贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > nada the lily(百合娜达) >


nada the lily(百合娜达)-第67章

小说: nada the lily(百合娜达) 字数: 每页4000字

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have my father and I to sendwe who are outcasts; and; indeed; the
bridegroom must pay the cattle。 May I bring you peace and love; my

Umslopogaas took the flower; and looked somewhat foolish with ithe
who was wont to carry the axe; and not a flower; and so that talk was

Now as it chanced; this was that day of the year when; according to
ancient custom; the Holder of the Axe must challenge all and sundry to
come up against him to fight in single combat for Groan…Maker and the
chieftainship of the people。 Therefore; when the talk was done;
Umslopogaas rose and went through the challenge; not thinking that any
would answer him; since for some years none had dared to stand before
his might。 Yet three men stepped forward; and of these two were
captains; and men whom the Slaughterer loved。 With all the people; he
looked at them astonished。

〃How is this?〃 he said in a low voice to that captain who was nearest
and who would do battle with him。

For answer the man pointed to the Lily; who stood by。 Then Umslopogaas
understood that because of the medicine of Nada's beauty all men
desired to win her; and; since he who could win the axe would take her
also; he must look to fight with many。 Well; fight he must or be

Of the fray there is little to tell。 Umslopogaas killed first one man
and then the other; and swiftly; for; growing fearful; the third did
not come up against him。

〃Ah!〃 said Galazi; who watched; 〃what did I tell you; Mopo? The curse
begins to work。 Death walks ever with that daughter of yours; old

〃I fear so;〃 I answered; 〃and yet the maiden is fair and good and

〃That will not mend matters;〃 said Galazi。

Now on that day Umslopogaas took Nada the Lily to wife; and for awhile
there was peace and quiet。 But this evil thing came upon Umslopogaas;
that; from the day when he wedded Nada; he hated even to look upon
Zinita; and not at her alone; but on all his other wives also。 Galazi
said it was because Nada had bewitched him; but I know well that the
only witcheries she used were the medicine of her eyes; her beauty;
and her love。 Still; it came to pass that henceforward; and until she
had long been dead; the Slaughterer loved her; and her alone; and that
is a strange sickness to come upon a man。

As may be guessed; my father; Zinita and the other women took this
ill。 They waited awhile; indeed; thinking that it would wear away;
then they began to murmur; both to their husband and in the ears of
other people; till at length there were two parties in the town; the
party of Zinita and the party of Nada。

The party of Zinita was made up of women and of certain men who loved
and feared their wives; but that of Nada was the greatest; and it was
all of men; with Umslopogaas at the head of them; and from this
division came much bitterness abroad; and quarrelling in the huts。 Yet
neither the Lily nor Umslopogaas heeded it greatly; nor indeed;
anything; so lost and well content were they in each other's love。

Now on a certain morning; after they had been married three full
moons; Nada came from her husband's hut when the sun was already high;
and went down through the rock gully to the river to bathe。 On the
right of the path to the river lay the mealie…fields of the chief; and
in them laboured Zinita and the other women of Umslopogaas; weeding
the mealie…plants。 They looked up and saw Nada pass; then worked on
sullenly。 After awhile they saw her come again fresh from the bath;
very fair to see; and having flowers twined among her hair; and as she
walked she sang a song of love。 Now Zinita cast down her hoe。

〃Is this to be borne; my sisters?〃 she said。

〃No;〃 answered another; 〃it is not to be borne。 What shall we do
shall we fall upon her and kill her now?〃

〃It would be more just to kill Bulalio; our lord;〃 answered Zinita。
〃Nada is but a woman; and; after the fashion of us women; takes all
that she can gather。 But he is a man and a chief; and should know
wisdom and justice。〃

〃She has bewitched him with her beauty。 Let us kill her;〃 said the
other women。

〃Nay;〃 answered Zinita; 〃I will speak with her;〃 and she went and
stood in the path along which the Lily walked singing; her arms folded
across her breast。

Now Nada saw her and; ceasing her song; stretched out her hand to
welcome her; saying; 〃Greeting; sister。〃 But Zinita did not take it。
〃It is not fitting; sister;〃 she said; 〃that my hand; stained with
toil; should defile yours; fresh with the scent of flowers。 But I am
charged with a message; on my own behalf and the behalf of the other
wives of our Lord Bulalio; the weeds grow thick in yonder corn; and we
women are few; now that your love days are over; will not you come and
help us? If you brought no hoe from your Swazi home; surely we will
buy you one。〃

Now Nada saw what was meant; and the blood poured to her head。 Yet she
answered calmly:

〃I would willingly do this; my sister; though I have never laboured in
the fields; for wherever I have dwelt the men have kept me back from
all work; save such as the weaving of flowers or the stringing of
beads。 But there is this against itUmslopogaas; my husband; charged
me that I should not toil with my hands; and I may not disobey my

〃Our husband charged you so; Nada? Nay; then it is strange。 See; now;
I am his head wife; his Inkosikaasit was I who taught him how to win
the axe。 Yet he has laid no command on me that I should not labour in
the fields after the fashion of women; I who have borne him children;
nor; indeed; has he laid such a command upon any of our sisters; his
other wives。 Can it then be that Bulalio loves you better than us;

Now the Lily was in a trap; and she knew it。 So she grew bold。

〃One must be most loved; Zinita;〃 she said; 〃as one must be most fair。
You have had your hour; leave me mine; perhaps it will be short。
Moreover this: Umslopogaas and I loved each other much long years
before you or any of his wives saw him; and we love each other to the
end。 There is no more to say。〃

〃Nay; Nada; there is still something to say; there is this to say:
Choose one of two things。 Go and leave us to be happy with our lord;
or stay and bring death on all。〃

Now Nada thought awhile; and answered: 〃Did I believe that my love
would bring death on him I love; it might well chance that I would go
and leave him; though to do so would be to die。 But; Zinita; I do not
believe it。 Death chiefly loves the weak; and if he falls it will be
on the Flower; not on the Slayer of Men;〃 and she slipped past Zinita
and went on; singing no more。

Zinita watched her till she was over the ridge; and her face grew evil
as she watched。 Then she returned to the women。

〃The Lily flouts us all; my sisters;〃 she said。 〃Now listen: my
counsel is that we declare a feast of women to be held at the new moon
in a secret place far away。 All the women and the children shall come
to it except Nada; who will not leave her lover; and if there be any
man whom a woman loves; perhaps; my sisters; that man would do well to
go on a journey about the time of the new moon; for evil things may
happen at the town of the People of the Axe while we are away
celebrating our feast。〃

〃What; then; shall befall; my sister?〃 asked one。

〃Nay; how can I tell?〃 she answered。 〃I only know that we are minded
to be rid of Nada; and thus to be avenged on a man who has scorned our
loveay; and on those men who follow after the beauty of Nada。 Is it
not so; my sisters?〃

〃It is so;〃 they answered。

〃Then be silent on the matter; and let us give out our feast。〃

Now Nada told Umslopogaas of those words which she had bandied with
Zinita; and the Slaughterer was troubled。 Yet; because of his
foolishness and of the medicine of Nada's eyes; he would not turn from
his way; and was ever at her side; thinking of little else except of
her。 Thus; when Zinita came to him; and asked leave to declare a feast
of women that should be held far away; he consented; and gladly; for;
above all things; he desired to be free from Zinita and her angry
looks for awhile; nor did he suspect a plot。 Only he told her that
Nada should not go to th

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