; seeing that my theme is Pete;
         This verse will be the neater
     If I keep on the proper beat;
         And stick throughout to Peter。

     We picked him up the Lord knows where!
         At noon we came across him
     Asleep beside a hunk of bear …
         His paunch was bulged with 'possum。

     (Last stanza will not bear; I own;
         A pressure analytic;
     But bard whose weight is fourteen stone;
         Is apt to thump the critic。)

     We asked the kid to give his name:
         He didn't seem too willing …
     The darkey played the darkey's game …
         We tipped him with a shilling!

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     We tipped him with a shining bob …
         No Tommy Dodd; believe us。
     We didn't ‘‘tumble'' to his job …
         Ah; why did Pete deceive us!

     I; being; as I've said; a bard;
         Resolved at once to foster
     This mite whose length was just a yard …
         This portable impostor!

     ‘‘This babe'' … I spoke in Wordsworth's tone …
         (See Wordsworth's ‘‘Lucy''; neighbour)
     ‘‘I'll make a darling of my own;
         And he'll repay my labour。

     ‘‘He'll grow as gentle as a fawn …
         As quiet as the blossoms
     That beautify a land of lawn …
         He'll eat no more opossums。

Page: 107 

     ‘‘The child I to myself will take
         In a paternal manner;
     And ah! he will not swallow snake
         In future; or ‘goanna'。

     ‘‘Will you reside with me; my dear?''
         I asked in accents mellow …
     The nigger grinned from ear to ear;
         And said; ‘‘All right; old fellow!''

     And so my Pete was taken home …
         My pretty piccaninny!
     And; not to speak of soap or comb;
         His cleansing cost a guinea。

     ‘‘But hang expenses!'' I exclaimed;
         ‘‘I'll give him education:
     A ‘nig' is better when he's tamed;
         Perhaps; than a Caucasian。

Page: 108 

     ‘‘Ethnologists are in the wrong
         About our sable brothers;
     And I intend to stop the song
         Of Pickering and others。''

     Alas; I didn't do it though!
         Old Pickering's conclusions
     Were to the point; as issues show;
         And mine were mere delusions。

     My inky pet was clothed and fed
         For months exceeding forty;
     But to the end; it must be said;
         His ways were very naughty。

     When told about the Land of Morn
         Above this world of Mammon;
     He'd shout; with an emphatic scorn;
         ‘‘Ah; gammon; gammon; gammon!''

Page: 109 

     He never lingered; like the bard;
         To sniff at rose expanding。
     ‘‘Me like;'' he said; ‘‘em cattle…yard …
         Fine smell … de smell of branding!''

     The soul of man; I tried to show;
         Went up beyond our vision。
     ‘‘You ebber see dat fellow go?''
         He asked in sheer derision。

     In short; it soon occurred to me
         This kid of six or seven;
     Who wouldn't learn his A B C;
         Was hardly ripe for heaven。

     He never lost his appetite …
         He bigger grew; and bigger;
     And proved; with every inch of height;
         A nigger is a nigger。

Page: 110 

     And; looking from this moment back;
         I have a strong persuasion
     That; after all; a finished black
         Is not the ‘‘clean'' … Caucasian。

     Dear Peter from my threshold went;
         One morning in the body:
     He ‘‘dropped'' me; to oblige a gent …
         A gent with spear and waddy!

     He shelved me for a boomerang …
         We never had a quarrel;
     And; if a moral here doth hang;
         Why let it hang … the moral!

     My mournful tale its course has run …
         My Pete; when last I spied him;
     Was eating 'possum underdone:
         He had his gin beside him。

Page: 111 


(Written in the Shadow of 1872) 

     FROM the rainy hill…heads; where; in starts and in spasms;
     Leaps wild the white torrent from chasms to chasms …
     From the home of bold echoes; whose voices of wonder
     Fly out of blind caverns struck black by high thunder …
     Through gorges august; in whose nether recesses
     Is heard the far psalm of unseen wildernesses …
     Like a dominant spirit; a strong…handed sharer
     Of spoil with the tempest; comes down the Narrara。

Page: 112 

     Yea; where the great sword of the hurricane cleaveth
     The forested fells that the dark never leaveth …
     By fierce…featured crags; in whose evil abysses
     The clammy snake coils; and the flat adder hisses …
     Past lordly rock temples; where Silence is riven
     By the anthems supreme of the four winds of heaven …
     It speeds; with the cry of the streams of the fountains
     It chained to its sides; and dragged down from the mountains!

     But when it goes forth from the slopes with a sally …
     Being strengthened with tribute from many a valley …
     It broadens and brightens; and thereupon marches
     Above the stream sapphires and under green arches;
     With the rhythm of majesty … careless of cumber …
     Its might in repose and its fierceness in slumber …
     Till it beams on the plains; where the wind is a bearer
     Of words from the sea to the stately Narrara!

Page: 113 

     Narrara! grand son of the haughty hill torrent;
     Too late in my day have I looked at thy current …
     Too late in my life to discern and inherit
     The soul of thy beauty; the joy of thy spirit!
     With the years of the youth and the hairs of the hoary;
     I sit like a shadow outside of thy glory;
     Nor look with the morning…like feelings; O river;
     That illumined the boy in the days gone for ever!

     Ah! sad are the sounds of old ballads which borrow
     One…half of their grief from the listener's sorrow;
     And sad are the eyes of the pilgrim who traces
     The ruins of Time in revisited places;
     But sadder than all is the sense of his losses
     That cometh to one when a sudden age crosses
     And cripples his manhood。 So; stricken by fate; I
     Felt older at thirty than some do at eighty。

Page: 114 

     Because I believe in the beautiful story;
     The poem of Greece in the days of her glory …
     That the high…seated Lord of the woods and the waters
     Has peopled His world with His deified daughters …
     That flowerful forests and waterways streaming
     Are gracious with goddesses glowing and gleaming …
     I pray that thy singing divinity; fairer
     Than wonderful women; may listen; Narrara!

     O spirit of sea…going currents! … thou; being
     The child of immortals; all…knowing; all…seeing …
     Thou hast at thy heart the dark truth that I borrow
     For the song that I sing thee;

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